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Shooting Training with Light Infantry Weapons, an Essential Dimension of Individual and Collective Training


Shooting with the available weapons is a determining and defining element of armed combat, and the mysteries, practice, art and, above all, the science of shooting are learnt during shooting training, a discipline of overwhelming importance in the process of training troops and, implicitly, their preparation for combat. Nowadays, the construction of (fire) weapons has reached unprecedented technical and technological levels, with lethal and destructive accuracy and capability that were unimaginable a few decades ago. In this context, the maximum exploitation of the characteristics of the available weapons and the training of instictual shooting is an indispensable requirement coming from the reality of the military conflicts in which the Romanian military have taken part, a reality that has generated the need to develop the existing training facilities in order to create the best conditions for training the necessary skills. This development can be done either by purchasing training systems incorporating state-of-the-art technologies, at high cost, or by modernizing the existing ones at relatively lower costs and bringing them to the level of the accepted training requirements.