À propos de cet article


Distribution of study subjects based on symptoms and treatment details

Characteristic Frequency (%)
Symptom status (N = 203)
Symptomatic 149 (73.4)
Asymptomatic 54 (26.6)

Type of Symptoms (n = 149)
Fever 114 (76.5)
Cough 72 (48.3)
Myalgia 29 (19.5)
Running nose 28 (18.8)
Sore throat 26 (17.4)
Fatigue 20 (13.4)
Headache 20 (13.4)
Breathlessness 12 (8.0)
Sneezing 10 (6.7)
Chills 7 (4.7)
Diarrhoea 7 (4.7)

Course of Treatment
Outpatient 114 (56.1)
In-patient 89 (43.8)

Case severity (as per ICMR)
Mild case 193 (95.1)
Moderate case 8 (3.9)
Severe case 2 (1.0)

Supplemental Oxygen requirement
Oxygen support required 10 (4.9)
Oxygen support not required 193 (95.1)

Mode of Oxygen delivery (n = 10)
Simple face mask 8 (80.0)
CPAP 2 (20.0)

Treated in Home isolation 134 (66.0)
Discharged from IP ward 60 (29.6)
Referred to other Hospital 7 (3.4)
Died 2 (1.0)

Comparison of duration of last dose of COVID-19 vaccine taken and RT-PCR Positivity with SGTF between partially and completely vaccinated subjects (n = 156)

Vaccination status Type of vaccine Mean (SD) 95% CI of Mean Median Mean difference (95% CI of Mean difference) P value
Partially vaccinated (n = 31) Covaxin (n = 6) 115 (72 days) 39, 191 days 121 days -11 days (-75, 52 days) 0.960
Covishield (n = 25) 126 (67 days) 98, 154 days 114 days
Completely vaccinated (n = 125) Covaxin (n = 44) 186 (82 days) 162, 210 days 195 days 55 days (25, 85 days) < 0.001*
Covishield (n = 81) 131 (79 days) 114, 148 days 113 days

Comparison of interval between two doses of COVID vaccine taken among completely vaccinated RTPCR Positive SGTF subjects (n = 125)

Type of Vaccine Mean (SD) 95% CI of Mean Median (IQR) Mean difference (95% CI of Mean difference) P value
Covaxin (n = 44) 48 (25) days 40, 55 days 33 (30, 60) days - 37 (-50, -24) days < 0.001*
Covishield (n = 81) 85 (39) days 76, 94 days 89 (51, 97) days

Association between COVID-19 vaccination status of subjects and their symptom status, course of treatment and supplemental oxygen requirement (N = 203)

Variable Vaccinated n = 158 Unvaccinated n = 45 P value Odds Ratio [95% CI]
Symptom status
Symptomatic 116 (73.4) 33 (73.3) 0.991 1.004
Asymptomatic 42 (26.6) 12 (26.7) (0.475, 2.124)

Course of treatment
Outpatient 99 (62.7) 15 (33.3) < 0.001* 3.356
In-patient 59 (37.3) 30 (66.7) (1.669, 6.748)

Supplemental Oxygen
Required 4 (2.5) 6 (13.3) 0.003* 0.169
Not required 154 (97.5) 39 (86.7) (0.045, 0.628)

Distribution of Study subjects based on treatment details

Treatment details Frequency (%)
Vaccination Status (N = 203)
Vaccinated 158 (77.8)
Unvaccinated 45 (22.2)

Vaccine Type (n = 158)
Covaxin 50 (31.7)
Covishield 106 (67.0)
Other vaccines 2 (1.3)

Dose of Vaccination (n = 158)
One Dose (Partially vaccinated) 32 (20.3)
Two Doses (Completely vaccinated) 126 (79.7)

Distribution of study subjects based on Socio-demographic characteristics

Characteristic (N = 203) Frequency (%)
Age Group
20 years and below 19 (9.4)
21 – 40 years 79 (38.9)
41 – 60 years 78 (38.4)
61 – 80 years 24 (11.8)

Above 80 years 3 (1.5)
Male 129 (63.5)
Female 74 (36.5)

Comorbid status
Comorbid 39 (19.2)
Non-comorbid 164 (80.8)

Travel History
Present 29 (14.3)
Absent 174 (85.7)

Past History of COVID-19 infection
Present 16 (7.9)
Absent 173 (85.2)
Not sure 14 (6.9)

Duration between past COVID-19 infection and current episode (n = 16)
5 months and below 3 (18.8)
6 – 10 months 10 (62.5)
11 – 15 months 2 (12.5)
16 – 20 months 1(6.2)
3 fois par an
Sujets de la revue:
Medicine, Clinical Medicine, Internal Medicine, Cardiology