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Spreadsheets have amazing facilities for graphical representation of data. The computing power and the possibility to get the results without programming, interactivity by using controls make spreadsheets a powerful learning tool. Having as starting point an DSC curve for Indium performed between 120°C and 180°C, the shape of curve was modeled, by using Excel, under assumption that, before and after peak corresponding to melting transition, there is no dependence between specific heat of metal and temperature. Even the peak shape it not perfect symmetrical, it was modeled considering a gaussian distribution. Linear regression has been used for computing the medium values of specific heat in solid and liquid state and was used a spinner as interactive tool for peak shape control. Despite the model deficiencies, starting from specific heats, latent heat of melting and peak apex temperature it has been possible the simulation of DSC curve which was in a good correlation with the real one.