À propos de cet article


Figure 1.

Sponsorship/financial interest vs. author recommendation.
Sponsorship/financial interest vs. author recommendation.

Figure 2.

Reliability and GQS vs. sentiment.
Reliability and GQS vs. sentiment.

Figure 3.

Author vs. average reliability, average GQS and average Log10 video views.
Author vs. average reliability, average GQS and average Log10 video views.

Figure 4.

Reliability & GQS vs “Yes” recommendation.
Reliability & GQS vs “Yes” recommendation.

Descriptive statistics of assessed videos. The cumulative results from each video assessment are expressed as the number (n) of videos or as a percentage of the total number of videos

Variables n videos (Total = 123) Percentage
 Layperson 3 2%
 Layperson and user 90 73%
 DIY aligner company 21 17%
 Dentist or Orthodontist 5 4%
 News channel 4 3%
 Dental professional body 0 0
Authors with sponsorship or financial interest
 Yes 67 54%
 No 52 42%
 Unsure 2 2%
 N/A 2 2%
Authors that recommended DIY aligners
 Yes 35 28%
 No 12 10%
 Proceed with caution 7 6%
 N/A 69 56%
Global Quality Score
 Score 1: Poor quality 15 12%
 Score 2: Generally poor quality 85 69%
 Score 3: Moderate quality 19 15%
 Score 4: Good quality 4 3%
 Score 5: Excellent quality 0 0%
DISCERN reliability tool criteria
 1. Are the aims clear and achieved? 101 82%
 2. Are reliable sources of info used ? 16 13%
 3. Is the info presented balanced & unbiased? 8 7%
 4. Are additional sources of info listed for patient reference? 5 4%
 5. Are areas of uncertainty mentioned? 3 2%
Total DISCERN reliability scores
 Score 0 16 13%
 Score 1 89 72%
 Score 2 11 9%
 Score 3 3 2%
 Score 4 4 3%
 Score 5 0 0%

Author Recommendation classification

Author recommendation
Yes The author outwardly recommended DIY aligners. However, if they did not outwardly recommend DIY aligners but had a positive sentiment, this was only a positive sentiment and not a recommendation.
Proceed with caution The author recommended the aligners but with a caveat, e.g. “I’d recommend SmileDirectClub if you have mild problems or have had braces before but if your problems are more severe, then speak to your Dentist or Orthodontist”.
No The author did not recommend DIY aligners.
N/A There was no recommendation. e.g., if the video was instructional only.

Video popularity criteria

Criteria Calculation (if applicable)
The total number of views N/A
The total number of comments N/A
The interaction index Likes – dislikes/Total number of viewings x 100%
Viewing rating Number of Views/Number of Days since Upload × 100%

P-value matrix (LOG10 data used for likes, views, subscribers, author views)

Variables Likes Views Subscribers Author views Interaction index Viewing rate Content score Reliability score GQS score
Likes 1
Views p < 0.001* 1
Subscribers p < 0.001* p < 0.001* 1
Author views p < 0.001* p < 0.001* p < 0.001* 1
Interaction index 0.014** p < 0.001** p < 0.001** p < 0.001* 1
Viewing rate p < 0.001* p < 0.001* p < 0.001* p < 0.001* p < 0.001** 1
Content score 0.040* 0.693 0.010** 0.011* 0.011* 0.554 1
Reliability score 0.001* 0.001* 0.206 0.305 0.168 p < 0.001* 0.317 1
GQS score p < 0.001* 0.012* 0.984 0.652 0.857 0.005* p < 0.001* p < 0.001* 1
*P < 0.05
**P < 0.05 and negative relationship

Reasons for Excluding Videos

Reason for exclusion No. of videos
Duplicate 27
Video length > 15 min 27
Not related to the subject 19
Comments disabled 11
Likes/Dislikes hidden 2
Total exclusions 86

Descriptive statistics of content assessment. The cumulative results from each video assessment are expressed as the number (n) of videos or as a percentage of the total number of videos

Content assessment variables n videos (Total = 123) Percentage
Definition of DIY Clear Aligners 2 2%
Procedure for DIY Clear Aligner Therapy 94 76%
Usage instructions for DIY Clear Aligners 75 61%
Comparison of treatment options 34 28%
Biomechanics of Aligner Therapy 2 2%
Pain 58 47%
Oral hygiene 20 16%
Soft tissue soreness 14 11%
Speech performance 29 24%
Psychosocial aspects (e.g. social life, effect on confidence) 35 28%
Cost of treatment 54 44%
Treatment success 60 49%
Complications 26 21%
Treatment time 61 50%
Comparison between DIY and doctor directed aligner therapy 30 24%
Content assessment
 Content poor (0–7) 106 86%
 Content rich (8–15) 17 14%
 Positive 104 84%
 Neutral 7 6%
 Negative 12 10%
 Poor results 15 12%
 Change in bite 19 15%
 Pain 56 46%
 Difficulty taking impressions 13 11%
 Poor customer service 12 10%
 Results may be inferior to doctor directed 5 4%
 Lack of fixed retention 2 2%
Appeal of DIY Aligners Criteria
 Reduced cost 51 41%
 Convenience 32 26%
 Ease of use 25 20%
 Same as doctor directed 22 18%
 Lack of contact with doctors office 17 14%
Volume Open
Sujets de la revue:
Medicine, Basic Medical Science, other