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Why subscribe and read

Only journal in the Baltic Sea Region that focuses on all forms of audiovisual culture emerging from the region and approaches these from a fiercely interdisciplinary angle – incorporating conceptual and methodological insights deriving from film and media studies, new media studies, culture studies, media innovation and management studies, political economy of media and cultural industries, media policy studies, etc.

Why submit

  • Quick, fair and constructive double-blind peer review
  • Good visibility in the scholarly target community

Rejection Rate

  • 40%

The core mission of Baltic Screen Media Review is to publish original and critical research articles on a variety of screen media forms and phenomena that are either produced in or represent the cultures and realities of the Baltic region. Therein we define the Baltic region flexibly – it may not only refer to the three Baltic countries (Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania), but include all the countries and cultures around the Baltic Sea, a region typically neglected in film and media studies. Our specific interest is to discuss and critically analyze the interconnections and exchanges between the countries of the region and their audiovisual cultures. The term ‘screen media’ indicates that the journal’s focus is ‘convergent’ – we publish articles on film, television, interactive media, video art, video games, mobile augmented reality, etc. Manuscripts scrutinizing the co-evolution of these various screen media forms are given a priority. We also invite articles on the full spectrum of audiovisual culture and different methodological takes on it – including textual analyses, accounts on education, production, exhibition, distribution and reception, as well as reflections on relevant theories and frames of references.

The journal is currently published twice a year and is a blind peer-reviewed journal addressed to the international scholarly community.


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Plagiarism Policy

The editorial board is participating in a growing community of Similarity Check System's users in order to ensure that the content published is original and trustworthy. Similarity Check is a medium that allows for comprehensive manuscripts screening, aimed to eliminate plagiarism and provide a high standard and quality peer-review process.