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The Objectives of the Europe 2020 Strategy and Romania’s Achievements

   | 08 oct 2022


The Europe 2020 strategy comes amid a deep economic crisis and long-term challenges: globalization, pressure on resource use and climate change. The Europe 2020 strategy seeks solutions to the 2008 crisis through action at an European level, based on the broad coordination of economic and fiscal policies among member states. The solutions adopted by the European Commission involve a number of common objectives, which do not take into account the level of development of each Member State. However, the Commission leaves it to Member States to set a national level of targets which may differ from what has been set at the European level, depending on their needs. This strategy has been implemented at Member State level with the help of the National Reform Programs and monitored throughout the European Semester. Romania has established its own values for all the objectives of the “Europe 2020” Strategy, and the results it obtained require an analysis.