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Pentru O Poetică A Ritmurilor Discursive În Lirica Blagiană

   | 18 avr. 2020
À propos de cet article


Lucian Blaga’s writing merges into the boundaries of the European modernism both if we refer to the formal and the theoretical aspects of his work. His poetry shows us the deconstruction of the typical rhymed verse through the use of the white one. But as soon as poetry deconstructs the concepts of rhyme or meter as a necessity to define the formal aspects of writing, there is the resistant concept of rhythm which shows himself a plural concept. The aim of this paper is to investigate rhythm in the poetical creation of Lucian Blaga not as the asset of formal constructions, but as it was proposed by Henri Meschonnic a discursive rhythm which is in a tight relation with the subject of speech.
