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Notes and Reviews: I’m a Recorder: Interview with Asen Balikci

   | 22 dic 2021


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Balikci, Asen. 2007. Visual Ethnography Among the Balkan Pomak. – Visual Anthropology Review 23 (1): 92–96.10.1525/var.2007.23.1.92 Search in Google Scholar

Balikci, Asen. 2009. The Netsilik Film Series. – Visual Anthropology 22 (5): 384–392. DOI: Search in Google Scholar

Balikci, Asen and Mark Badger. 1992. Siberian Seminar: In the Village of Kazim, Activists Learn to Portray Their Own Culture with Video. – Cultural Survival Quarterly Magazine. (accessed October 26, 2021). Search in Google Scholar

Danilko, Yelena. 2017. “Kazymskiy perevorot”: k istorii pervogo vizual’no-antropologicheskogo proyekta v Rossii. – Sibirskiye istoricheskiye issledovaniya 3: 93–112. [Данилко, Елена. 2017. «Казымский переворот»: к истории первого визуально-антропологического проекта в России. – Сибирские исторические исследования 3: 93–112.]10.17223/2312461X/17/6 Search in Google Scholar

Badger, Mark; Asen Balikci and Claudia Clark. 1992. Siberia Through Siberian Eyes. KUAC-TV; University of Alaska Fairbanks, 52 mins. Search in Google Scholar

Balikci, Asen. 1999. A Month in the Life of Ephtim D.: A Portrait of a Bulgaria Pensioner. Documentary Education Resources, 56 mins. Search in Google Scholar

Balikci, Asen and Antonii Donchev. 2002. Muslim Labyrinths. IWF, 52 mins. Search in Google Scholar

Brown, Quentin. 1967. Netsilik Eskimo Series. Documentary Educational Resources, 630 mins. Search in Google Scholar

Flaherty, Robert. 1922. Nanook of the North. Les Frères Revillon, 78 mins. Search in Google Scholar

Husmann, Rolf and Manfred Kruger. 2009. The Professional Foreigner: Asen Balikci and Visual Ethnography. Documentary Educational Resources, 60 mins. Search in Google Scholar

Iho, Arvo. 2001. Sireniki kroonika. Cumulus Projekt, 56 mins. Search in Google Scholar

Laird, Charles. 2003. Through These Eyes. Documentary Educational Resources, 55 mins. Search in Google Scholar

Lapsui, Anastasia and Markku Lehmuskallio. 2004. Fata Morgana. Giron Filmi, 57 mins. Search in Google Scholar

Laugrand, Frédéric Benjamin. 2016. Asen Balikci. Livre 16. Le film ethnographique (...) sous le patronage de M. Mead. – Anthropologie et Societes, 15 juin 2016. (accessed October 8, 2021). Search in Google Scholar

Sauvé, Patrice. 1990. Chronique de Sireniki. Eesti Kultuurfilm, Productions Pixart, 56 mins. Search in Google Scholar

Turin, Mark. 2003. Asen Balikci interviewed by Mark Turin in Gangtok, Sikkim, India, 11th January 2003 – Part 3. (accessed October 8, 2021). Search in Google Scholar

Young, Robert M. 1970. The Eskimo: Fight for Life. National Film Board of Canada, 60 mins. Search in Google Scholar