

Foredunes often act as a natural protection against storm surges that have recently become stronger and more frequent due to climate warming and sea level rise. Therefore the knowledge about how the whole dune-beach-shoreface system may accommodate these changes is of high importance. However, there are many factors that control foredune development and therefore the modelling and prediction of sediment erosion, transport and deposition in this system are often very difficult (Davidson-Arnott et al. 2018). The results of various field measurements generally correspond neither with sand transport rates predicted by existing theoretical models (e.g. Greeley et al. 1996; Sherman et al. 1998, 2013) nor with net deposition that translates to foredune growth (Hesp 1983; Davidson-Arnott & Law 1996; Nickling & Davidson-Arnott 1990; Davidson-Arnott et al. 2018). Under natural field, and particularly, beach conditions this is due to the impact of many supply-limiting factors which either limit the sand source (as snow cover, pebble cover, wave run-up) or inhibit aeolian sand transport (e.g. salt crust, high moisture content, sand freezing, presence of wrack; Delgado-Fernandez & Davidson-Arnott 2009, 2011; Delgado-Fernandez 2011). Thus, transport conditions are far from equilibrium resulting in reduced transport rate (Delgado-Fernandez 2010). However, one of the most crucial factors affecting the amount of sand delivered from the beach to the foredunes is the available fetch distance determined by the beach width and the direction of wind attack on the beach (Bauer & Davidson-Arnott 2003). The wider the beach and the more the angle of wind attack on the beach deviates from the perpendicular to the coastline, the greater the chance of achieving full saturation of mass flux and the more sand can be delivered to the dunes. On the other hand, alongshore winds, although very strong, are responsible for intensive sand transport on the beach, but they will not generally contribute to supplying the dunes with sand (Hesp et al. 2015). Therefore, under the same wind conditions, sections of the coast with different orientation will exhibit varying potential for dune formation (Miot da Silva et al. 2008, Miot da Silva & Hesp 2010).

Due to so many factors affecting the development of foredunes, modelling them and determining development trends is still a huge challenge. Recently, research aims at determining the impact of only one or at most two key-factors affecting the amount of sand supplied to the foredunes, with the reasonable assumption that the other factors have a minor effect on this transport or can be neglected (e.g. Andreotti, Claudin & Pouliquen 2010; Baas & Nield 2007; Durán & Moore 2013; Keijsers et al. 2016). Following this approach, the main aim of this study was to identify the shoreline orientation as one of the potential key controls in foredune dynamics and assess its contribution to dune development. To achieve this goal, the medium-term sediment budget of foredunes developed at adjacent coast segments with different orientation has been analysed and then combined with potential amount of sand delivered by wind determined on the basis of wind data. As a test site, the coast of Łeba Barrier, south Baltic Sea coast, Poland, has been chosen. The orientation of the shoreline in different parts of the barrier differs by up to 20 degrees, with other factors controlling sand transport remaining similar.

Study site

The Łeba Barrier, approximately 33 km long and 0.6–2 km wide, extends between the mouth of the Łupawa river to the west and mouth of the Łeba river to the east, i.e. between the village of Rowy and the town of Łeba (Figure 1). The barrier is known for its beaches, dunes, lakes (as Gardno and Łebsko) as well as extensive wetland plains which all have been protected as part of the Słowiński National Park which, excluding summer time, is free of intensive human pressure. A significant part of the barrier is occupied by large, mostly vegetated and inactive parabolic dunes and two fields of active transverse crescentic dunes (Czołpino and Łeba dune fields). These dunes comprise a part of former lagoon-barrier coast which began to develop about 6,000 cal yr BP (Rotnicki 1995; Rotnicki et al. 2009) as a result of sea level changes.

Figure 1.

Location of the study area and Łeba weather station from which meteorological data was obtained for this study. Test sites 1 and 2 are shown in Figure 1b

Source: own elaboration based on Google Earth.

The coast of the Łeba Barrier is tideless and barred with up to three sand bars parallel to the coastline. The beach is low gradient and tens of metres wide (locally up to 120 m), switching between dissipative and reflective during the year. It is backed by foredune ridges and there are up to 4–5 generations of them along the accumulative stretches of the coast. Recent incipient foredunes achieve the height of 12 m, whereas the established ones are up to 15 m, and the width of the ridges varies between 30 and 50 m. Both the foredunes and the beach are composed of well sorted fine or medium quartz sand with mean grain size equal to 0.26 mm (Rotnicka 2013a), but locally a large area of beach may be covered with pebbles (Rotnicka & Dłużewski 2022).

