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Critical Views on Some Changes and Some Supplements on Law No. 273/2004 regarding the Adoption Procedure through Law No. 57/2016

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[1] Law no. 57/2016 was published in the Official Gazette of Romania, First Part, no. 283 from 14th of April 2016.Search in Google Scholar

[2] Law no. 273/2004 was published in the Official Gazette of Romania, First Part, no. 557 from 23rd of June 2004 and republished in Official Gazette of Romania, First Part, no. 259 from 19th of April 2012, later being amended.Search in Google Scholar

[3] Law no. 24/2000 was published in the Official Gazette of Romania, First Part, no. 139 from 21st of March 2000 and republished in Official Gazette of Romania, First Part, no. 260 from 21st of April 2010, later being amended.Search in Google Scholar

[4] Dictionary of Romanian Language (DEX) published by the Romanian Academy – Institute of Linguistics “Iorgu Iordan”, Second Edition, Encyclopaedic Universe publishing house, Bucharest, Romania, pp. 1094, 1998.Search in Google Scholar

[5] See for eg art.1 let. a), art 8 para. (1), art. 27, art. 29 para. (3) and art. 36 alin. (2) from Law no. 273/2004.Search in Google Scholar

[6] See art. 16 para. (3) Civile Code and art. 16 para. (4) Penal Code.Search in Google Scholar

[7] Law no. 272/2004was published in the Official Gazette of Romania, First Part, no. 557 from 23rd of June 2004 and republished in Official Gazette of Romania, First Part, no.159, from 5 March 2014, later being amended.Search in Google Scholar

[8] See art. 16 Civil Code of procedure.Search in Google Scholar

[9] See art. 463 Civil Code.Search in Google Scholar

[10] See DEX, pp. 491.Search in Google Scholar

[11] See DEX, pp. 358.Search in Google Scholar