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Useful Approaches in Training and Developing the Professional Conduct of Land Forces Tactical Operational Leaders


The professional development of military leaders in accordance with the requirements of global and regional military challenges calls for their continuous education and training that harness the intellectual and practical tools necessary for the success of military action in times of peace, crisis or possible armed conflict, determined over time by the conditions of an unpredictable and unstable world. Regardless of the challenges faced today by NATO and by the military, it is obvious that the leaders of tactical structures must acquire moral and ethical qualities necessary for the leadership of operational military organizations in theatres (areas) of operations characterized by uncertainty and increased risk. This objective of this article is to highlight some aspects related to the tactical military leader’s attributes and competences that typify their professional conduct, which allow them to master the art of effective and successful operational leadership in the context of tactical combat structures These abilities are acquired progressively, during training and throughout military university studies as well as afterwards. Given the technological evolution of tactical combat potential and the need to ensure operational resilience through proactive and anticipatory risk management actions, we can argue that the leadership process characterizing this commander is quite different from the one of the past. Our approach is based on connections with some concepts that are considered familiar, due to the fact that, in the future, the leadership performed by the leader of a tactical operational structure will be increasingly complex and, consequently, will require ongoing learning and training.