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Quantum Mechanics

An Introduction

Volume in the series:Essentials of Physics Series
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Chapter 1. The Place of Quantum Mechanics in Modern Physics
Chapter 2. The Dynamic Variables in Quantum Mechanics
Chapter 3. Wave Particle Duality, Superposition, and Non-Locality
Chapter 4. Complex Numbers, Wave Equations, and the Momentum Operator
Chapter 5. An End to Determinism
Chapter 6. The Newtonian Wave Equation
Chapter 7. Linear Spaces and Inner Products
Chapter 8. Operators, Eigenfunctions, and Eigenvalues
Chapter 9. The Place of Operators in Quantum Mechanics
Chapter 10. Commutation Relations in Quantum Mechanics
Chapter 11. Angular Momentum and the Position Operators
Chapter 12. A Note on Entanglement
Chapter 13. Expectation Value and Standard Deviation
Chapter 14. Probability
Chapter 15. The History of Quantum Mechanics
Chapter 16. Quantum Mechanics – An Overview
Chapter 17. Basic Formulae
Chapter 18. De Broglie Waves Lead to the Momentum Operator
Chapter 19. The Hamiltonian and Schrödinger’s Equations
Chapter 20. Boundary Conditions on Eigenfunctions
Chapter 21. Wave Mechanics - the Schrödinger Equation
Chapter 22. Solving the TISE in Several Potentials
Chapter 23. The Free Particle Solution of the TISE
Chapter 24. The Infinite Square Well Solution of the TDSE
Chapter 25. The Step Potential
Chapter 26. The 3-Dimensional Box and Degeneracy
Chapter 27. Parity
Chapter 28. The Simple Harmonic Oscillator
Chapter 29. Angular Momentum
Chapter 30. The Stern-Gerlach Experiment
Chapter 31. Intrinsic Spin
Chapter 32. A Revision of the Structure of Quantum Mechanics
Chapter 33. A Strange Aspect of Intrinsic Spin
Chapter 34. Identical Particles
Chapter 35. The Hydrogen Atom
Chapter 36. Relativistic Quantum Mechanics
Concluding Remarks
Appendix. The Postulates of Quantum Mechanics
Chapter 1. The Place of Quantum Mechanics in Modern Physics
Chapter 2. The Dynamic Variables in Quantum Mechanics
Chapter 3. Wave Particle Duality, Superposition, and Non-Locality
Chapter 4. Complex Numbers, Wave Equations, and the Momentum Operator
Chapter 5. An End to Determinism
Chapter 6. The Newtonian Wave Equation
Chapter 7. Linear Spaces and Inner Products
Chapter 8. Operators, Eigenfunctions, and Eigenvalues
Chapter 9. The Place of Operators in Quantum Mechanics
Chapter 10. Commutation Relations in Quantum Mechanics
Chapter 11. Angular Momentum and the Position Operators
Chapter 12. A Note on Entanglement
Chapter 13. Expectation Value and Standard Deviation
Chapter 14. Probability
Chapter 15. The History of Quantum Mechanics
Chapter 16. Quantum Mechanics – An Overview
Chapter 17. Basic Formulae
Chapter 18. De Broglie Waves Lead to the Momentum Operator
Chapter 19. The Hamiltonian and Schrödinger’s Equations
Chapter 20. Boundary Conditions on Eigenfunctions
Chapter 21. Wave Mechanics - the Schrödinger Equation
Chapter 22. Solving the TISE in Several Potentials
Chapter 23. The Free Particle Solution of the TISE
Chapter 24. The Infinite Square Well Solution of the TDSE
Chapter 25. The Step Potential
Chapter 26. The 3-Dimensional Box and Degeneracy
Chapter 27. Parity
Chapter 28. The Simple Harmonic Oscillator
Chapter 29. Angular Momentum
Chapter 30. The Stern-Gerlach Experiment
Chapter 31. Intrinsic Spin
Chapter 32. A Revision of the Structure of Quantum Mechanics
Chapter 33. A Strange Aspect of Intrinsic Spin
Chapter 34. Identical Particles
Chapter 35. The Hydrogen Atom
Chapter 36. Relativistic Quantum Mechanics
Concluding Remarks
Appendix. The Postulates of Quantum Mechanics
jun 2016
ISBN: 978-1-68392-308-4
jun 2016
ISBN: 978-1-944534-45-5
may 2016

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