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Super and Hyper Products of Super Relations

   | 01 ene 2022


If R is a relation on X to Y, U is a relation on P (X) to Y, and V is a relation on P (X) to P (Y), then we say that R is an ordinary relation, U is a super relation, and V is a hyper relation on X to Y.

Motivated by an ingenious idea of Emilia Przemska on a unified treatment of open- and closed-like sets, we shall introduce and investigate here four reasonable notions of product relations for super relations.

In particular, for any two super relations U and V on X, we define two super relations U * V and U * V, and two hyper relations UV and U * V on X such that : (U*V)(A)=(AU(A))V(A),(U*V)(A)=(AU(A))U(A) \begin{array}{*{20}{l}} {(U*V)(A) = (A\mathop \cup \nolimits^ U(A))\mathop \cap \nolimits^ V(A),}\\ {(U*V)(A) = (A\mathop \cap \nolimits^ U(A))\mathop \cup \nolimits^ U(A)} \end{array} and (UV)(A)={BX:(U*V)(A)B(U*V)(A)},(U*V)(A)={BX:(UV)(A)B(UV)(A)}\begin{array}{*{20}{l}} {(UV)(A) = \{ B \subseteq X:\,(U*V)(A) \subseteq B \subseteq (U*V)(A)\} ,}\\ {(U*V)(A) = \{ B \subseteq X:\,(U\mathop \cap \nolimits^ V)(A) \subseteq B \subseteq (U\mathop \cup \nolimits^ V)(A)\} } \end{array} for all AX.

By using the distributivity of the operation ∩ over ∪, we can at once see that U * VU * V. Moreover, if UV, then we can also see that U * V = U * V. The most simple case is when U is an interior relation on X and V is the associated closure relation defined such that V (A) = U (Ac)c for all AX.

Calendario de la edición:
3 veces al año
Temas de la revista:
Mathematics, General Mathematics