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Are Eco-Neighborhoods Health-Promoting Places? Case Study of ZAC Boucicat and ZAC Frequel-Fontarabe in Paris

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Figure 1.

A bird’s eye view of ZAC Boucicaut, source: author using Google Maps [18]
A bird’s eye view of ZAC Boucicaut, source: author using Google Maps [18]

Figure 2.

Map of ZAC Boucicaut shows close walking distance to public parks: Square Duranton – approx. 4 min, and Park André Citroën – approx. 12 min, source: author using Google Maps[18]
Map of ZAC Boucicaut shows close walking distance to public parks: Square Duranton – approx. 4 min, and Park André Citroën – approx. 12 min, source: author using Google Maps[18]

Figure 3.

A bird’s eye view of ZAC Frequel-Fontarabe, source: author using Google Maps [22]
A bird’s eye view of ZAC Frequel-Fontarabe, source: author using Google Maps [22]

Figure 4.

Map of ZAC Frequel-Fontarabe. Walking distance to pocket parks: both Rue Vitruve and Jardin naturel Pierre-Emanuel is approx. 4 min, and to Jardin Casque d’Or les Haies is approx. 6 min, source: author using Google Maps [22]
Map of ZAC Frequel-Fontarabe. Walking distance to pocket parks: both Rue Vitruve and Jardin naturel Pierre-Emanuel is approx. 4 min, and to Jardin Casque d’Or les Haies is approx. 6 min, source: author using Google Maps [22]

Figure 5.

ZAC Boucicaut, Paris. Open green space. Source: author
ZAC Boucicaut, Paris. Open green space. Source: author

Figure 6.

ZAC Frequel Fontarabe, Jardin de Vitaly, Source: author
ZAC Frequel Fontarabe, Jardin de Vitaly, Source: author

Figure. 7.

Square Duranton, adjacent to ZAC Boucicaut, Paris. Source: author
Square Duranton, adjacent to ZAC Boucicaut, Paris. Source: author

Figure. 8.

ZAC Frequel Fontarabe vicinities, Rue Vitruve, Source: author
ZAC Frequel Fontarabe vicinities, Rue Vitruve, Source: author

Figure. 9.

ZAC Boucicaut, Paris. Regeneration of former hospital buildings. Source: author
ZAC Boucicaut, Paris. Regeneration of former hospital buildings. Source: author

Figure. 10.

ZAC Frequel Fontarabe vicinities, Square de la Reunion, Source: author
ZAC Frequel Fontarabe vicinities, Square de la Reunion, Source: author

Assessment of ZAC Boucicaut and ZAC Frequel-Fontarabe, Paris – part 4, source: author

Table 5. ZAC Boucicaut, Paris – part 4   POINTS  
4. DESIGN   21/21 20/21
4.1. Architectural design      
Human scale That is a strong point of ZAC Boucicaut, which was desiged in human scale desiged in human scale 1 1
Focal points and landmarks Recognizable landmarks, monuments, sculptures and buildings Recognizable landmarks, monuments, sculptures and buildings. 1 1
Structure of interior connections A clear structure of interior connections A clear structure of interior connections 1 1
Framed views Natural frames are created by mature trees Urban design create framed views 1 1
Long vistas (Extent) Urban composition offers numerous extensive vistas Urban composition offers numerous extensive vistas 1 1
Pathways with views There are many paths which offer interesting views There are many paths which offer interesting views 1 1
Invisible parts of the scenery (Vistas which engage the imagination) Numerous designed vistas which engage the imagination Numerous designed vistas which engage the imagination 1 1
Possibility to observe other people Plenty of places to watch the activities of other people from a distance. Plenty of places to watch the activities of other people from a distance. 1 1
Possibility to observe animals Limited possibility to observe animals living in urban environment Limited possibility to observe animals living in urban environment 1 1
4.2. Salutogenic design      
Optimal levels of complexity Yes, ZAC Boucicaut and its vicinity offer optimal levels of complexity Yes, ZAC Frequel-Fontarabe and its vicinity offer optimal levels of complexity 1 1
Architectural Variety Each new building was designed by a different architect Each new building was designed by a different architect 1 1
Engaging features There are multiple elements which attract attention There are multiple elements which attract attention 1 1
Controlled Risk Sensory paths in Park André Citroën Wooden paths in Jardin de Vitaly and other parks 1 1
Mystery/Fascination Presence of historic monuments can be fascinating Presence of street art, historic street names, etc. can be fascinating 1 1
Movement Foliage of plants in the wind, waterworks in Park André Citroën Foliage of plants in the wind, water in Jardin Naturel 1 1
4.3. Sensory stimuli design      
Sensory stimuli: Sight compositions of colourful plants which are offering seasonal interests, colourful street furniture compositions of colourful plants which are offering seasonal interests, colourful street furniture 1 1
Sensory stimuli: Hearing sounds of waterworks in Park André Citroën, sounds of birds and animals living in the urban environment, sounds of plants shimmering in the wind sounds of birds and animals living in the urban environment, sounds of plants shimmering in the wind 1 1
Sensory stimuli: Smell Scent of plants: flowers, leaves, etc. Scent of plants: flowers, leaves, etc. 1 1
Sensory stimuli: Touch Various textures of plants, water-works in Park André Citroën Various textures of plants 1 1
Sensory stimuli: Taste Food and drinks, which can be bought in restaurants, cafes, food stands, etc. Food and drinks, which can be bought in restaurants, cafes, food stands, etc. 1 1
Sensory path Yes – in Park André Citroën No 1 0

