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Numerical Analysis of the Impact of the Use of Personal Protective Equipment on the Face in the Process of Pollutants Spreading Emitted During Breathing

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Personal protective equipment (PPE) plays an important role in reducing the airborne transmission risk of contaminants exhaled by infected people, but also protects occupants from the risk of infection. During the pandemic, people started wearing face shields of different shapes and construction and face masks of different protection quality, from high protection given by FFP2 type to simple homemade material masks. A wide variety of parameters like material type, shape, fit to the user’s face and user habits play an important role of PPE efficiency in the reduction of virus transmission in the air [1,2]. A deeper understanding of the efficiency provided by PPE is still needed.

Airborne transmission occurs mainly indoors due to the spreading of exhaled jet that contains infectious droplet nuclei. Exhalation can occur as breathing, sneezing, and coughing but also when talking. Each of that expiration process characterizes different velocities from 20 m/s for sneezing and from 1 to 5 m/s for breathing and talking. Droplets’ sizes range from 0.1 to 1000 µm [3, 4]. Droplets exhaled by people evaporate quickly to form droplet nuclei. Droplets nuclei of size 10 µm and less are airborne and may remain suspended in the air for hours. They can contain viruses that can be transported for a very long distance [5].

Airborne transmission is investigated using experimental and CFD studies [5]. Both experimental and CFD studies use thermal breathing manikins [611] or Computer Simulated Person (CSP) that rely on the human breathing process [9, 1216]. Basic knowledge of the human breathing process, physical parameters and developed mathematical formulas are based on experimental measurements with people [1719].

A cross-infection risk is simulated in the presence of a Computer Simulated Person (CSP) with different breathing mode [12, 1416]. CFD simulations require a well-developed numerical model with properly designed boundary conditions. An extensive review of the BC for CFD models including characteristics of the thermal body, the geometry of mouth, nose, characteristics of breathing mode and breathing flow can be found in [5]. A number of CFD study focuses on the importance of ventilation strategy like: Mixing Ventilation, Displacement Ventilation, Personal Ventilation on contaminated flow distribution and cross-infection risk [9, 15, 20]. Villafruela et al. [16] show that exhaling through the nose or mouth disperses exhaled contaminants in a completely different way. The influence of the thermal plume on exhaled by people aerosols was analysed by Feng et al. [14]. In a number of numerical simulations, a cross-infection risk analysis is based on the pathways of airborne droplets nuclei. A simplified model includes only a carrier phase where exhaled contaminants are simulated using tracer gas: CO2, N2O or SF6. A spatial distribution of ejected tracer gas concentration indoors was studied by [9, 15, 16, 21]. A discrete phase is simulated by particle generation in the exhaled air using DPM (Discrete Phase Model). These models are much more realistic, however, they generate problems with a proper prediction of particle size distribution and its concentration in exhaled air. The transport of particles was included in the study of [12, 14, 22]. Simplified numerical models usually calculate steady-state conditions with constant exhalation [23]. In transient calculation, a full breathing model with inhalation and exhalation must be assumed [24].

A current topic of scientific research in the field of ventilation, medicine and occupational health is the efficiency of PPE in reducing cross-infection risk. Wearing personal protective equipment has become our daily routine during the pandemic. There is available a wide variety of face masks and shields, characterized by different effectiveness in removing viruses and contaminants. Manufacturers declare only the effectiveness of removing impurities for specialized masks and face shields that fulfil the requirements of the dedicated standards. Sai Saran et. al. [25] revised existing standards and recommendations on the technical aspects of PPE. Many researchers focused their numerical studies on the issue of PPE application [2, 2628]. Dbouk and Dirkakis [29,30] showed in their study the transition of respiratory droplets through a face mask. They proved that using the face mask will reduce airborne transmission, however, the mask does not provide complete protection due to leaks that appear during coughing. Lia et al. [28] calculated that most leaks appear in the regions of the nose (40%). Deng and Chen [2] focused their work on the analysis of suitable social distancing for people wearing face masks during the pandemic. They have found that social distancing could be reduced to 0.5 m when people wear the masks. Numerical modelling of face protection against a sneeze was analysed by Ugarte-Anero et al. [27]. They proved that face protection does not provide accurate protection. The only protected person is that one is sneezing. Tretiakow et al. [26] analysed the time of contact with contaminated air. They have found that when the air starts to move the time of contact with contaminated air significantly decreases compared to still air. In case of wearing PPE also a risk of re-inhalation of contaminated air is important. Jian and Ai [28] found that oxygen fraction (O2) in the inhaled air once wearing a mask is 2% less than without wearing a face mask. This discovery shows how important is an accurate design of PPE in order to protect the user’s wellbeing when wearing masks or shields for many hours.