Based on a 20-year data set (2002–2021) from the nearest weather station in Łeba run by IMGW-PIB (Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute), the highest mean air temperature equal to 17.7°C occurs in July and August and the lowest equal to −0.1°C occurs in January. The annual mean precipitation amounted to 684 mm, with the highest values in July (85 mm) and the lowest in April (27 mm) whereas the mean monthly air humidity varied throughout the year from 70% to 90%.

As the wind sensor at the Łeba weather (IMGW-PIB) station was placed at a height of 15 m until June 2009, and then raised to a height of 21.5 m above ground level, to characterize the wind regime of the area wind speed was first recalculated to the WMO standard height of 10 m using the law-of-the-wall formulas. Based on 20-year hourly wind data (2002–2021), the wind regime of the Łeba Barrier is dominated by westerly and south-westerly winds but a slightly greater share of easterly winds occurs in spring (Figure 2 a,b). According to Fryberger & Dean's (1979) method, which is widely used to assess wind energy, potential sand transport in aeolian environments and types of dune formed under given wind conditions, the Łeba Barrier coast is characterised by the annual sand drift potential (DP) of 444 VU (vector unit) and resultant drift potential (RDP) of 384 VU (Figure 2a). The resultant drift direction (RDD) equals to 75° and directional wind variability (RDP/DP) is 0.86. According to Fryberger & Dean's (1979) original classification of wind energy environments, the wind regime of the Łeba Barrier coast can be defined as high energy wide to narrow unimodal. The highest wind speeds, more than 20 m/s, are usually recorded in the winter season (Figure 2e) which is also the period of rare but strong winds from the northern sector, which generate high storm surges during which water level rises up to 1.6 m above the mean sea level (Wiśniewski & Wolski 2009). These storms are responsible for the most significant coastal and dune erosion.

Figure 2.

Annual (a) and seasonal (b-e) wind roses of effective winds (≥ 6 m/s) and potential sand transport indices based on Fryberger & Dean's (1979) method (explanation in the text)

Source: own elaboration based on hourly data (2002–2021) from Łeba weather station (IMGW-PIB)

The studied foredune-beach profiles were located between 201 and 206 km of the Polish coastline (according to the Polish Maritime Office). In this part of the Łeba Barrier the coastline changes its orientation from 55–235° in the west to 75–255° in the east (Figure 1). Thus, according to the RDD calculated for the area, these parts of the coast experience oblique and alongshore winds, respectively (Figure 2a). However, it should be noted that the weather station in Łeba is located ca. 20 km east from the study site and 1.4 km from the coast with forest in between. Thus, the real wind regime of the coast may be slightly different with a higher share of strong onshore winds (Rotnicka & Dłużewski 2019). Effective winds (≥ 6m/s) constitute 23.5% of all winds, but the time when aeolian transport occurs on the beach is reduced due to some factors, including storm wave run-up and snow cover in winter, both responsible for limiting the sand source.

Beach-foredune profiles

Topographic profiles normal to the shoreline, extending from a point landward of the lee slope of the foredune, marked by a well-established benchmark, across the established and incipient foredunes, to the lower edge of the swash zone were established in November 2006 (Figure 1b). The length of the profiles ranged from 150 up to 250 m depending on sea level and wave run-up. The main criteria for the selection of foredune-beach profiles included: (i) difference in shoreline orientation, (ii) the presence of a wide beach with an incipient foredune, and (iii) similar heights of the incipient foredunes. The profiles were spaced 4.2 km apart.

The topographic surveys were undertaken bi-annually in autumn and spring, before and after storm periods, respectively, during 10+ years. The measurements were taken on average at 0.4 m intervals, at the beginning with an automatic level and subsequently by using a TOPCON HiPer® Pro real-time kinematic (RTK) differential global positioning system (DGPS) (precision of 1–2 cm in all dimensions). A set of permanent benchmarks were installed on an established foredune for the base station and for horizontal and vertical correction of the position which was performed each time at the beginning of the topographic surveys. For post processing verification of the horizontal and vertical accuracy of the measured profile, at least 2 benchmarks were established on each profile in the section where the foredune was established. During each survey point corresponding to limits of the following morphologic zones were recorded: i) boundary between established and incipient foredunes, ii) upper and lower limits of dune ramp, iii) maximum wave run-up, iv) lower edge of swash zone.

