
Watching carefully and exploiting the colossal potential of global cutting-edge technology should be a priority for any army that looks to sustain the welfare and security of all its soldiers. The expanded spread of information and opportunity far and wide the globe has been aided indisputably by an exponential boost in high-tech novelty, especially from powerful military organizations such as NATO. The purpose of a designed forecasting system destined for all kind of disruptive technologies is reducing surprise which is associated to disruptive systems and also to train the commanders to take efficient decisions concerning the possible threats in the future. An effective forecast should acumen the possible, focusing less on the probable. Furthermore, forecasts ought to be measured according to their capacity of securing disruptive effects with a high-impact, instead of correct-to-incorrect prognosis that they make. Disruptive technologies can influence the military decision making process in a positive or negative manner. The outcome of the effects is highly reliant on the perspective that a disruption that is harmful to some will benefit others.