Our study presents a comparison of a few selected face protective equipment in terms of the spatial distribution of contaminants in the close vicinity of the face under the different phases of the breathing cycle. A few face shields of a different shapes and distances from the face as well as a simple face mask were analyzed. We have chosen CO2 as a tracer of contaminants distribution. Application of the CO2 as an indicator of airborne cross-infection risk was an issue of a few publications [3133]. They have found that CO2 can be successfully used as an indicator of airborne cross-infection risk. A risk of re-inhalation of exhaled contaminated air was also analyzed in our study. Many people after wearing face protection for many hours, complain that they fill a deterioration in their well-being. It is suspected that this is a result of inhalation of increased CO2 concentration and acidification of the body which causes symptoms of headache, irritability and general malaise.

Geometric model

A three-dimensional geometry of the human head with torso was prepared. Human stature was located in the environment simulated in the shape of a cube with a volume equal to 1 m3 (edge length is 1 m), (Fig. 1). Human is breathing through the nose. The surface of one nasal opening was 0.65 cm2 [33]. Five types of geometrical models were analysed. In each model human head was equipped with different personal protective equipment (PPE). Types of PPE considered in the study were: two types of face shields worn at a different distance from the face and fabric face masks with shape characteristics for chosen FFP masks. The fifth reference geometry did not include any personal protective equipment (Fig. 2).

Figure 1.

Example of geometry showing the torso and head of a human with the fabric mask

Figure 2.

Examples of Personal Protective Equipment used in research, A – full face shield, B – small face shield, C – material mask, D- no PPE

List of parameters describing the quality of meshes

Model Number of elements Average skewness Average orthogonal quality
Reference model without PPE 2 485 096 0.181 0.817
Model with shield covering nose and mouth 2 637 907 0.183 0.814
Model with face shield, 15 mm far from face 2 779 952 0.185 0.812
Model with face shield, 40 mm far from face 2 811 042 0.186 0.811
Model with a fabric mask 907 944 0 (skewness parameter is not applicable for polyhedral mashes) 0.96526
Numerical discretization

The computational model was discretized with Ansys Meshing software. In the central part of the domain, near head, neck and torso model was discretised with tetrahedral elements. The numerical grid in the rest of the domain was discretised with hexahedral elements. Between tetrahedral and hexahedral elements, a layer of pyramidal elements was created (Fig. 3).

Figure 3.

Refined computational mesh on the cross-section of the numerical model. Geometry with a small face shield

The size of particular elements of the grid was globally set as 11.5 mm. The Sizing functions were used on the surface of the head, neck and torso, to increase the number of the grid elements in the vicinity of the human body. The elements size was set locally as 2.95 mm. The growth rate in the whole model was defined as 1.2. Particular parameters describing individual meshes are shown in Tab. 1. The values of average skewness and orthogonal quality of mesh elements in each model indicate the good quality of numerical meshes used in this study [34].

The computational cubic domain for the computational case with the fabric mask was discretized with the Fluent Meshing software due to the higher complexity of geometry. This numerical mesh contains only polyhedral elements in its structure (Fig. 4). The minimal size of surface mesh elements was set as 0.05 mm where the maximum element size was equal to 10 mm. The growth rate in the whole model was defined equal to 1.2. Boundary layers were added on the surfaces of the body and mask. Their transition ratio was set as 0.272. The maximum size of volume mesh elements was set to 13 mm. The number of elements and their average orthogonal quality are summarized in Tab. 1.

Figure 4.

Refined computational mesh on the cross-section of the numerical model. Geometry with a fabric mask

Grid sensitivity study

The grid independence study was carried out on the model with a face shield covering the entire face. For this purpose, 4 numerical meshes were created using Ansys Meshing software. The number of elements of each of the four meshes is summarized in Tab. 2.

