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MOOC awareness and utilization among students of selected Polish universities

   | 13 feb 2024


List of leading MOOC providers and institution

MOOC Provider Number of registered users in 2016 Number of registered users in 2022 Numer of courses offered in 2022 Country of origin
Coursera 23 million 97 million 8250 U.S.A.
edX 10 million 42 million 3550 U.S.A.
XuetangX 6 million 58.8 million (in 2020) 3000 PR of China
FutureLearn 5.3 million 17 million 1100 UK
Swayam - 22 million 950 India
Navoica - 30 thousand 200 Poland
Udacity 4 million 16.9 million 200 U.S.A.

Future Form of Studies According to Students

Question Remote Traditional Hybrid X2 df p
In your opinion, what form do you think teaching will take in the future? (n=240) 24 11 182 335.14 2 <0.001

Test Results for Questions Regarding Participation, Completion, and Utility of MOOCs for Students

Question YES NO X2 df p
Have you ever heard of MOOCs? (n=240) 61 179 58.02 1 <0.001
Have you ever participated in any MOOC course? (n-61) 27 34 0.80 1 0.370
Did you complete the MOOC course you started? (n=27) 24 3 16.33 1 <0.001
Do you believe that the knowledge skills acquired during the course contributed to your personal development? (n=27) 25 2 19.59 1 <0.001

Most Popular MOOC Platforms

Question Coursera edX Udacity Navoica X2 df p
Which platform did you use? (n=27) 10 3 2 12 5.58 2 0.011

Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Interest in MOOC Courses

Question YES NO X2 df p
Did the pandemic period lead to your increased interest in online education, such as MOOC courses? (n=61) 45 16 13.79 1 <0.001

Motivations of Students for Participating in MOOCs

Question Lack of fees Easy accessibility Intriguing course subject X2 df p
What motivated you to participate in the course? (n=27) 9 4 14 5.58 2 0.062

Reasons for Not Participating in MOOCs Despite Awareness of Their Existence

Question Lack of time Perception of course uselessness Lack of interesting courses Lack of necessity for personal development X2 df p
Reasons for not participating in MOOCs despite awareness of their existence (n=34) 19 2 6 7 335.14 2 <0.001