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Romania brings its contribution to the European Union through a valuable heritage, with numerous species of plants and animals, some endemic and relict, among them medicinal plants and those with high nutritional value. Romania’s geographical position and climate have always offered special conditions for favourable for the culture of fruit trees and shrubs.

Around towns, in familiar gardens, in small spaces around buildings, on walls and trellises, the cultivation of various species of trees and shrubs is a leisure occupation and a source of fruit supply. Fruit trees and shrubs in parks, around houses, on roads and alignments, in addition to aesthetics and fruit production, contribute to improving the climate, preventing and combating environmental pollution.

Hippophaë rhamnoides-Sea buckthorn is a shrub of particular importance, found both in spontaneous flora and in controlled cultures. In Romania, sea buckthorn grows spontaneously in the Subcarpathian area of Moldova and Muntenia.

Depending on the place where it is planted, sea buckthorn can grow as a shrub or tree at a height of 1.5 m to 3.5 m, or even more. In arid areas it can become creeping, being an adaptation to environmental conditions. Sea buckthorn is used in food, medicine, animal feed and forestry. Used in agriculture, buckthorn has a very important role in increasing the winter resistance of bees. From a nutritional point of view, sea buckthorn has a high content of minerals, vitamins, oils, acids and unsaturated fats, present in the fruits and leaves.

Sea buckthorn fruits have a high content of vitamin E, C and carotenoids with strong oxidative action, which slow down aging. Sea buckthorn oil relieves light medication, heals wounds and skin lesions, burns and speeds up the healing process Considering the special valences in maintaining health and treating some ailments, we must take care of this natural wealth of Romania - buckhorn, and we must not consider it inexhaustible, in order not to disappear especially from the spontaneous flora before our eyes.