Fig. 6 shows the course of the mean values of carbon dioxide concentration as a function of time on the upper surface of the computational domain (Fig. 5), obtained for two consecutive breathing cycles for which a pseudo-steady state was reached.

Figure 5.

Computing domain with marked location of the top surface

Figure 6.

Graph of CO2 concentration changes in time on the upper surface of the computational domain for 4 different numerical mesh for two breathing periods at pseudo-steady state

The lowest concentration value was obtained for the first mesh with the smallest number of elements: mesh (1.1) in Tab. 2. The results obtained for the successive mesh show a similar course of the CO2 concentration function. The fundamental method of verifying simulation results is by showing asymptotic convergence of the numerical solution. For this purpose, the average CO2 concentration at the upper domain boundary for a pseudo-steady state was computed as follows (1):

Grid parameters used for grid independence study

Mesh: 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4
Element Size [mm]: 20 15.4 11.5 8.8
Sizing [mm]: 5 3.8 2.9 2.2
Number of elements: 887 932 1 643 675 2 886 498 5 251 038
Y¯CO2=1T Aupperττ+TAupperYCO2dS

Y¯CO2 – averaged mass concentration of carbon dioxide,

Y¯CO2 – time and position-dependent mass concentration of carbon dioxide, -

Aupper – an area of upper domain surface, m2

T – breathing period duration, s

Fig. 7 presents the value of the average concentration of carbon dioxide at the upper domain surface as a function of a number of mesh cells, it can be clearly noticed that the solution is within the asymptotic region of the mesh size convergence.

Figure 7.

Graph of average CO2 concentration at the top surface as a function of a number of mesh cells

Results presented in Figure 7 were used to carry out verification of the numerical solution. First of all for three consecutively refined meshes the observed discretisation order was computed (2) [35, 36]:


fΔx,i – numerical solution at i-th refinement level,

r=Δx2Δx1=Δx3Δx2=Δx4Δx30.82 – average mesh refinement ratio,

Having a value of the observed discretisation order, the Grid Convergence Index (GCI) can be computed, which is interpreted as an estimation of the relative discretisation error (3):


fe – exact solution to the problem,

E – relative discretisation error,

The results of the solution verification procedure are presented in Tab. 3. It can be noticed that the observed discretisation order is equal to around 1.6 which is slightly lower than the theoretical discretisation order of the applied discretisation scheme. Moreover, it can be seen that the GCI decreases for subsequently refined meshes which proves that the solution is within the asymptotic region of mesh convergence.

Results of the mesh independence study

Mesh Number of cells, Millions Mesh refinement ratio Solution, ppm Observed discretisation order GCI
1.1 0.888 - 725.5 - -
1.2 1.644 0.81 750.0 - 0.123
1.3 2.886 0.83 767.7 1.63 0.086
1.4 5.251 0.82 784.0 - 0.077

Based on the carried out mesh dependence study, numerical mesh number 1.3 was chosen for further simulations, because it offers good accuracy in reasonable computing time.

Equations and simulation parameters

The mathematical model consists of the following governing equations: continuity (4), momentum (5) and energy conservations (8), turbulence model equations (6, 7) and species of transport (9). Four species transport was included in the model: O2,CO2, H2O and N2. The time-dependent calculations were solved due to a full breathing model including breath in, breath out and a pause between breaths. The airflow turbulence was simulated using SST k-ω model. The enhanced wall treatment was used to resolve the boundary layer in the near walls. Heat transfer by means of radiation was neglected in the mathematical model. These assumptions result in the following set of differential equations:

ρt+(ρu) ρt+(ρuu)=p+Teff+ρg

ρ – fluid density, kg/m3

t – time, s

u – fluid velocity vector, m/s

p – pressure, Pa

Teff – tensor of molecular and turbulent stresses, N/m2

g – gravitational acceleration, m/s2

List of boundary conditions with specifications

Element: Type of boundary conditions Conditions related to the conservation of momentum Thermal conditions
Nostrils Mass-flow inlet Mass flux defined by the user Temperature defined by the user, T = 307 K
Face shield surface Wall Standard fixed walls Zero heat flux
Fabric mask Porous Jump Porous materialThickness: 0.5 mmFace permeability: 9.8−10 m2 Zero heat flux
Body surface Wall Standard fixed walls Heat flux 40 W/m2
The outer surface of the numerical domain Pressure-outlet Standard conditions T = 293 K
t(ρk)+(ρku)=(Γkk)+GkYk t(ρω)+(ρωu)=(Γωω)+GωYω

