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Arguments and Counterarguments for and against Coffee in 17th-Century English Literature


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“A Cup of Coffee: OR, Coffee in its Colours.” Early English Books Online, 1663. Search in Google Scholar

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“By the King. A Proclamation for the Suppression of Coffee-Houses.” Early English Books Online, 1675. Search in Google Scholar

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Ellis, Markman. Eighteenth-Century Coffee-House Culture, Volume 1. Routledge, 2006. Search in Google Scholar

Hattox, Ralph S. Coffee and Coffeehouses: The Origins of a Social Beverage in the Medieval Near East. University of Washington, 1985. Search in Google Scholar

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Stephen, Leslie. English Literature and Society in the Eighteenth Century, Project Gutenberg, eBook #21123, April 2007, Search in Google Scholar

Suter, Keith. “The rise and fall of English coffee houses.” Contemporary Review 286. 1669, 2005, pp. 107–110. Search in Google Scholar

“The Character of a coffee house, With the Symptoms of a Town Wit.” Early English Books Online, 1673. Search in Google Scholar

“The Mens Answer to the Womens Petition Against Coffee: Vindicating Their Own Performances, and the Vertues of that Liquor, from the Undeserved Aspersions lately Cast Upon Them by Their Scandalous Pamphlet.” Early English Books Online, London, 1674. Search in Google Scholar

“The Rules and Orders of the Coffee-House.” University of Michigan,;view=fulltext. Search in Google Scholar

“The women’s petition against coffee representing to publick consideration the grand inconveniencies accruing to their sex from the excessive use of that drying, enfeebling liquor: presented to the right honorable the keepers of the liberty of Venus / by a well-willer.” Early English Books Online, London, 1674. Search in Google Scholar

Ukers, William H. ALL ABOUT COFFEE. Project Gutenberg, [EBook #28500], April 2009, Search in Google Scholar