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Techno-Paranoia, Techno-Fear and Narcissism as Determinants of Consumer Trust in Wearables


Graph 1.

Number of publications by year for search phrases
Source: Own compilation based on SCOPUS database.
Number of publications by year for search phrases Source: Own compilation based on SCOPUS database.

Figure 1.

Keyword cloud from the searched works
Source: Own compilation based on SCOPUS database.
Keyword cloud from the searched works Source: Own compilation based on SCOPUS database.

Graph 2.

Value of average trust in wearables technology of each type of wearable device in the surveyed group (n = 212)
Source: Empirical research.
Value of average trust in wearables technology of each type of wearable device in the surveyed group (n = 212) Source: Empirical research.

Graph 3.

Impact techno-paranoia on trust in non-invasive technology under the influence of gender (interaction effect) (n = 212)
Source: Empirical research.
Impact techno-paranoia on trust in non-invasive technology under the influence of gender (interaction effect) (n = 212) Source: Empirical research.

Graph 4.

Impact techno-paranoia on trust in invasive technology under the influence of gender (interaction effect) (n = 212).
Source: Empirical research.
Impact techno-paranoia on trust in invasive technology under the influence of gender (interaction effect) (n = 212). Source: Empirical research.

Declared use, willingness to use or not of the three types of wearables technology among respondents (n = 212)

Type of wearables technology I used I have not used but am willing to use I have not used and am not willing to use
Non-invasive technologies 62.3% 29.7% 8.0%
Emergent technologies 4.7% 42.5% 52.8%
Invasive technologies 0.0% 28.8% 71.2%

Analysis of determinants of trust in indirect technologies

Model Non-standardised coefficients Standardised coefficients t p value Collinearity statistics
B Standard error beta Tolerance VIF
(Constant) 5.191 0.426 12.171 <0.001
1 Techno-paranoia −0.387 0.098 −0.334 −3.964 <0.001 0.597 1.674
Techno-fear −0.029 0.122 −0.020 −0.238 0.812 0.584 1.713
NPI 0.063 0.094 0.044 0.665 0.507 0.949 1.054
R = 0.342
R2 = 0.117

Results of EFA (PCA method) and Cronbach’s a reliability analyses for the confidence constructs for each type of wearables technology

Coefficient Trust in wearables (subgroup of non-invasive technologies) Trust in wearables (indirect technology subgroup) Trust in wearables (subgroup of invasive technologies)
KMO 0.751 0.765 0.776
% of explained variance 85.56 88.29 93.81
Cronbach’s a 0.894 0.934 0.967

Analysis of determinants of trust in non-invasive technology

Model Non-standardised coefficients Standardised coefficients t p value Collinearity statistics
B Standard error beta Tolerance VIF
(Constant) 6.468 0.361 17.903 <0.001
1 Techno-paranoia −0.173 0.083 −0.170 −2.091 0.038 0.597 1.674
Techno-fear −0.382 0.104 −0.303 −3.682 <0.001 0.584 1.713
NPI 0.126 0.080 0.102 1.579 0.116 0.949 1.054
R = 0.421
R2 = 0.177

Analysis of determinants of confidence in invasive technologies

Model Non-standardised coefficients Standardised coefficients t p value Collinearity statistics
B Standard error beta Tolerance VIF
(Constant) 4.253 0.496 8.582 <0.001
1 Techno-paranoia −0.393 0.113 −0.294 –3.465 <0.001 0.597 1.674
Techno-fear −0.077 0.142 −0.047 −0.543 0.588 0.584 1.713
NPI 0.172 0.110 0.106 1.571 0.118 0.949 1.054
R = 0.324
R2 = 0.105

Declared familiarity with the concept of wearable devices and the different types/types of these devices among the surveyed group (n = 212)

Feature Percentage of declared knowledge
Wearables devices 91.5%
Smart watch 97.6%
Smart band 76.0%
Smart jewellery (e.g. ring, bracelet, earring/needleless ear clip, cuff/tie pin) 26.4%
Smart glasses 56.7%
Smart clothing 24.0%
Smart contact lenses 10.1%
Smart earrings (pierced into the skin) 8.2%
Smart measurement sensors (e.g. glucose sensor) that are placed in the body, while protruding from it 43.8%
Smart tattoo 11.5%
Smart implants/chips implanted under the skin (placed completely under the skin) 45.7%