Gk – turbulence kinetic energy production term due to average velocity gradient

Gω – specific dissipation rate production term

Γk – effective diffusion coefficient of turbulence kinetic energy

Γω – effective diffusion coefficient of specific dissipation rate

Yk – dissipation term of turbulence kinetic energy

Yω – dissipation term of specific dissipation rate


E – specific internal energy, J/kg

keff – effective thermal conduction coefficient, W/mK

Ji – diffusion mass flux of i-th component, kg/m2s

hi – specific enthalpy of i-th component, J/kg


Yi – a mass fraction of i-th component.

The above set of equations was discretized in space using second order upwind and second order interpolation scheme was applied to integrate equations in time. The pressure-velocity coupling model was solved by the SIMPLE scheme. The transient calculations were performed for 126 seconds of real-time which included twenty breathing cycles that allow one to reach a pseudo-steady state. A time step in the model was assumed as 0.1 s, with 30 iterations per one-time step. The simulations were run on a Windows Server 2019 Standard platform (64-bit operating system), on a workstation with 160 GB RAM memory. The host processor was Intel(R) Xeon(R) E5-2670V2 2.5GHz. Three other Intel(R) Xeon(R) E5-2670V2 2.5GHz processors were used for compute-node processes.

Boundary conditions and initial parameters

In the numerical model the human silhouette is surrounded by air at a temperature of 20°C.

Human breathing was assumed only through the nose and a full breathing model was applied at nostrils surfaces (see section 2.5 for details). Constant heat flux was assumed at the human body surface.

Breathing model – UDF

A realistic breathing model was assumed in the simulation. A single breath cycle lasts 6 seconds and consists of inhalation (2.5 s), exhalation (2.5 s), and pause (1 s) according to the literature [33]. Molar fractions of exhaled mixture made up of O2, N2, H2O and CO2, were defined based on the procedure described in [24]. The model of human breathing with a complete respiratory cycle allows the mapping of the actual human respiration process and enables monitoring of carbon dioxide concentration changes during inhalations. A boundary condition on the surface of the nostrils was described using the User Defined Function (UDF) described in [24]. It replaces the constant volume flow that can be defined in the Ansys Fluent software with a realistic breathing cycle (Fig. 8). The UDF function was used to define the temperature variability during individual respiratory phases, the qualitative and quantitative composition of the exhaled air, as well as the values of the inhaled and exhaled air flow rate.

Figure 8.

Example of CO2 concentration changes in time at the surface of the nostrils, during breathing, as it is described by developed UDF

Qualitative analysis

This section shows the results of the comparison of different PPE applications by means of the contours and air flow paths coloured by CO2 concentration, velocity and temperature during different stages of human breath. For the case with material mask, calculation took 11 hours, for the rest cases calculation took approx. 20 hours and 20 minutes. The graphics present results obtained for the 21st breathing cycle, i.e. after two minutes of real-time simulation. The calculation results, shown in Figures 1115, were analysed for the time equal to 0.1 seconds before the end of each, of the three characteristic phases in the cycle: inhalation, exhalation, and pause as shown in Fig. 9. The sagittal plane was used as shown in Fig. 10 to present results of CO2 concentration, velocity and temperature profiles.

Figure 9.

Characteristic time points in the breathing cycle used in results analysis

Figure 10.

Location of section plane for results visualization

Figure 11.

Contours of CO2 concentration in the numerical domain during inhalation for the 21st breathing cycle

Figure 12.

Contours of CO2 concentration in the numerical domain during exhalation

Figure 13.

Pathlines coloured with CO2 concentration in the numerical domain during exhalation

Figure 14.

Contours of CO2 concentration in the numerical domain during the pause between exhalation and inhalation

Figure 15.

