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Reservoirs of most frequently isolated species of zoophilic dermatophytes, the frequency of their transmission onto humans and regions of occurrence

SpeciesHostFrequency in humansOccurrence
Microsporum caniscats, dogsoftenworldwide
Microsporum equinumhorsesrareAfrica, Australia, Europe, New Zealand, America
Microsporum gallinaechickens, turkeysrareworldwide
Microsporum gypseumhorses, dogs, rodentsrareworldwide
Microsporum nanumpigsrareAmerica, Europe, Australia
Microsporum persicolorrodents, volesrareEurope, North America
Trichophyton equinumhorsesoccasionallyworldwide
Trichophyton equinum var. autotrophicumhorsesrareAustralia, New Zealand
Trichophyton erinaceidogs, hedgehogsoccasionallyAustralia, New Zealand
Trichophyton mentagrophytesrodenst, dogs, horses, other animalsoftenworldwide
Trichophyton verrucosumcattleoftenworldwide
Trichophyton simiimonkeys, poultry, dogsoftenIndia, Brazil
Anglais, Polaco
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Sujets de la revue:
Life Sciences, Microbiology and Virology