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Gramatica Critică Sau Critica Gramaticii?

À propos de cet article


Gramatica critică a limbii române (The Critical Grammar of the Romanian Language), authored by Ștefan Găitănaru, was published in 2018, at the University of Pitești Publishing House. The launch of this book took place during the National Conference on Adaptation, Conservation and Rejection in the Evolution of the Romanian Cultural/ Linguistic/ Literary Phenomenon, held at the Faculty of Letters in Sibiu, on May 24, 2019. The purpose of the book, mentioned by the author in the Preface, is to update the grammar research, emphasizing the normative aspect. Thus, we witness a descriptive-normative grammar, with a classical structure: part I - Morphology and part II - Syntax, each section comprising the description, analysis and interpretation of specific components. This Critical Grammar brings to the surface controversial aspects regarding the grammatical structure of the Romanian language, with pertinent observations and recommendations, with solid arguments, for or against, from case to case.
