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Fundamental Elements Regarding the Organization of Internal Financial Control in Public Entities in Romania

   | 12 jul 2021


[1] The paper appeared at the University Publishing House, Bucharest, 2017. Search in Google Scholar

[2] The course was published in ASE Publishing House, Bucharest, 2005. Search in Google Scholar

[3] Published at the Publishing House of the “Romania of Tomorrow” Foundation, Bucharest, 2007. Search in Google Scholar

[4] Published in the Publishing House of “AI Cuza” University, Iași, 2015. Search in Google Scholar

[5] Mihăescu Sorin, Financial-banking control. 4th edition revised and added, “AI Cuza” University Publishing House, Iași, 2015, p. 18. Search in Google Scholar

[6] Munteanu Victor and collective, “Financial-accounting control at enterprisesand public institutions. Theory and practice-concepts, methodology, regulations, application. Search in Google Scholar

[7] Boulescu Mircea, Financial-fiscal control, 2nd Edition, “Romania of Tomorrow” Foundation Publishing House, Bucharest, 2007, p. 16. Search in Google Scholar

[8] Published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, no. 28 of January 15, 2016. Search in Google Scholar

[9] Published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, no. 87 of February 4, 2019. Search in Google Scholar

[10] Definition taken from Point 1.1 of Annex 1 entitled General methodological norms regarding the exercise of preventive financial control from OMFP no. 923/2014. Search in Google Scholar

[11] Definition taken from Point 4.1. from chapter B. Own preventive financial control from Annex 1 entitled General methodological norms regarding the exercise of preventive financial control from OMFP no. 923/2014. Search in Google Scholar

[12] Definition taken from Point 7.2. from chapter C. The delegated preventive financial control from Annex 1 entitled General methodological norms regarding the exercise of the preventive financial control from OMFP no. 923/2014. Search in Google Scholar

[13] It refers to the approval of the Methodological Norms regarding the employment, liquidation, ordering and payment of the expenses of the public institutions, as well as the organization, evidence and reporting of the budgetary and legal commitments, published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, no. 37 from 23.01.2003. Search in Google Scholar

[14] This code canbefound in OMEF no. 1190 of 2004 on the approval of the Code of Ethics of the profession of delegated controller, published on, accessed on 27.01.2021. Search in Google Scholar

[15] Published as a paper in Bucharest, October 2018, p. 36. Search in Google Scholar