Sediment budget

The sediment budget (the net volumetric change) was calculated for each of the studied periods only for those portions of the incipient foredunes where changes in surface morphology were related to wind action only and were not affected by waves. This method of sediment budget calculation allowed us to compare the amount of sand supplied to the foredune with the net aeolian deposition of sand within the foredune. The landward boundary of the incipient foredune was always well recognized and marked in the profile with an accuracy of a few centimeters. In contrast, the position of the limit of the dune toe was much more difficult to determine due to the highly dynamic nature of the aeolian ramp. Nevertheless its elevation on both profiles did not differ by more than 0.4 m in the studied period.

In order to calculate dune volumetric changes, data obtained during topographic surveys were interpolated onto a cross-shore grid (dx = 0.5 m). Grids of 2 successive profiles always corresponded to each other. For this procedure an R script was created. Total volume of sand deposited and eroded within 1 m wide belt normal to the foredune ridge was obtained for a given period as a sum of sand volumes calculated for each grid as an area between two successive profiles multiplied by 1 m.

Potential sand transport

Provided the foredune is not destroyed by storm waves, its sediment budget should reflect the amount of sand supplied by the wind from the beach. Therefore, potential sand transport (Q) for all periods between successive profile surveys were calculated based on hourly data of wind speed (resolution 1 m/s) and direction (resolution 10° until the end of 2010 and 1° later) from the Łeba weather station (Figure 1a). In fact these were 10-minute averages obtained from 1-s-measurements made during the last 10 minutes of every hour. The critical threshold velocity at which beach sand starts to move were determined to be 6.0 m/s at 10 m height (Rotnicka 2013a), a value used also in Fryberger & Dean's (1979) model. Therefore, winds of speed greater than or equal to 6 m/s (effective winds) was used for all calculations. The potential sand transport rate Q was predicted for alongshore and onshore winds separately for each part of the coast with different orientation. The alongshore and onshore wind directions included winds approaching the coastline at an angle of less than or equal to 20° and greater than 20°, respectively. The impact of offshore winds was not analyzed in this study, as previous research showed that it is negligible due to the presence of a set of established foredune ridges and a forest at the back of the dune (Rotnicka 2011a).

One of the most important factors controlling sand transport rate on the beach, and thus the amount of sand supplied to the foredune, is the available fetch distance (Bauer & Davidson-Arnott 2003; Davidson-Arnott, MacQuarrie & Aagaard 2005; Delgado-Fernandez 2010) which results from beach width and wind direction. According to the results of previous work by Rotnicka (2013a), which showed that on a beach narrower than 20 m, particularly during onshore winds, aeolian sand transport did not occur or was minimal (on average less than 0.001 kg/m/s), the potential sand transport rate was calculated only for the case of the wider beach.

The time when the beach was narrower than the critical value of 20 m, was determined on the basis of relationship between the swash zone simultaneous sea level data and elevation of the upper limit of the swash zone (Figure 3). The hourly sea level data came from the 2 nearest tide-gauges run under national IMGW-PIB, one located in Łeba, 18 km east from the study site, and the second in Ustka, 30 km west from the study site (Figure 1a); these data were recalculated taking into account the exact mounting height of each tide-gauge. The maximum landward limit of the swash zone was measured each time during profiling. The relationship between these data is significant (Figure 3) with average and maximum departures from the predicted value equal to ±9 cm and ±15 cm, respectively, and points out that wave parameters had no significant influence on the obtained relationship. Periods when the beach was narrower than 20 m during onshore winds did not exceed several percent.

Figure 3.

Relationship between elevation of the upper edge of swash zone and average sea level from two nearby tide-gauges.

