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[L37] Cerruti, U.—Giacobini, M.—Liardet, P.: Prediction of binary sequences by evolving finite state machines, in: Proc. of the Fifth Conference on Artificial Evolution (EA-2001), (P.Collet, C. Fonlupt, J.-K. Hao, E. Lutton, and M. Schoenauer, eds.), LNCS Vol. 2310, Springer Verlag, Le Creusot, France, 2002 pp. 42–53.Search in Google Scholar

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[L42] Grabner, P. J.—Liardet, P.—Tichy, R. F.: Spectral disjointness of dynamical systems related to some arithmetic functions, Publ. Math. Debrecen 66 (2005), no. 1–2, 213–243.Search in Google Scholar

[L43] Aupetit, S.—Monmarché, N.—Slimane, M.—Liardet, P.: An exponential representation in the API algorithm for hidden Markov models training, Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci. (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics., LNCS, Vol. 3871, Springer, Bellin, 2006, pp. 61–72.Search in Google Scholar

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[L50] Abou, I.—Liardet, P.: Flots chaîînés, in: Proceedings of the Sixth Congress of Romanian Mathematicians, Vol. 1, Ed. Acad. Române, Bucharest, pp. 401–432.Search in Google Scholar

[L51] Baláž, V.—Liardet, P.—Strauch, O.: Distribution functions of the sequence ϕ(M)/M, M ∈ (k, k + N] as k, N go to infinity, Integers 10 (2010), A53, 705—732.Search in Google Scholar

[L52] Bonnecaze, A.—Liardet, P.: Efficient uniform k-out-of-n generators, in: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Systems and Networks Communications, ICSNC’10, IEEE Computer Society, Washington, DC, USA, 2010, pp. 177–182.10.1109/ICSNC.2010.34Search in Google Scholar

[L53] Bonnecaze, A.—Liardet, P.: Uniform generators and combinatorial designs, International Journal on Advances in Networks and Services, 4 (2011), 107—118.Search in Google Scholar

[L54] Grabner, P. J.—Hellekalek, P.—Liardet, P.: The dynamical point of view of low-discrepancy sequences, Unif. Distrib. Theory, 7 (2012), no. 1, 11–70.Search in Google Scholar

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[L59] Feng, D.-J.—Liardet, P.—Thomas, A.: Partition functions in numeration systems with bounded multiplicity, Unif. Distrib. Theory 9 (2014), no. 1, 43–77.Search in Google Scholar

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