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The Emerging Generation Z Workforce in the Digital World: A Literature Review on Cooperation and Transformation


Generation Z, the next generation of employees, proposes a complex combination of challenges and opportunities in the current digital business world. This generation brings to the workplace a specific set of skills, beliefs, and views influenced by their experiences in a digital environment that is continually expanding. As they assume increasingly important responsibilities in the workforce, it is essential to understand their perspectives on collaboration and transformation in the digital business environment. This literature review analyzes the current state of research on the cooperation and transformation behaviors of Generation Z within the digital business world. The research explores the unique characteristics, values, and perceptions of Generation Z, as well as the developing dynamics of work in the digital business climate and their impact on collaboration and transformation. In addition, the review assesses the importance of diversity and inclusion in attracting and retaining members of Generation Z in the digital business workforce, as well as the effects of technological developments and digitalization on their capacity to contribute to cooperation and transformation in the industry. The findings of this literature review give academics, professionals, and policymakers valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities facing this emerging generation of workers in a digital world that is rapidly changing. This research contributes to a better understanding of how Generation Z is transforming the digital business landscape and how organizations should adapt to their unique perspectives and demands.
