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Emergent self-mediating classes in the digital semiosphere: Covid-19 conspiracies and the climate justice movement


Figure 1

“Public Feminist Intellectuals”Comments: German Chancellor Angela Merkel hosted Fridays for Future youth climate activists Luisa Neubauer (Germany), Greta Thunberg (Sweden), Anuna de Wever (Belgium), and Adélaïde Charlier (Belgium). “We asked her to treat the climate crisis like you treat any other crisis”, said Thunberg. She also called for Merkel to “be brave” and become a leader in the crisis (DW, 2020).Source: Neubauer, 2020; Thunberg, 2020
“Public Feminist Intellectuals”Comments: German Chancellor Angela Merkel hosted Fridays for Future youth climate activists Luisa Neubauer (Germany), Greta Thunberg (Sweden), Anuna de Wever (Belgium), and Adélaïde Charlier (Belgium). “We asked her to treat the climate crisis like you treat any other crisis”, said Thunberg. She also called for Merkel to “be brave” and become a leader in the crisis (DW, 2020).Source: Neubauer, 2020; Thunberg, 2020

Figure 2

“Girls punked Donald Trump”Source: McElrath, 2020
“Girls punked Donald Trump”Source: McElrath, 2020

Figure 3

“K-pop killed the reality star”Source: MichelleN65, 2020
“K-pop killed the reality star”Source: MichelleN65, 2020