Contours of temperature (K) and velocity (m/s) on the example of models without any PPE and with a face shield located 40 mm from the face, during the pause between exhalation and inhalation

Figure 11 presents contours of carbon dioxide during inhalation for the 21st berating cycle, (122.5 s of simulation) for five analysed cases with different personal protective equipment. Only in the base case with no personal protective equipment (A), CO2 in exhaled air dilute in the surrounding and descends towards the bottom surface of the domain. In this case high concentration of CO2 in the close vicinity of human face is not observed. This is caused by a lack of re-inhalation of used-up air. In other cases, inhaled air contains a significant part of previously exhaled air. That phenomenon is clearly visible for models supplied with face shields (C, D). Below the human nostrils area of CO2, the concentration at a level of 3 500 ppm is visible, while in the area between the shield and face, CO2 concentration stays in the range between 4 800–5 800 ppm. Depending on the distance of the shield from the face, the airflow sticks to the surface of the face shield (model C) or flows downwards along the human body (model B and D) with a small face shield and face shield at distance of 40 mm from the face respectively. The lowest carbon dioxide concentration is visible around the model equipped with a fabric mask (E).

During exhalation (Fig. 12) an instantaneous value of CO2 concentration exceeds 53 000 ppm. After the exhaled air contact the surface of the face shield (B, C, D) carbon dioxide concentration decreases rapidly and reaches a value of 13 000–16 000 ppm. The contours of the carbon dioxide concentration take similar shapes in the cases of all three face shields (B, C, D).

In the case of the fabric mask, only a small fraction of CO2 passes through the porous fabric of the mask. Majority of exhaled air leaks between the edge of the mask and the human face, losing speed at the same time (Fig.12 E). Exhaled air streams with low concentrations of carbon dioxide leave the mask mainly through leaks around the cheeks and nose. In the case of the small face shield (B) and the face shield moved away from the face by 40 mm (D), the stream of exhaled air behaves similarly, i.e. after contact with the face shield, it flows down to the level of the torso. In the case of the face shield located 15 mm from the face, the exhaled air hits the face shield and some of the carbon dioxide particles also scatter horizontally to the sides, which is visible in the frontal view of the CO2 concentration pathlines (Fig. 12 C).

The flow pathlines show the directions of the spread of CO2 and their disappearing concentration as they move away from the nostrils (Fig. 13), it can be stated that in the case of a small shield covering the nose and mouth and a full shield located 40 mm away from the face, CO2 particles reach the lowest parts of the numerical domain, without being lifted up by the convective flux. The situation is different in the case with the shield located 15 mm away from the face, where carbon dioxide particles are begin raised upwards before they reach the bottom of the computing domain.

Maps of carbon dioxide concentrations during the pause period are presented in Fig. 14. Attention should be drawn to the high value of CO2 concentration in the close vicinity of the human face, which takes place in the case of face shield moved 15 mm from the face (C) and for the medical mask (E). The mean concentration of CO2 in the facial area is 13 500 ppm, with very low carbon dioxide concentration in the rest of the computing domain. In the case of a small face shield (B) covering only the nose and mouth and a face shield (D) placed 40 mm away from the face, the carbon dioxide flows down along the face and its concentration at the chest is in the range of 6 000–9 000 ppm.

The observed distribution of pollutants around the human body is also influenced by the generated heat flux and convection flux formed as a result of emitted heat by the human body. Contours of air temperature and velocity are shown in Fig. 15. After two minutes of simulation the velocity over the human head reaches values up to 0.3 m/s for model (C) and 0.1 m/s for model (D).

Quantitative analysis

Figure 16 presents the results of varying carbon dioxide concentrations on the nostrils surface during breathing cycles. Results include the thirteen breathing cycles (from 40 to 120 seconds of simulation). During the inhalation process, significant differences in CO2 concentrations are observed. Carbon dioxide concentration values quoted at the last moment of inspiration increase with subsequent respiratory cycles. The rate of changes and level of CO2 concentration is different depending on the considered case. Carbon dioxide concentrations during inhalation remain constant in the range of 800–1 100 ppm for the model with no PPE (Fig 16 A). Fluctuations beyond that range occur only around 80’s – 90’s seconds of calculation. In the case of the small face shield model (Fig. 16 B), carbon dioxide concentration changes decrease from the level of 6 800 ppm to 2 600 ppm during a single inhalation phase. This can be observed in each subsequent breathing cycle.

Figure 16.

