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The Transpersonal War – Constituent of the Hybrid War


The study highlights aspects of the hybrid war waged by the Russian Federation in order to maintain, strengthen its areas of influence, penetrating areas inaccessible by classical means. The paper brings to the fore the nationalist interests, characteristics, objectives, tools and means used by the Russians in the current hybrid war. Using a reflective logic regarding the fact that there is a current of opinion in the US Armed Forces that argues that the real challenge for the United States is not the asymmetric war but the Transcendent War, I express the opinion that the Russian Federation also considers this issue. In this context, I draw attention to the research conducted in Romania on Distal Psychoinformational Influence as an offensive-defensive weapon that manifests itself without material support and acts subliminally, transcendently, in operations of knowledge, influence, domination and control of the opponent, both psychoemotional as well as somatic.