Source: own elaboration based on GPS-RTK measurements and hourly data (2002–2021) from Ustka and Łeba tide-gauges (IMGW-PIB)

Others factors limiting aeolian sand transport under natural beach conditions include: sand moisture (e.g. Chepil 1956; Hotta et al. 1984; Davidson-Arnott & Dawson 2001; Cornelis, Gabriels & Hartmann 2004; Wiggs, Baird & Atherton 2004; Davidson-Arnott et al. 2008; Bauer et al. 2009), pebble coverage (e.g. Carter & Rihan 1978; Nickling & Davidson-Arnott 1990; Nickling & McKenna Neuman 1995; Davidson-Arnott, White & Ollerhead 1997; Rotnicka & Dłużewski 2022), and salt crusting (Nickling & Ecclestone 1981; Nickling 1984). Due to the climatic zone of the region, the studied beach remains moist for significant parts of the year (particularly during autumn and winter). However, previous measurements made on these beaches on moist sandy surfaces showed that sand moisture (up to 5%) as well as heavy rain did not prevent intense aeolian transport and what's more, its rate was even greater than on a dry sandy surface (Rotnicka 2013a,b, 2014). This was due to greater hardness and elasticity of the moist beach surface and splash erosion resulting from the impact of large rain drops on the beach surface. The pebbles coverage which occur periodically on some parts of a beach and may have a density up to 60 % also do not inhibit aeolian transport (Rotnicka & Dłużewski 2022). As the Baltic Sea is the world's largest inland brackish sea, the salinity of its water is much lower than the ocean water (near the study site the average salinity is around 7‰), so the salt crust, even if it is formed, is very thin and easily destroyed and removed by wind. Therefore, limitation of sand deflation and, thus, implication to sand transport was important only when wind was just above threshold (Rotnicka 2013b). Summing up, because such factors as: i) beach moisture ii) the pebble coverage and iii) salt crusting do not have a significant impact on the sand transport rate at the study site, they were not taken into account. Therefore, the potential sand transport rates (Q) were calculated taking into account only alongshore and onshore winds when fetch distance was greater than 20 m.

Previous sand transport measurements made on the beach of the Łeba Barrier (Rotnicka 2011b, 2013a,b, Rotnicka & Dłużewski 2022, Rotnicka et al. 2023) indicated that measured saturated sand flux was always significantly lower than the sand flux predicted on the basis of any theoretical models such as those by Bagnold (1941), Zing (1953), Lettau & Lettau (1978), Sørensen (2004) and many others (see Sherman et al. 1998, 2013 for review). Therefore, the potential sand transport rate (Q, kg/m/s) at given sites was calculated using empirical relationships between wind speed at 1 m elevation (v1) and sand transport rate previously established by Rotnicka (2011b, 2013a) for dry Q=1×108V16.30 {\rm{Q}} = 1 \times {10^{ - 8}}{{\rm{V}}_1}^{6.30} and moist beach surfaces: Q=9×108V15.36 {\rm{Q}} = 9 \times {10^{ - 8}}{{\rm{V}}_1}^{5.36}

These relationships were obtained for saturated mass flux generated by alongshore winds when fetch distance was unlimited. However, during onshore winds and narrow beaches the fetch distance is limited and mass flux is not always fully saturated, thus the magnitude of landward sediment transport is reduced (Miot da Silva & Hesp 2010). According to Davidson-Arnott & Law (1996) and Bauer & Davidson-Arnott (2003) this effect may be overcome by applying the correction for the cosine effect: Qcos = Q cosα, where Qcos represents the potential transport into the foredune per unit alongshore distance, Q is saturated mass flux and α is the angle of wind attack, i.e. angle between shore normal and wind direction. This procedure of potential sand transport rate calculation was applied for all successive periods, separately for alongshore and onshore winds.

Results and discussion
Predicted aeolian sand transport rate

Many measurements of sand transport rate made on the beaches of the Łeba Barrier (Rotnicka 2011b, 2013a,b; Rotnicka & Dłużewski 2022; Rotnicka et. al. 2023) proved its great spatial and temporal variability depending on weather conditions and short-term sea level fluctuations. The factors having the greatest impact on the intensity of transport on these beaches include: directional variability of incident wind, topographic forcing and steering of windflow imposed by a foredune ridge, available fetch distance, and beach surface moisture and roughness. Results of these studies also showed that alongshore winds play an important role in the initial phase of the dune ridge formation as they are responsible for enlarging and lateral merging of the shadow dunes present in the upper part of the beach, while if the foredune ridge has already been formed, the main role in its supply with sand is played by onshore winds (Rotnicka 2013a).