Time-varying CO2 concentration monitored on the surface of the nostrils

The greatest changes in CO2 concentration during inspiration occur in the model with a fabric mask (Fig. 16 E) and in the model with a face shield located 15 mm from the face (Fig. 16 C). The observed decrease in CO2 concentration during the single breath-in was from approx. from 12 400 to 1 300 ppm for a model with fabric mask and approx. from 9 900 to 2 200 ppm for a model with a face shield located 15 mm from the face. In those models, fabric masks and face shields are placed close to the face. This causes the lack of space between the human face and the face shield to dilute exhaled air sufficiently during the pause in the breath. This cause the inhaled air contains a large amount of exhaled CO2. This may affect the user’s comfort.

In the model with a face shield located 40 mm away from the face (Fig. 16 D) CO2 concertation slightly increases at the beginning of each inhalation phase and then decreases in concentration in surrounding air, which does not take place in the remaining cases. This is caused by ambient air, which flows in at a large amount during the pause phase and replaces the exhaled air from the space adjacent to the inner wall of the face shield. CO2 concentration in the inhaled air does not exceeds 7000 ppm. The lowest inhaled CO2 concentration significantly exceeds 2000 ppm compared to the remaining cases.

Figure 17 presents histograms of CO2 concentration distributions in inhaled air recorded for each inhalation phase throughout the whole simulation (lasting 122.5 s). The sampling frequency is equal to 0.1 seconds (1-time step). For the model without any PPE (Fig. 17 A) 91% of recorded concentrations in inhaled air do not exceed 1500 ppm. Only 9% of records indicate concentrations above 1500 ppm, moreover, the highest recorded concentration is 1843 ppm.

Figure 17.

Distributions of CO2 concentration ranges during the inhalation phase

For other cases, concentration below 4500 ppm makes up about 30% of inhaled air in cases: (Fig. 17D) – model with face shield located 40 mm from the face (29.2%) and (Fig. 17 C) - model with face shield located 15 mm from the face (30.6%) or about 50% in cases: (Fig. 17 B) – model with a small face shield (47.2%) and (Fig. 17 E) – model with fabric mask (51.8%). However, in models B and D, the range of occurrence of carbon dioxide concentrations is narrower and the highest concentration values do not exceed 7500 ppm. For case B, 52.8% of registered values of concentration is within the range of 4501–7500 ppm, for case D it is 70.8%. For models C and E, concentrations of CO2 in the range 4501–7500 ppm occur at 30.6% and 24% respectively. Concentration in the range above 7501 ppm appears in the model (Fig. 17 C) with a face shield located 15 mm from the face and in the model with a fabric mask (Fig. 17 E) and constitutes 32.8% and 24.2% of inhaled air in remaining cases respectively. There is a difference between the cases mentioned last (Fig. 17 C and E) regarding concentrations above the 9500 ppm value. While in the case of model E, concentrations above the 9500 ppm value represent only 12% of the recorded values, in the case of model C it is 21.8%.

Medians for recorded CO2 concentrations in the inhaled air equal to:

• 1098 ppm for case (A) - model without any PPE,

• 4563 ppm for case (B) – model with a small shield,

• 6210 ppm for case (C) - face shield located 15 mm from the human face,

• 5522 ppm for case (D) with the shield moved 40 mm from the human face,

• 4343 ppm for case (E) with a fabric mask.


Application of different PPE worn by a human can affect the airflow pattern and contaminants distribution around the human face. Performed analysis shows that exhaled CO2 is a good indicator of infection risk as well as re-inhalation risk. The numerical simulation is an efficient tool for analysing different scenarios of PPE application as well as for optimizing the design of PPE.

Performed simulations show that the use of personal protective equipment changes the trajectory of exhaled air and CO2. Application of PPE reduces the concentration of contaminants marked with CO2 in front of the face, outside the PPE contour, as they spread up and down the face. This significantly extends the time needed for contamination, originating from an infected person wearing PPE, to reach another person standing in front of an infected human.

Different PPE generates different airflow patterns in the vicinity of the human being. The most efficient in reducing infection risk is wearing a mask or face shield located close to the face, as it most efficiently reduces the spreading of CO2. However, in that cases, the CO2 re-inhalation risk with very high CO2 concentration was the highest. Wearing a face mask or face shield very close to the face reduces the comfort of the human being. It should be noted that the calculations covered a period of only two minutes. To draw far-reaching conclusions, it is necessary to extend the simulation time.

Optimisation of the PPE as a compromise between reducing infection risk and user comfort is a further challenge.

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