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A national survey of orthodontists in Malaysia and their use of functional appliances for Class II malocclusions

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Figure 1.

Breakdown of respondents based on service groups.
Breakdown of respondents based on service groups.

Figure 2.

The modified Clark’s Twin Block appliance.
The modified Clark’s Twin Block appliance.

Figure 3.

Popularity of functional appliances used in Malaysia.
Popularity of functional appliances used in Malaysia.

Figure 4.

Recommended wear regime of removable functional appliances most used by the respondents.
Recommended wear regime of removable functional appliances most used by the respondents.

Figure 5.

Functional appliance with the best patient compliance.
Functional appliance with the best patient compliance.

Figure 6.

Received referral of potential growth modification cases at ideal time.
Received referral of potential growth modification cases at ideal time.

Survey questions.

A. Demographics
1. Which age range do you fall into?
A. 20–29 years old
B. 30–39 years old
C. 40–49 years old
D. 50–59 years old
E. >60 years old
2. Which institution did you obtain your orthodontic specialty qualification?
A. Local
B. Overseas
3. What is the name of the institution you obtained your orthodontic specialty qualification from?
4. What year did you graduate from your orthodontic specialty training?
5. Which state is your current primary practice?
A. Melaka
B. Selangor
C. Johor
D. Sabah
E. Sarawak
F. Pahang
G. Perak
H. Negeri Sembilan
I. Kelantan
J. Terengganu
K. Pulau Pinang
L. Perlis
M. Kedah
N. Putrajaya
O. Kuala Lumpur
P. Labuan
6. Which orthodontic service do you spend most of your clinical time?
A. Private clinic/hospital
B. Government clinic/hospital
C. Government university hospital
D. Private university dental facility
E. Military clinic/hospital
B. Provision of interceptive functional treatment
1. Do you offer functional appliance therapy in your clinic?
A. Yes
B. No
If yes, please answer Q2 and Q3 only of this section and complete section C, D and E.
If no, please answer Q4 and Q5 only and end the questionnaire.
2. If yes, how many functional appliances have you prescribed in the last 12 months?
3. If yes, which malocclusions do you commonly treat with functional appliances?
A. Class II
B. Class III
C. Anterior open bite
D. Other (please specify: _____________________________________)
4. If not, would you refer a patient to another orthodontist for functional appliance therapy?
A. Yes
B. No
5. Why do you not offer functional appliance treatment?
C. Personal preferences in choice of functional appliance for Class II correction
1. There are several types of functional appliances currently available for the treatment of Class II malocclusion. Which do you commonly use?
A. Fixed functional appliance
B. Removable functional appliance
C. Both fixed and removable functional appliance
2. What is the name of the appliance(s)?
3. Why is this your preferred choice of appliance(s)?
4. Is the cost of the functional appliance a factor in choosing your preferred appliance?
A. Yes
B. No
5. Is patient compliance a factor in choosing your preferred appliance?
A. Yes
B. No
6. Which appliance(s) would you ideally like to use and why?
7. Forsus for example, is a type of fixed functional appliance. Would you be willing to use this appliance if the production cost was the same as your current choice?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Not sure
D. I’m already using this appliance
D. Limitations with functional appliance laboratory service
1. Do you feel that your choice of functional appliance(s) is limited by the laboratory support available?
A. Yes
B. No
2. Are you satisfied with the standard of laboratory work you receive when prescribing a functional appliance?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Not applicable as no laboratory work involved (e.g.: using fixed functional) or I do my own repairs
3. In the event of an appliance breakage, are you satisfied with the laboratory support available?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Not applicable as no laboratory work involved (e.g.: using fixed functional) or I do my own repairs
E. Treatment protocol
1. What age range do you typically begin functional appliance treatment?
A. <6 years old
B. 6–9 years old 9
C. 10–14 years old
D. >15 years old
2. Do you feel that potential growth modification cases are often referred to you at an ideal time?
A. Often
B. Sometimes
C. Seldom
3. What is your typical functional appliance wear regime?
A. Full time including mealtimes
B. Full time NOT including mealtimes
C. Part time
4. How long is your active functional appliance phase?
A. <6 months
B. 6–9 months
C. 9–12 months
D. >12 months
5. Do you prescribe a chart or diary to measure patient compliance with removable functional appliance therapy?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Not applicable as using fixed functional appliance
6. Based on your experience in using functional appliances, which of the appliance(s) do you feel that you have the best compliance?
7. Following active removable functional appliance therapy, do you have a period of retention when the appliance is worn less?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Not applicable as using fixed functional appliance
8. If so, how long does this period of retention last?
A. 2–3 months
B. 4–6 months
C. 7–9 months
D. >9 months
E. Not applicable as using fixed functional appliance
9. Do you carry out any adjustment to the functional appliance during this retention phase?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Not applicable as using fixed functional appliance
Volume Open
Sujets de la revue:
Medicine, Basic Medical Science, other