Predictions of the potential sand transport rate in the analyzed periods, calculated for saturated onshore and alongshore effective winds for dry and moist beach surfaces (Figure 4), show that regardless of the method of sand transport rate calculation, landward sand transport at Site 1 (at an orientation more aligned to onshore winds; Figure 2) was on average 4 times greater than at Site 2 (at an orientation more aligned with alongshore winds), whereas the alongshore sand transport rate at Site 1 was on average 2 times smaller than at Site 2. However, it should be emphasized that there are many sources of discrepancy between the potential and real sand transport rate. First, the predicted transport may be underestimated for onshore winds and overestimated for alongshore winds which is due to the landward location of the weather station from which the wind data was utilized (see methods, Rotnicka & Dłużewski 2019).

Figure 4.

Frequency distribution of potential aeolian sand transport rate (Q) for 2006–2017 calculated in wind speed classes of 1 m/s using Rotnicka's (2011b, 2013a) equations for saturated mass flux for dry and moist beach surfaces

Source: own elaboration based on hourly data (2006–2017) from the Łeba weather station (IMGW-PIB)

Second, due to wind forcing and steering, both airflow speed and direction are modified on a beach-dune system. Onshore winds favor the greatest sand transport rate in the middle part of the beach but, due to flow deceleration toward the foredune, especially during weak effective winds, sand is deposited near the dune foot resulting in formation of an aeolian ramp (Bauer & Wakes 2022; Tomczak, Dłużewski & Rotnicka-Dłużewska 2022). Only during strong onshore winds (> 9–10 m/s) sand is transported upslope the vegetated foredune stoss slope, provided that the vegetation is not so dense to slow down the flow near the surface (Miot da Silva et al. 2008; Hesp et al. 2009; Schwarz et al. 2021; Bauer et al. 2022; Walker, Hesp & Smyth 2021). During winds strong enough (>12 m/s), when skimming flow occurs, sand can be transported above marram grass inland, above the foredune crest and beyond (Petersen, Hilton & Wakes 2011; Hesp & Smyth, 2016; Li et al. 2022; Rotnicka et al. 2023). However, as the speed of onshore winds increases, the distance needed to attain the maximum sand transport rate also increases. On the other hand these winds often generate storm surges leading to significant beach narrowing (Ruessink et al. 2022) resulting in non-saturation of mass flux and overestimation of sand transport.

During alongshore winds and oblique winds approaching the coast at an angle less than 20°, which are steered by foredune topography to alongshore (Arens 1996), the sand transport rate near the dune foot is on an order of magnitude greater than that measured during any other onshore winds (Rotnicka 2013a). It is caused by unlimited fetch distance favouring maximum flow saturation (Delgado-Fernandez & Davidson-Arnott 2011). When vegetation is present on the upper beach, intensive growth of embryo dunes is observed, as even sparse vegetation traps blowing sand, otherwise, the upper beach acts as a transfer zone. Thus, such winds do not feed the dunes with sand and do not contribute to its growth. On the other hand, these winds favor the sand transport over unvegetated dune ramp, which often remains beyond the reach of storm waves and even during strong onshore winds, when the beach and fetch are reduced by storm waves, sand accumulated earlier on the dune ramp is the only source of sediment available for transport and may nourish the foredunes (Davidson-Arnott & Law 1990; Tomczak, Dłużewski & Rotnicka-Dłużewska 2022; Rotnicka et al. 2023).

Foredune sediment budget

Keeping in mind that the sediment budget was calculated only for part of the incipient foredune that during the whole study period remained beyond the range of marine impacts and was modelled only by aeolian processes, it has been found that at both test sites deposition outweighed erosion in all consecutive periods (Figure 5). During 10+-years of investigation at Site 1, where oblique onshore winds dominated, deposition within the foredune was on average 5 times greater than erosion, whereas at Site 2, where alongshore winds dominated, deposition was only 3 times greater than erosion (Figure 6). In consequence, during the study period, the average net deposition within the foredune was 2.5 time greater at Site 1 than at Site 2 (Figures 5 and 6). The results clearly show that oblique onshore winds are of high importance in nourishing the foredunes with sand. The calculated sand budget suggests that a coastline orientation (55°–235°) at Site 1 favors foredune development much stronger than at Site 2 where coastline orientation (75°–255°) favors alongshore transport of sand along the beach and not nourishment of the dunes.

Figure 5.

Beach-foredune topographic profiles at sites 1 and 2 derived from GPS-RTK profiling for the period 2006–2017. For locations see Figure 1b

Source: own elaboration based on GPS-RTK profiling

Figure 6.

