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Romanian public authorities request unnecessary approvals for urbanism permits


Law no. 350/2001 regarding territory and urbanism landscaping was published in the Official Journal Part I, no. 373, 10th July 2001. Search in Google Scholar

Law 50/1991 regarding the authorization of the construction works was published in the Official Journal Part I, no. 933 date 13.10.2004. Search in Google Scholar

Draganu, T. (1999). Drept constituţional şi instituţii politice–tratat elementar, vol. I, Constitutional Law, România de Mâine” Foundation’s Press, Bucharest, 5. Search in Google Scholar

Alexandresco, D. (1909). Explicaţiunea teoretică şi practică a dreptului civil român, tomul III, partea I, ed. a 2-a, Bucureşti, 1909, p. 230; apud C. Bîrsan, Drept civil. Drepturile reale principale, Editura Hamangiu, Bucureşti, 2013, p. 43. Search in Google Scholar
