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Social Carrying Capacity in Island Destinations: Interpreting Visitors’ Opinions in Madeira Island

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Figure 1

Map of Madeira Island with the Laurel Forest and the Natural Park of Madeira, Source:
Map of Madeira Island with the Laurel Forest and the Natural Park of Madeira, Source:

Figure 2

Kruskal-Wallis with Independent Samples Relating Age with Dimension 3 - Path Conditions
Kruskal-Wallis with Independent Samples Relating Age with Dimension 3 - Path Conditions

Figure 3

Mann-Whitney U Test Relating Gender with Dimension 3 - Trail Conditions
Mann-Whitney U Test Relating Gender with Dimension 3 - Trail Conditions

Figure 4

Kruskal-Wallis with Independent Samples Relating the Variable Country with the Grouping Variables Dimension 2 - Path Amenities, Dimension 3 - Path Conditions, Dimension 4 - Environmental Conditions, Dimension 5 - Environmental Pollution
Kruskal-Wallis with Independent Samples Relating the Variable Country with the Grouping Variables Dimension 2 - Path Amenities, Dimension 3 - Path Conditions, Dimension 4 - Environmental Conditions, Dimension 5 - Environmental Pollution

Figure 5

Kruskal-Wallis with Independent Samples Relating Education with Dimension 3 - Path Conditions
Kruskal-Wallis with Independent Samples Relating Education with Dimension 3 - Path Conditions

Testing of Sociodemographic Variables for Contributing Factors to Satisfaction with the UNESCO Site Laurisilva of Madeira

Hypotheses DImension N Test Mean rank p-value Decision
H1 (Age) 3 (Trail conditions) 365 Kruskal-Wallis 17.367 0.004 Reject
H2 (Gender) 3 (Trail conditions) 353 Mann-Whitney 18.347 0.003 Reject
2 (Trail amenities) 341 19.214 0.014 Reject
3 (Trail conditions) 363 20.830 0.008 Reject
H3 (Country of residence) 4 (Environmental conditions) 409 Kruskal-Wallis 29.768 0.000 Reject
5 (Pollution level) 447 19.981 0.010 Reject
H4 (Household income) All dimensions 481 Kruskal-Wallis Accept
H5 (Academic qualifications) 3 (Trail conditions) 345 Kruskal-Wallis 8.954 0.030 Reject

Mean Scores for Satisfaction Levels Referring to Social Carrying Capacity

Social factor Mean score Level Mean satisfied Mean neutral Mean dissatisfied
Dimension 5 6.171 Moderately satisfied 92% 5% 3%
Dimension 1 6.025 Moderately satisfied 74% 14% 12%
Dimension 2 5.350 Slightly satisfied 34% 21% 44%
Dimension 4 4.969 Slightly satisfied 62% 20% 18%
Dimension 3 3.745 Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 93% 4% 3%
Social carrying capacity 5.252 Slightly satisfied 71% 13% 3%

Factor Analysis to Know Which Variables Measure Which Factors by Using a Varimax-Rotated Factor Matrix

Variable Component Mean score
1 2 3 4 5
Q7.17. Cleanliness of the 25 Fontes trail 0.882 5.923
Q7.15. Cleanliness of the Risco trail 0.879 5.986
Q7.18. Cleanliness of the 25 Fontes lagoon 0.845 5.957
Q7.16. Cleanliness of Risco trail 0.842 6.054
Q7.19. Forest condition 0.711 6.021
Q7.20. Native plants in the landscape 0.653 6.207
Q7.3. Availability of parking areas 0.747 5.081
Q7.2. Information signs 0.678 5.248
Q7.1. Awareness of tourism potential 0.637 5.438
Q7.4. Free admissions 0.588 6.120
Q7.12. Courteousness of personnel 0.532 5.962
Q7.11. Maintenance of the tourist attraction 0.520 5.286
Q7.5. Opportunity to escape crowds 0.399 4.316
Q7.7. Number of toilets 0.852 3.888
Q7.8. Cleanliness of toilets 0.821 3.798
Q7.6. Number of rubbish bins 0.700 3.849
Q7.10. On-site information about emergency services 0.681 3.444
Q7.23. Learn about nature 0.836 4.851
Q7.24. Conscious environmental management 0.799 5.345
Q7.14. Presence of wildlife 0.551 4.711
Q7.21. Levels of noise pollution 0.819 6.078
Q7.22. Levels of air pollution 0.775 6.264

Eigenvalue 7.708 2.907 1.442 1.364 1.093
Percentage of variance explained 35.038 13.216 6.552 6.201 4.966

Total variance explained 65.974

Sociodemographic Profile and Trip Description of Visitors of PR6/PR6.1 (N=481).

Frequency (%)
Male 53.0%
Female 47.0%
15 to 24 2.7%
25 to 34 17.3%
35 to 44 9.4%
45 to 54 27.3%
55 to 64 32.7%
>65 10.6%
Marital status
Single 16.4%
Married/Non-marital union 78.4%
Divorced 3.7%
Widower 1.5%
Country of residence
Portugal 6.9%
France 18.8%
Germany 38.2%
Spain 2.3%
United Kingdom 2.9%
Benelux 12.1%
Scandinavia 1.3%
Other European countries 15.2%
Non-European countries 2.3%
Employed 63.6%
Self-employed 13.4%
Student 1.5%
Unemployed 0.6%
Pensioner 16.4%
Other 4.5%
Net monthly household income
<500€ 1.7%
501€–1000€ 4.8%
1001€–1500€ 9.0%
1501€–2500€ 14.0%
2501€–3500€ 20.2%
3501€–5000€ 26.1%
5001€–7500€ 15.7%
>7500€ 8.4%
Elementary 3.8%
Secondary 29.0%
University degree 45.8%
Master's/PhD degree 21.5%
Cruise ship 0.0%
Hotel 51.1%
Resort 3.6%
Serviced apartment 3.4%
Tourist apartment 14.9%
Lodge 1.5%
B&B/Hostel 1.7%
Local accommodation 8.5%
Friends/relatives house 1.9%
Private house 12.3%
Camping 1.1%
Stay duration (days)
<5 4.0%
5 to 8 52.1%
9 to 15 42.8%
>15 1.1%
Group size (individuals)
<3 73.4%
3 to 5 18.8%
6 to 10 3.1%
11 to 20 1.8%
>20 2.9%
Local workers 2.5%
Visit duration (minutes)
<30 0.2%
30 to 60 17.4%
61 to 120 10.1%
121 to 180 27.3%
181 to 240 28.0%
>240 16.9%
No 97.5%
Yes 2.5%
Expenditure during the visit
Did not spent 9.5%
<10€ 26.3%
10€–20€ 31.9%
21€–30€ 9.5%
31€–50€ 5.6%
>50€ 7.5%
I don’t know/Prefer not to answer 9.7%