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The Fundamental Role of a Leader’s Character in Motivating his Team to Achieve the Group Goals


Starting from the premise of the complexity of the management process, it is essential to approach the fulfillment of the organization’s objectives in terms of the leader’s personality, taking into account the influence of his character on those he shepherds and who contribute earnestly to the success of the organization. Without being a coincidence, the specialists were interested in what motivates people to follow leaders and especially what traits of leaders make them to be appreciated and exert their influence casually, in order to achieve organizational efficiency. Onto exercising true leadership, beyond rigorous knowledge of principles, rules, modern leadership methods and styles, require a formidable, beautiful character, meant to achieve the cohesion of the community and its influence in achieving the purpose for which the organization was established. The character traits of the leader must be persuasive for the disciples, especially when we talk about an organizational climate prone to personal and professional development of each of the team members, and implicitly of the organization.