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The Presence of the Ministry of National Defense in the Social Media Space. Analysis of the Official Communication Effort Between the Years 2012-2017

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[1] The Information and Public Relations Department was established on October 30, 1993 by merging the Information and Public Relations Section and the Press Section of the Ministry of National Defense.Search in Google Scholar

[2] The professionalization process involved also the normalization of the specialized actions, so on May 22, 1995, the first public relations regulation in a governmental structure in Romania, the Instructions on the organization of the information and public relations activity in the Army, followed by a massive methodological guide for application and, later, clarification on how to manage crises. Until now, the above-mentioned instructions have seen seven revisions and changes dictated by the evolution of the DP process, Army transformation, new technologies, NATO entry.Search in Google Scholar

[3] Order no. 148/2012 for the approval of the Instructions regarding the activity of information and public relations in the Ministry of National Defense stipulated in art. 79. - The network of web sites of the structures of the Ministry of National Defense consists of: a) the site - a central site, which functions as a master-website and virtual press center of the Ministry of National Defense; is being developed, administered and updated by the Information and Public Relations Directorate; b) A-type websites, created at the level of the departments, the General Staff, the major states of the armed forces, Command and the National Defense University "Carol I"; c) B-type websites created at the level of the military structures subordinated to the departments, armed forces categories, Commands, as well as those belonging to the Press Trust of the Ministry of National Defense, military publications, military education, culture, sports or with areas of unique activity in the Ministry of National Defense or those made on occasion of special events.Search in Google Scholar

[4] The National Military Library's website was established in early September 2011, the first post being September 6th. The first event is immortalized on 25 October 2011, awarding the honorary diploma of ARIP prof. Dr. Dumitru Micu at the ceremony organized by ARIP Bucharest Muntenia Branch, the National Military Library and the Society of Military Writers at the end of 80 years of life;ABmFoMyw~-~-.bps.a.220491808016644.54532.197171093682049/220491834683308/?type=3&theater, retrieved March12, 2018, at 13.22.Search in Google Scholar

[5] The first post on Admiral Frăţilă's personal page was only on 31 July 2012 after a break of more than nine months, retrieved March12, 2018, at 15.52.Search in Google Scholar

[6], retrieved 12.03.2018, ora 14,27.. Thus, towards the end of 2010, the Romanian social media landscape was dominated by Hi5, which in October had 4,256,944 unique visitors, followed by with 2,795,934 unique visitors, 3rd place was Facebook with 1,866,580 user accounts and 3,800,000 Unique Visitors, followed by with 1,535,334 unique visitors, then Netlog with 921,467 Unique Visitors and Neogen with 884,369 Visitors. At the end of the list are LinkedIn (318,168 accounts), blogging(59,000 Romanian blogs) and finally Twitter with 36,700 user accounts and 700,000 unique visitors., accessed 12.03.2018, 14.28. According to Cristian Manafu's December 2011 statistics, the top three social media platforms that were the most successful in terms of the number of users were: Facebook (5,600,000 Unique Visitors), Hi5 (1,628,825 Unique Visitors) and Trilulilu (2,669,967 unique visitors). Google+ had 27,488 users, followed by NETLOG with 818,412 unique visitors. The last three places in the ranking are LinkedIn, Twitter and Blogs. While LinkedIn had 570,146 user accounts and 520,000 unique users, Twitter only had 51,000 user accounts, but more unique users in the number of 570,000.Search in Google Scholar

[7], retrieved March12, 2018,at 14.41 Facebook has maintained its top position with 4,953,980 user accounts and 5,600,000 unique visitors. Pinterest was the second time to have 110,000 unique visitors. Trilulilu is on the third place with 2.085.899 unique viewers. had 2,048,534 unique visitors and 462,679 user accounts. Netlog had 350,000 unique users. LinkedIn has 520,000 unique users, and Twitter 510,000 unique users and 52,164 user accounts.Search in Google Scholar

[8] April 27, 2012.Search in Google Scholar

[9] Corneliu Dobriţoiu, Lieutenant General in Retirement, born on September 18, 1955, in Bucharest. He graduated the "Dimitrie Cantemir" Military High School from Breaza (Prahova County) in 1974, the Academy of Land Forces "Nicolae Balcescu" from Sibiu, in 1977, the Academy of High Military Studies in Bucharest in 1993. Military functions, after his resignation, State Secretary to the Department of Defense Policy (2006-2010). Minister for National Defense between 7 May and 22 December 2012.Search in Google Scholar

[10] Head of the DIRP Directorate for Information and Public Relations Activities to Achieve Communication Objectives, p.2.Search in Google Scholar

[11] Head of the DIRP on the conduct of information and public relations activities for the fulfillment of the communication objectives, p.4.Search in Google Scholar

[12] DCISM address number RP306 / 08.03.2013.10.9790/3021-03320815Search in Google Scholar

[13] Convocation Program on the Establishment and Management of the MND Pages in Social Media Platforms, Bucharest, September 20, 2012.Search in Google Scholar

[14] Self-assessment of the status of DIRP in 2012, 19 Feb. 2013.Search in Google Scholar

[15] art. 8, par. n of the Instructions on Information and Public Relations in the Ministry of National Defense.Search in Google Scholar

[16] art. 83 of the Instructions on Information and Public Relations in the Ministry of National Defense.Search in Google Scholar

[17] art. 82, art. 83 of the Order M76 / 2016 for the approval of the Instructions regarding the information and public relations activity in the Ministry of National Defense.Search in Google Scholar

[18] art. 83 of the Order M76 / 2016 for the approval of the Instructions regarding the information and public relations activity in the Ministry of National Defense.Search in Google Scholar

[19] Analysis of media attitude toward the activity of the military institution in 2017, Analysis of the media attitude towards the activity of the military institution in 2016, Analysis of the media attitude towards the activity of the military institution in 2015, Analysis of the media attitude towards the activity of the military institution in the year 2014, Analysis of media attitude towards the activity of the military institution in 2013.Search in Google Scholar

[20] interview with Mr. Alin Preda, Head of the Online Communication Bureau.Search in Google Scholar

[21] Analysis of the media attitude towards the activity of the military institution in 2016.Search in Google Scholar