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| 02 jul 2019



HANNE BRUUN is Associate Professor at Aarhus University (AU), Denmark. She is the founder and head of the Centre for Media Industries and Production Studies. She is the author of four books, including Dansk TV-satire. Underholdning med kant (2011), and the co-editor of four books. She has contributed to several books, for example Advancing media production studies (2016) (eds. C. Paterson et al.), and journals, for example Critical Studies in Television (2018) 13(2) and Nordicom Review (2016) 37(2) as well as the European Journal of Communication, Media Culture & Society and MedieKultur. Contact:

ASTA BÄCK received a Master of Science degree in Media Technology from the Helsinki University of Technology in 1983. She currently works as Principal Scientist in the VTT Big Data Industrial Applications team. She has worked at VTT since 1983 in different positions, such as research scientist, team leader, and project manager. Her expertise and research interests include media innovation development, the utilization of social media to support innovation and marketing, and tools and methods for analysing social media data. Contact:

KAREN DONDERS lectures on European media markets, the political economy of journalism, and policy analysis at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. She is a PI at the Center for Studies on Media Innovation and Technology (a partner in imec) at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. She specializes in public service media, private television, and the interplay between media economics and policies. She has published widely on these topics in peer-reviewed journals. Contact:

GUNN ENLI is Professor of Media Studies at the University of Oslo and Dean of Studies at the Faculty of Humanities. Her research interests are media policy, political communication, and social media. Her work appears in journals such as Media, Culture & Society, Television and New Media, Convergence, and the European Journal of Communication. Enli’s recent books are the Routledge companion to social media and politics (2016), The media welfare state: Nordic media in the digital era (2015), and Mediated authenticity (2015). Contact: Gunn.

TERJE GAUSTAD is Adjunct Associate Professor at the BI Norwegian Business School. His main research interests are institutional and organizational economics applied to the entertainment industries. He is currently chairing a group within a research project at the BI Center for Creative Industries, studying efficiency in copyright enforcement and diversity effects of cinema digitization. He has developed the BI Norwegian Business School’s executive education in production management, and he teaches creative industries management and media economics. Contact:

LINN-BIRGIT KAMPEN KRISTENSEN is a PhD candidate in Media Studies at the BI Norwegian Business School. Kampen Kristensen is a part of the research team working on the “Digitization and Diversity” research project. Her research focus is on how and why consumers are changing within the book industry. This article is part of her dissertation “Do they want it or not? A value chain and consumer perspective on the digitization of the Norwegian book industry”. Contact:

LEO LEPPÄNEN is a doctoral student in the Discovery Research Group in the Department of Computer Science, University of Helsinki. He has an MSc in Computer Science and a BA in Language Technology. His research focus is on the interpretable and trustworthy generation of natural language, especially the generation of factual content, such as news and other reports, from structured data. He also remains – albeit in a smaller role – active in the fields of educational data mining, learning analytics, and computer science education research. Contact:

CARL-GUSTAV LINDÉN is Adjunct Professor at the University of Helsinki, Finland, and University Lecturer at the Södertörn University in Stockholm, Sweden. He has a PhD in Media and Journalism Studies. His research interests include augmented journalism, especially news automation, media business models, and local journalism. Lindén was a business journalist in Finland and Sweden for over 25 years before moving into academia. He has also worked as a communications consultant for the United Nations University. Contact:

TIM RAATS is Professor in the Communications Department of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and coordinates the Medialab attached to the Communications Department. He is Senior Researcher at imec-SMIT-VUB, focusing on public service media management and policy challenges and the sustainability of television ecosystems in small markets. Since 2014, he has coordinated several research projects for the Flemish Government, VRT, and Sector Council for Media. Tim has published widely in edited volumes and peer-reviewed journals (including Media, Culture and Society, Javnost, and the European Journal of Communications). Since 2018, he has acted as an appointed board member for the Flanders Audiovisual Fund. Contact:

CHLOË SALLES is Assistant Professor in Sciences de l’Information et de la Communication at the Grenoble Journalism School (EJDG), University Grenoble Alps, and a member of the Gresec research laboratory. Her research focuses on the development of media devices in the newsroom (such as blogs, web documentaries, and social media) and journalists’ professional identity as well as their practices in the context of online journalism. Contact:

STEFANIE SIRÉN-HEIKEL is a doctoral student in Media and Communication Studies in the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Helsinki. She has a B.Soc.Sc. in Journalism Studies and an M.Soc.Sc. in Media and Global Communication from the University of Helsinki. Her research is focused on how algorithmic decision making and automation influence journalistic processes and newsroom management. She has a particular interest in the sociotechnical aspects of innovation and communication. Contact:

MONA SOLVOLL is Associate Professor of Communication at the BI Norwegian Business School. Solvoll is the research leader of the project “Digitization and Diversity in the Media Sector”. Her research focuses on digital business models in local newspapers and the organization of the newsroom, along with media economics and media innovation. Within the communication field, Solvoll studies the use of social media, public affairs, and PR agencies. She is co-AD for the Bachelor in Digital Communication and Marketing and teaches courses on digital communication management and strategic media planning. Contact:

TRINE SYVERTSEN is Professor of Media Studies at the University of Oslo, Norway. She specializes in media policy, media history, television, and digital media. She has published widely on these topics in peer-reviewed journals. Her recent books include The media welfare state: Nordic media in the digital era (2014) and Media resistance; Protest, dislike, abstention (2017). She is chair of the project Digitox: Intrusive media, ambivalent users and digital detox (funded by the Norwegian Research Council 2019–23). Contact:

STEFAN WERNING is Associate Professor for Digital Media and Game Studies at Utrecht University, where he co-coordinates the graduate programme and game research focus area and organizes the Multidisciplinary Game Research summer school. He received his venia legendi (2014) from Bayreuth University (Germany) and has previously worked as an assistant professor in Bayreuth and Bonn. Stefan has been a visiting scholar and fellow at the Comparative Media Studies programme at MIT. While completing his PhD research, he worked in the digital games industry, most notably at Codemasters (2005) and Nintendo of Europe (2007–09). Contact:
