À propos de cet article


The reform of decentralization of public power and management, which was carried out in Ukraine by transferring power and resources from central authorities to the level of united territorial communities (UTCs) and districts, makes increased requirements for the management of the process of cohesion and development of these socio-spatial formations on the basis of inclusiveness. Given this, the article substantiates the need to build system management an inclusive development of UTCs and districts identified as convergent type rural-urban agglomerations. The orientation of the redistribution of power and its consequences for the inclusivity of these agglomeration formations was found, the value of this phenomenon was revealed to overcome socio-spatial disproportions, determine the structure and measurements of system model management of inclusive development of these agglomerations. Theoretical generalizations and practical recommendations made according to the results of the study are distinguished by scientific novelty and are important for the post-war restoration of Ukraine.