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Immune RECIST criteria and symptomatic pseudoprogression in non-small cell lung cancer patients treated with immunotherapy


Figure 1

PET CT of non-small cell lung cancer patient from Institute of Oncology Ljubljana, at progression of disease after chemotherapy and before immunotherapy on March 2017.
PET CT of non-small cell lung cancer patient from Institute of Oncology Ljubljana, at progression of disease after chemotherapy and before immunotherapy on March 2017.

Figure 2

PET CT of non-small cell lung cancer patient from Institute of Oncology Ljubljana, three months after immunotherapy on June 2017.
PET CT of non-small cell lung cancer patient from Institute of Oncology Ljubljana, three months after immunotherapy on June 2017.

Symptomatic pseudo progression: review of the literature

Author, (Year), referenceSex/age (years)HistologyInitial stageLine of systemic therapyPD-L1 expressionAnti-PD-1/PD-L1Time to PPSymptoms of PPTime to response (months)Subsequent treatment (time)
Sarfay et al. (2016)17F/68squamous NSCLClocally advanced2NRnivolumab1 weekPain, sys.inflam.reac4 weeksNC (6m)
Kolla et al. (2016)18M/46SCLCNR11NRnivolumabNRSVCS, stenting req., Card. tamponade, Pericard.req. Card.tamponade8 weeksNC (12m)
F/54adenoca EGFR ex21metastatic5NRnivolumabNRPericard.req8 weeksIT S, osi
Izumida et al. (2017)19M/64adenocametastatic6NRnivolumab2 monthsGen.det3 monthsIT S, IT reint. (11m)
Kumagai et al. (2017)20F/62adenocalocally advanced7NRnivolumab12 weeksHemoptysis, art.embol.req20 weeksPacli, S-1
Hochmair et al. (2017)21M/63 F/63adenoca adenocalocally advanced metastatic2290% Highlypembrolizumab pembrolizumab2 months 4 weeksResp.insuf. (O2 req) Gen.det., Resp.insuf.(O2 req)6 weeks after PP 3 monthsNC (13m) NC (19m)
Vrankar et al. (2018)F/67adenocametastatic2100%pembrolizumab2 weeksGen.det3 monthsIT reint. (11m)
Calendario de la edición:
4 veces al año
Temas de la revista:
Medicine, Clinical Medicine, Internal Medicine, Haematology, Oncology, Radiology