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Validation of the Slovenian version of short sense of coherence questionnaire (SOC-13) in multiple sclerosis patients


Comparison of three factor analysis models in the Slovenian version of the Sense of Coherence 13-item instrument validation study in multiple sclerosis patients (n=134).

Modified 3-factor87.68600.0115931.900.0590.9530.065

Factor loadings for the final model in the Slovenian version of the Sense of Coherence 13-item instrument validation study in multiple sclerosis patients (n=134).

ItemItemLoading (SE)Standardized loading
ComprehensibilityItem_20.804 (0.148)0.476
Item_61.185 (0.126)0.726
Item_81.451 (0.107)0.834
Item_91.370 (0.125)0.763
Item_110.730 (0.140)0.505
ManageabilityItem_30.693 (0.140)0.421
Item_50.820 (0.149)0.479
Item_100.740 (0.163)0.467
Item_131.325 (0.112)0.787
MeaningfulnessItem_10.506 (0.134)0.319
Item_40.890 (0.124)0.658
Item_70.806 (0.105)0.623
Item_121.266 (0.142)0.855

Sense of Coherence 13-item instrument: items, their placement within three dimensions and scoring (6).

Item No.Question

Legend: *=the questions from the questionnaire are reprinted with the permission of the copyright holder; C=comprehensibility; Ma=manageability; Me=meaningfulness; O=original; R=reverse

Item_1Do you have the feeling that you don’t really care about what goes on around you? (1=Very seldom or never to 7=Very often)MeR
Item_2Has it happened in the past that you were surprised by the behaviour of people whom you thought you knew well? (1=Never happened to 7=Always happened)CR
Item_3Has it happened that people whom you counted on disappointed you? (1=Never happened to 7=Always happened)MaR
Item_4Until now your life has had: (1=No clear goals or purpose at all to 7=Very clear goals and purpose)MeO
Item_5Do you have the feeling that you’re being treated unfairly? (1=Very often to 7=Very seldom or never)MaO
Item_6Do you have the feeling that you are in an unfamiliar situation and don’t know what to do? (1=Very often to 7=Very seldom or never)CO
Item_7Doing the things, you do every day is: (1=A source of deep pleasure and satisfaction to 7=A source of pain and boredom)MeR
Item_8Do you have very mixed-up feelings and ideas? (1=Very often to 7=Very seldom or never)CO
Item_9Does it happen that you have feelings inside you would rather not feel? (1=Very often to 7=Very seldom or never)CO
Item_10Many people – even those with a strong character – sometimes feel like sad sacks (losers) in certain situations. How often have you felt this way in the past? (1=Never to 7=Very often)MaR
Item_11When something happened, have you generally found that: (1=You overestimated or underestimated its importance to 7=You saw things in the right proportion)CO
Item_12How often do you have the feeling that there’s little meaning in the things you do in your daily life? (1=Very often to 7=Very seldom or never)MeO
Item_13How often do you have feelings that you’re not sure you can keep under control? (1=Very often to 7=Very seldom or never)MaO

Characteristics of the distribution of values of items of the Sense of Coherence 13-item instrument in the validation study in multiple sclerosis patients (n=134).

ItemMeanStandard DeviationMedianInterquartile range

Characteristics of the multiple sclerosis (MS) patients group for validation of Slovenian version of the Sense of Coherence 13-item instrument (n=134).

CharacteristicCategoryNo. (%) / Median; Min–Max; Q1–Q3
EducationPrimary16 (11.9)
Secondary94 (70.1)
College or higher24 (17.9)
Employment statusEmployed63 (47.0)
Unemployed18 (13.4)
Retired53 (39.6)
Marital statusSingle44 (32.8)
Married/cohabiting90 (67.2)
Area of livingRural80 (59.7)
Urban54 (40.3)
Disease duration (years)8; 0-33; 4–12.25
Disease coursePrimary progressive6 (4.5)
Secondary progressive23 (17.2)
Relapsing-remitting105 (78.4)
Clinical worsening of the disease*No83 (61.9)
Yes51 (38.1)
Immunomodulatory therapyNo42 (31.3)
Yes92 (68.7)
EDSS3; 0-8; 1.625–4.5
Calendario de la edición:
4 veces al año
Temas de la revista:
Medicine, Clinical Medicine, Hygiene and Environmental Medicine