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Creating an Innovative Ecosystem for the Development of Unmanned Aviation in Ukraine: Synergy Between Science and Industry


Figure 1.

Conceptual diagram of the formation of an innovative UAVs ecosystem (agreed understanding of the value of joint actions)Source: original compilation.
Conceptual diagram of the formation of an innovative UAVs ecosystem (agreed understanding of the value of joint actions)Source: original compilation.

Figure 2.

The value proposition (focus innovation) of the UAV innovation ecosystemSource: original compilation.
The value proposition (focus innovation) of the UAV innovation ecosystemSource: original compilation.

Figure 3.

Current directions of scientific research for UAV innovation ecosystem stakeholdersSource: original compilation.
Current directions of scientific research for UAV innovation ecosystem stakeholdersSource: original compilation.

Figure 4.

The structure of UAV innovation ecosystem participantsSource: original compilation.
The structure of UAV innovation ecosystem participantsSource: original compilation.

Figure 5.

The role of research universities in the innovation ecosystemSource: original compilation.
The role of research universities in the innovation ecosystemSource: original compilation.

Figure 6.

UAVs of the National Aviation UniversitySource: Isaienko et al. (2018).
UAVs of the National Aviation UniversitySource: Isaienko et al. (2018).

Figure 7.

UAVs of the National Aviation UniversitySource: Isaienko, Pawęska, Kharchenko et al. (2018).
UAVs of the National Aviation UniversitySource: Isaienko, Pawęska, Kharchenko et al. (2018).