Cumulative volume of sand deposited and eroded within the incipient foredunes for profiles 1 and 2 surveyed in the period 2006–2017

Source: own elaboration based on GPS-RTK profile surveys

Predicted aeolian sand transport rate versus actual foredune growth

The potential sand transport rate (Q) combined with the sediment budget calculated for the incipient foredunes (ΔV) in consecutive periods exhibits a strong correlation only at Site 1 (Figure 7). A very weak correlation obtained for Site 2 is related to the predominance of alongshore winds, and a much smaller share of onshore winds. Additionally, onshore winds at Site 2 are strongly oblique, and therefore a significant part of the airflow may be steered by the foredune to an alongshore direction resulting in sand transport parallel to the dune ridge. The relationship between Q and ΔV for Site 1 (Figure 7) indicates that the potential amount of sand transported from the beach by onshore winds and delivered to the foredune is underpredicted for weak winds and slightly overpredicted for strong winds, and these differences are even more pronounced in the case of the presence of a moist beach surface. This finding can be related to beach narrowing during extreme storm events, when an overestimation of the sand transport rate may result from non-saturation of the mass flux caused by shortening of the fetch distance significantly below the critical value.

Figure 7.

Relationships between potential sand transport rate (Q) calculated for onshore saturated mass flux for dry and moist beach surfaces and corresponding sediment budget (ΔV) within incipient foredune at Site 1. The cosine effect for sand transport rate is also shown

Source: own elaboration based on hourly data (2006–2017) from the Łeba weather station (IMGW-PIB) and GPS RTK profiling

To eliminate the impact of mass flux non-saturation occurring during onshore winds, the potential sand transport rate was recalculated applying the correction for the cosine effect (Bauer & Davidson-Arnott 2003) (Qcos, Figure 7). However, this correction has not improved the outcomes – regardless of wind regime, the predicted amount of sand potentially delivered to the foredune was underestimated regardless of wind speed. This underestimation may be related to: i) wind speed data were not representative and the real wind condition at the coast differed from those at the Łeba weather station that is sheltered from the onshore winds by forest (Rotnicka & Dłużewski 2019), ii) use of 10 minute averages data as representative for hourly wind speed data which results in a decrease in the frequency of weak but effective winds (Pearce & Walker 2005), i.e. wind speeds slightly above threshold which indeed have low capability to move sand grains but are frequent (in some periods they accounted for about 50% of the whole effective winds period).


The research was carried out on the Łeba Barrier, south Baltic Sea coast, Poland at two nearby sites differing only in one variable, i.e. in coastline orientation. During the whole study period the beach was wide enough to ensure a sufficiently long fetch distance for most of the time and the foredune was not scarped by storm waves. Other factors controlling the aeolian sand transport rate on the beach (such as sand moisture, periods of rainfall, snow cover, surface roughness) was similar at both sites. Wind directions were grouped to alongshore (deviated from the foredune axis by no more than 20°) and onshore (at an angle more than 20°) with offshore winds excluded from the analysis. It was assumed that only onshore winds supply sand to foredunes which has been shown to be a very reasonable assumption at the study site.

Analysis of potential aeolian sand transport rate calculated on the basis of wind data for periods between successive beach profiles combined with sediment budget determined for these periods proves that the wind regime of the area translated into different directions of potential sand transport rate with respect to the orientation of the shoreline differing only by 20°. At one site landward sand transport caused by oblique onshore winds dominated, whereas at the other site alongshore transport prevailed with very rare and short episodes of landward transport. It resulted in net sand deposition within the foredune being two and a half times greater at one place and resulted in significant dune growth and almost imperceptible change in dune elevation at the other site.

These findings suggests that at some other coasts, coastline orientation may be the key factor in predicting foredune development, and much more important than any other factor frequently analyzed in previous research carried out around the world. It also provides an excellent reason as to why foredune volume, height and morphology may vary over quite short distances alongshore. Modeling the foredunes development taking coastline orientation into account will provide good results provided: (i) the foredunes are beyond the impact of nearshore processes and are not scarped by storm waves, and (ii) the wind regime of the coast is determined on the basis of good in situ wind data and not data from distant weather stations, particularly those located landward.

Calendario de la edición:
4 veces al año
Temas de la revista:
Geosciences, Geography, other