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Harmonization of the Legal System with the Moral System - Essential Condition for the Positive Evolution of the University Environment


It is affirmed that the highest stage of human evolution will be reached when what is considered illegal will also be considered immoral and what is appreciated as legal will also be of moral value. In another expression, this desideratum requires that morality is in an identity relationship with legality, or it is the proximate type of legality, and immorality is the proximate type of illegality. In the circumstances of a globalized world where there are already laws that operate on an international scale and common values, such as social solidarity and international cooperation, the recognition of these fundamental values does not imply agreement on the common ground of understanding in terms of justice and morality. The University has a duty to assess how its students perceive morality and legality, but it also has the power to grow these values and foster an environment where they serve as a constant source of guidance for students. The quality of the content of the legal norms, as well as their harmonization with the moral norms will result in an ethical university environment where there will be no more differences between the moral and legal systems, or they will be negligible, when all or almost all of the system of rules that make up morality will be integrated into the legal system, there being no immoral legal rules.