À propos de cet article


The urgency of the study is conditioned by the necessity of perfection of the methods of electro-aerosol disinfection and disinsection of the air and the surfaces of premises, medical and preventive treatment of animals, and plant protection. The objective of the paper is aimed at revealing the regularities of electro-physical processes when charging an aerosol in electro-aerosol generators, improvement of the methods of electro-aerosol generation. The leading approach to the research of this problem is mathematical modelling of electrotechnical, dynamic and kinetic processes in electro-aerosol generators, allowing revealing the basic regularities of electro-aerosol generation. Experimental studies are aimed at assessment of the main characteristic of the electro-aerosol generator – convection current. As a result of the studies, a mathematical model of electro-aerosol generation with the mechanical method of atomization was obtained. The regularities of charging a fluid thread, arising at the edge of the generator, when applying electric field. The configuration of the electric field of cylindrical electrodes, taking into account the influence of the bulk charge of the electro-aerosol cloud, was considered. Electrostatic pressure of the electric field of the generator on fluid streams was taken into consideration. An equation for determining the average radius of drops of the electro-aerosol during mechanical atomization by the perforated cage was obtained. The mathematical model of electro-aerosol generation is obtained in the form of the equation of convection current, being one of the basic characteristics of the process of electro-aerosol generation, allowing defining the efficiency of electrization of aerosol particles and the degree of their fragmentation. Theoretical calculations are verified experimentally. Materials of the paper can be useful for the researchers, post-graduate students, engineers, engaged in designing, manufacturing and exploiting electro-aerosol equipment.
