
The IMM INVEST type of reimbursable financing is a top-up loan formula, materialized in the granting of bank loans granted to micro-enterprises under the national legislation applicable to investments and working capital. In order to benefit from this financing, the wishing companies must go through two stages: a pre-contractual stage in which the registration on the electronic platform created for this purpose takes place, in which the companies must prove that they fall into the category of micro-enterprises and the contractual stage. In order to meet the eligibility conditions in the contractual phase, micro-enterprises will be subject to the verification of administrative compliance and the techniques and methods for verifying financial soundness. Beneficiaries of such loans will benefit under the state aid scheme from various forms of government support materialized in supporting the costs of financing 100% from the state budget, until the end of 2020 with the possibility of extension, which will help them to re-launch itself from a financial and economic perspective.
