
Classification of new e-health technologies according to benefits to patients, clinician, and the healthcare system

Classification of new health care solutions Clinician added value Patient added value System added value Examples
Wearable Devices

Ensuring patient safety, functionality.

Facilitates 24/7 monitoring of illness and disease indicators

Bring medical services into the patient’s home.

Enable the patient to monitor health parameters.

Increase doctor accessibility, shorten queues and reduce healthcare costs HigoSense, Comarch CardioVest, IC Pen, prodROBOT MAGNA
Mobile Applications Facilitate and optimize patient-physician contact. High functionality. Bring mass medical services out of health units. MedApp
Remote Monitoring Systems Allow immediate response by the doctor or nurse to deviations in health parameters.

Round-the-clock care for family members.

Comfort of life, increase quality of daily functioning.

Combine high functionality for patients with usability for clinicians.

Improve the level of medical services for the chronically ill and those living far from the hospital. Reduce the cost of hospital care.

Comarch – the bracelet of life
Artificial Intelligence Ensures accuracy of results with a wide variety of cases by providing a large amount of data to train the system.

Detects rare diseases.

Improves diagnosis, reduces time to detection.

New e-health solutions for hospitals and health care management.

Provides a large amount of data to train the system.

(pathomorphology AI solution in PMMHRI)
Telemedicine Platforms

High functionality, compatibility with medical devices and diagnostic facilitation.

Ensuring accuracy of results with a large variety of cases

Faster diagnosis and easier access to test results.

Providing a large amount of data to teach the system.

Collection of patient data, integration of databases.

Pregnabit – KTG platforms, Telemedicine platforms in PMMHRI, medical documents digitalization
Electronic Health Records

Providing test results, especially imaging results, during the clinic appointment.

Facilitating the analysis of data, e.g. laboratory data, from diagnostic imaging.

Increased accessibility of medical records through their digitization.

Reduced time to issue a medical diagnosis.

Improved accessibility of medical records through their integration of different types of data and documents for the facilitation and control of medical services and processes. HIS system
3D printing technologies Reduce the number of procedures and complications by helping surgeons prepare for surgery. Reduce costs by shortening operating times. Increase the quality of medical services, accuracy of operations. Reduce the number of medical procedures. Increases their standard 3D prints
Virtual services solutions

Provide an accurate reflection of reality. Support the surgeon before and during the procedure.

Simplify complicated operations.

Reduce the risk of complications. Improve the standard of medical care in hospitals. Long-term cost reduction. Hologram solutions, MedApp's CarnaLife Holo telDoc
Support devices and systems

Speed up response of medical staff.

Facilitate detection of defects, alert disease indicators.

Expanded scope of diagnosis. Improved diagnosis, e.g. for rare diseases. Mobile fetal heart electrocardiography