Assessment of ZAC Boucicaut and ZAC Frequel-Fontarabe, Paris – part 2, source: author

Table 3. ZAC Boucicaut, Paris – part 2   POINTS POINTS
2. ACCESSIBILITY   26/26 26/26
2.1 Distance to park      
  There is a centrally located small park – reminescece of Hospital Boucicaut gardens. Larger urban parks – Square Duranton and Park André Citroën are within walking distance (15 minutes) There is a centrally located small pocket park Jardin de Vitaly. Small pocket parks, one localted at the Place de la Reunion (rue Vitruve) and Jardin naturel Pierre-Emanuel and Jardin Casque d’Or les Haies are located within walking distance (15 minutes) 1 1
2.2 Sidewalk Infrastructure-      
Width of sidewalk Sufficient for walking, pathways are wide and even Sufficient for walking, some paths are narrow 1 1
Evenness of surface Comfortable for walking, no obstacles Comfortable for walking, some streets are cobbled 1 1
Lack of obstructions Majority of terrain is universally accessible Majority of terrain is universally accessible. There are some impasses. 1 1
Slope gentle slope comfortable for walking gentle to moderate slope 1 1
Sufficient drainage Sufficient Sufficient 1 1
2.3 General conditions of walkways      
Maintenance Regularly cleaned Regularly cleaned 1 1
Overall aesthetics Comfortable for walking, aestethicaly pleasing Comfortable for walking, aestethicaly pleasing 1 1
Street art Yes Yes, interesting street art 1 1
Sufficient seating May be perceived as sufficient May be perceived as sufficient 1 1
Perceived safety Safe neighbourhood, presence of guards, policeman, etc. Safe neighbourhood, presence of guards, policeman, etc. 1 1
Buffering from traffic Sufficient buffering by street greenery, street furniture, etc. Sufficient buffering by street greenery, street furniture, etc. 1 1
Street activities Occasionaly organised street activities Occasionaly organised street activities 1 1
Vacant lots No vacant lots No vacant lots 1 1
2.4 Traffic      
Speed Slow traffic, comfortable for pedestrians Slow traffic, comfortable for pedestrians 1 1
Volume Comfortable for pedestrians Comfortable for pedestrians 1 1
Number and safety of crossings Numerous possibilities for safe crossing of the street Numerous possibilities for safe crossing of the street 1 1
Stop signs Yes Yes 1 1
On-street parking Yes, on-street parking is permited Yes, on-street parking is permited 1 1
2.5 User Experience      
Air quality Comfortable, no perceptable nuisance Comfortable, no perceptable nuisance 1 1
Noise level Comfortable, moderate urban noise Comfortable, moderate urban noise 1 1
Sufficient lighting Yes, the streets are well-lit, public parks are closed after dusk Yes, the streets are well-lit, public parks are closed after dusk 1 1
Sunshine and shade User can find places to rest in the sunshine and in the shade User can find places to rest in the sunshine and in the shade 1 1
Visibility of nearby buildings Good visibility of nearby buildings Good visibility of nearby buildings 1 1
2.6 Public transports stops      
  Within walking distance, comfortable waiting places Within walking distance, comfortable waiting places 1 1
2.7 Sufficient Parking      
  On-street parking for visitors, underground parking for the inhabitants On-street parking for visitors, underground parking for the inhabitants 1 1

Assessment of ZAC Boucicaut and ZAC Frequel-Fontarabe, Paris – part 5, source: author

