À propos de cet article


The volume Tatăl meu, Lucian Blaga has a double meaning: first of all, Dorli Blaga intends to shape the writer's portrait and, above all, the man Lucian Blaga himself, for whom the act of creation becomes a refuge. Secondly, it creates an autobiographical work, appealing to her own memories and exposing her own opinion regarding the writers and political unions of the 20th century. This volume clearly shows the daughter's duty to defend her father's name. This essay Tatăl ei, Lucian Blaga. Reconstituiri biografice presents the impediments ecountered by Lucian Blaga in his literary and political career, but also his image in the intimate position as a parent and husband. The sacrifices accomplished on behalf of his family, the fear of having his work plagiarised and the strength to bear the injustices of the Romanian state are just some details from Lucian Blaga's life, presented by his daughter or revealed by the writer himself in his correspondence.
