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Geographic Information Systems (GIS) as Supporting Tools in the Monitoring and Water Management of Lakes in Poland: A Review


Figure 1

Scheme of the relationship between tables in the database LAKES 2 [after Kutyła, Pasztaleniec 2013]
Scheme of the relationship between tables in the database LAKES 2 [after Kutyła, Pasztaleniec 2013]

Figure 2

Lake basin visualization: (a) 2D bathymetric plan (b) 3D model [authors’ own elaboration based on data from Inland Fisheries Institute in Olsztyn]
Lake basin visualization: (a) 2D bathymetric plan (b) 3D model [authors’ own elaboration based on data from Inland Fisheries Institute in Olsztyn]

Figure 3

Scheme of the analysis of the delimitation of the catchment area based on the Digital Terrain Model in GIS systems [after Gudowicz, Zwoliński 2009; modified]
Scheme of the analysis of the delimitation of the catchment area based on the Digital Terrain Model in GIS systems [after Gudowicz, Zwoliński 2009; modified]

Figure 4

Interpolation of an example parameter using various methods: (a) IDW, (b) kriging, (c) spline [after Wu, Hung 2016]
Interpolation of an example parameter using various methods: (a) IDW, (b) kriging, (c) spline [after Wu, Hung 2016]

Calculation of lake surface characteristics using GIS tools [after Urbański, Kryla-Straszewska 2010; modified]; N/A – not applicable

Parameter Definition Formula Necessary layers Determination method in GIS
Lake area characteristics
Height above sea level The location of the lake above sea level (m a.s.l.) N/A Digital Terrain Model and a polygon layer with the lake area Zonal Statistics
Area (A) Water surface area without taking the area of islands into account N/A Polygon layer with the lake area Option calculate geometry area (in the attribute table)
Maximum length (l) The shortest distance between the most distant points of the lake shore when measured along the line, without extending beyond the lake’s boundary N/A Polygon layer with the lake area Requires a Python script
Maximum breadth (b) The greatest distance between opposite shores measured along a line perpendicular to the maximum length of the lake N/A Polygon layer with the lake area Requires a Python script
Mean breadth () The ratio of the lake area to the maximum lake length = A/l Polygon layer with the lake area Requires a Python script that counts l and the calculate option (in the attribute table)
Perimeter (L) The length of the lake shoreline measured along the 0 isobath N/A Polygon layer with the lake area Option calculate geometry perimeter (in the attribute table)
Elongation index (λ) This parameter gives an overview of the shape of the lake surface. The greater its value, the more elongated the lake is λ = l/ Polygon layer with the lake area Requires a Python script that counts l and the calculate option (in the attribute table)
Shoreline development (DL) This parameter shows how close the shape of the shoreline is to the shape of a circle DL=L/(2√π⋅A) Polygon layer with the lake area Options of calculation several geometric and algebraic parameters (in the attribute table)

Calculation of morphometric characteristics related to lake bathymetry using GIS tools [after Urbański, Kryla-Straszewska 2010; modified]; abbreviations – see Table 1, N/A – not applicable

Parameter Definition Formula Necessary layers Determination method in GIS
Bathymetric characteristics
Volume (V) Lake volume V = A · Polygon layer with the lake shoreline Calculation option within the attribute table
Maximum depth (Zm) Depth at the deepest point of the lake N/A Polygon layer with lake shoreline and raster bathymetry map Zonal Statistics
Mean depth () The ratio of the lake’s volume to its area = V/A Polygon layer with lake shoreline and raster bathymetry map Zonal Statistics
Exposure or openness (Wo) Indicator that allows assessing the intensity of the impact of external factors on the lake Wo = A/ Calculation option within the attribute table Calculation option within the attribute table
Relative depth (Zr) The ratio of the maximum depth to the diameter of a circle equal to the area of the lake, expressed as a percentage Zr=50 ⋅ Zm ⋅ √π⋅(√A)−1 Calculation option within the attribute table Calculation option within the attribute table
Littoral zone The percentage of the lake area covered by macrophytes N/A Raster bathymetry map Reclassification of the bathymetric plan into two depth classes depending on the depth of the macrophyte occurrence. Then, calculation of the percentage of the class in the attribute table
Calendario de la edición:
4 veces al año
Temas de la revista:
Life Sciences, Ecology