Table 6. ZAC Boucicaut, Paris – part 5   POINTS  
5. PLACEMAKING   13/13 13/13
5.1 Social Contact Enhancement      
Organization of events Multiple events, sport challenges, etc. are organised. Public parks offer possibilities to organise events. Multiple events are organised. 1 1
Meeting places for groups Yes, especialy in Park André Citroën, but also within ZAC Boucicaut there are numerous places where groups can meet. Limited places for group meetings in open public space, public infrastructure offers indoor meeting places 1 1
5.2 Human perception - spiritual & symbolic      
Sacred places Nearby churches and religious centers Nearby churches and religious centers 1 1
Works of Art Yes, there are some sculptures and works of art located in public open space Yes, there are some sculptures and works of art located in public open space 1 1
Monuments Yes, the remaining historic buildings of Hospital Boucicaut which were preserved in unchanged form the remaining historic buildings were preserved 1 1
Culture and connections to the past Yes, historic buildings, preserved old trees, historic street names Yes, historic buildings, historic street names 1 1
Thematic gardens Yes, there are numerous thematic gardens in Park André Citroën Yes, Jardin naturel 1 1
Personalization Limited possibility of personalisation, only within the community gardens Limited possibility of personalisation, only within the community gardens 1 1
5.3 Community Engagement      
Personalising the architectural process Yes, there were meetings and workshops organised for all stakeholders Yes, there were meetings and workshops organised for all stakeholders 1 1
Participation of all stakeholders, including inhabitants and users Yes, ZAC Boucicaut was designed using the Integrated Design Process, all stakeholders participated Yes, ZAC was designed using the Integrated Design Process, all stakeholders participated 1 1
Determining the rules of conduct and self-management Yes, the rules of conduct were determined during meetings of all stakeholders Yes, the rules of conduct were determined during meetings of all stakeholders 1 1
Space for social contact Yes, there are numerous places in the neighbourhood which can serve as meeting places for various social groups Yes, there are numerous places in the neighbourhood which can serve as meeting places for various social groups    
– third places Yes, there are numerous possibilities for group meetings, participation in events, etc. on regular basis Yes, there are numerous possibilities for group meetings, participation in events, etc. on regular basis 1 1
– fourth places Yes, the entrire neighbourhood can be regarded as attractive fourth place where people can spend some quality time ocasionally Yes, the entrire neighbourhood can be regarded as attractive fourth place where people can spend some quality time ocasionally 1 1

A universal standard for health-promoting urban places. Source: author [23, 24 with further additions]

1.1 Place Area Location Surrounding urban pattern1. 2 Environmental characteristics Soil quality Water quality Air quality Noise level Forms of natural protection Green Infrastructure1.3 Biodiversity protection Parts of open green space not available to visitors Native plants Native animals Natural maintenance methods1.4 Sustainable water management Rainwater infiltration Irrigation with non-potable water1.5 Parks of Second (New) Generation1.6 Urban metabolism1.7 Ecological energy sources 2.1 Distance to park2.2 Sidewalk Infrastructure-Width of sidewalk Evenness of surface Lack of obstructions Slope Sufficient drainage2.3 General conditions of walkways Maintenance Overall aesthetics Street art Sufficient seating Perceived safety Buffering from traffic Street activities Vacant lots2.4 Traffic Speed Volume Number and safety of crossings Stop signs On-street parking2.5 User Experience Air quality Noise level Sufficient lighting Sunshine and shade Visibility of nearby building2.6 Public transport stops2.7 Sufficient Parking 3.1. Psychological and physical regeneration Natural Landscapes Green open space Presence of water Places to rest in the sun shade Places to rest in quiet and solitude3.2. Promotion of Physical Activities Sports and recreational infrastructure Community gardens Addressing the needs of people with disabilities3.3. Catering for basic needs Safety and security (presence of guards, cleanliness, maintenance, etc.) Places to sit and rest Shelter Restrooms Drinking water Food (possibility to buy food in the park or in the closest vicinities) 4.1. Architectural design Human scale Focal points and landmarks Structure of interior connections Framed views Long vistas (Extent) Pathways with views Invisible parts of the scenery (Vistas which engage the imagination) Possibility to watch other people Possibility to see wildlife4.2. Salutogenic design Optimal levels of complexity Architectural Variety Engaging features Risk Mystery/Fascination Movement4.3. Sensory stimuli designSensory stimuli: SightSensory stimuli: HearingSensory stimuli: SmellSensory stimuli: TouchSensory stimuli: TasteSensory path 5.1 Enhancement of Social Contacts Organization of events Meeting places for groups5.2 Human perception - spiritual & symbolic Sacred places Works of Art Monuments Culture and connections to the past Thematic gardens Personalization5.3 Community Engagement Personalising the architectural process Participation of all stakeholders, including inhabitants and users Determining the rules of conduct and self-man-agement Space for social contact

third places

fourth places

Assessment of ZAC Boucicaut and ZAC Frequel-Fontarabe, Paris – part 3, source: author

Table 4. ZAC Boucicaut, Paris – part 3   POINTS POINTS
3. AMENITIES   14.5/15 14.5/15
3.1. Psychological and physical rejuvenation      
Natural Landscapes There are small garden rooms which offer a subjective feeling of natural landscape Jardin naturel -Pierre Emmanuel offers a subjective feeling of natural landscape 0,5 0,5
Green open space Yes, there are numerous green open spaces in the neighbourhood and its vicinites Yes, there are numerous green open spaces in the neighbourhood and its vicinites 1 1
Presence of water Yes, in Park André Citroën there are numerous water works Yes, in Jardin naturel Pierre Emmanuel 1 1
Places to rest in the sun and shade Yes, there are numerous benches in the sun and in the shade, movable chairs Yes, there are numerous benches in the sun and in the shade, movable chairs 1 1
Places to rest in quiet and solitude Yes, there are numerous benches in popular, as well as more secluded places, movable chairs Yes, there are numerous benches in popular, as well as more secluded places, movable chairs 1 1
3.2. Physical Activity Promotion      
Sports infrastructure bicycle paths, playgrounds bicycle paths, playgrounds 1 1
Recreational infrastructure Recreational infrastructure for all age groups within walking distance Recreational infrastructure for all age groups within walking distance 1 1
Community gardens Yes, There is limited space for gardeners within community gardens Yes, jardin casque d’or les haies received an award for community gardens [28] 1 1
Addressing the needs of people with disabilities Public space and majority of buildings are accessible Public space and majority of buildings are accessible 1 1
3.3. Catering for basic needs      
Safety and security (presence of guards, cleanliness, maintenance, etc.) Presence of guards, regularly cleaned Presence of guards, regularly cleaned 1 1
Places to sit and rest Comfortable benches, movable chairs Comfortable benches, movable chairs 1 1
Shelter garden pavilions in Park André Citroën, restaurants and cafes in the streets connecting the open public green spaces restaurants and cafes in the streets connecting the open public green spaces 1 1
Restrooms Yes, there are public toilets Yes, there are public toilets 1 1
Drinking water Yes, there are drinking fountains, snack bars, food stands & restaurants Yes, there are drinking fountains, snack bars, food stands & restaurants 1 1
Food (possibility to buy food in the park or close vicinity) It is possible to buy food on the way to public parks. There are snack bars, food stands & restaurants It is possible to buy food on the way to public parks. There are snack bars, food stands & restaurants 1 1

Assessment of ZAC Boucicaut and ZAC Frequel-Fontarabe – part 1, source: author

1. SUSTAINABILITY   14/14 14/14
1.1 Place   -/-  
Area 3ha 1ha    
Location XV Arronds. Paris XVIII Arronds. Paris    
Surrounding urban pattern High density urban tissue, large scale residential districts High density urban tissue    
1. 2 Environmental characteristics      
Soil quality Sufficient for recreational use. No visible traces of pollution Sufficient for recreational use. No visible traces of pollution 1 1
Water quality N/A N/A - -
Air quality Good [26], presence of mature deciduous trees is important for purifying air pollution Good [27], presence of mature deciduous trees is important for purifying air pollution 1 1
Noise level Low to moderate noise level in areas close to traffic routes Low to moderate noise level in areas close to traffic routes 1 1
Forms of natural protection No specific legal protection of nature No specific legal protection of nature 1 1
Green Infrastructure Important part of the green infrastructure. Important part of the green infrastructure 1 1
1.3 Biodiversity protection      
Parts of open green space not available to visitors Small secluded areas fenced for bio-diversity protection. Small secluded areas fenced for biodiversity protection. 1 1
Native plants Planting is a combination of native and non-native species Planting is a combination of native and non-native species 1 1
Native animals Both native and foreign species were observed Both native and foreign species were observed 1 1
Natural maintenance methods Only natural maintenace methods are permited in Paris public parks Only natural maintenace methods are permited in Paris public parks 1 1
1.4 Sustainable water management      
Rainwater infiltration Porous, permeable surfaces, rain gardens, infiltration basins Porous, permeable surfaces, rain gardens, infiltration basins 1 1
Irrigation with non-potable water Both non-potable and potable water is used for irrigation Both non-potable and potable water is used for irrigation 1 1
1.5 Parks of Second (New) Generation      
  Yes, many parts can be regarded as park of new generation Yes, many parts can be regarded as park of new generation. 1 1
1.6 Urban metabolism      
  Waste segregation and collection Waste segregation and collection 1 1
1.7 Ecological energy sources      
  Yes, in ZAC Bouciacut ecological energy sources are used Yes, in ZAC Frequel Fontarabe ecological energy sources are used 1 1
4 fois par an
Sujets de la revue:
Architecture and Design, Architecture, Architects, Buildings