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For Us and by Us: The Charm and Power of Community Brands


Online collaboration presents a real alternative to the company-centered innovation paradigm, and some users do more than just innovate, going the extra mile and actually creating brands themselves. The open-source movement, for instance, has produced a series of well-known brands such as Linux, Apache and Mozilla Firefox. The outdoor hiking community serves as another example. Its members are dedicated to all types of outdoor sports and created their own gear to better fit their needs. Often, community brands are not planned but evolve accidentally as byproducts of community interactions. Their value is seen not only within the community but throughout the whole industry. The ability to commonly design “ideal” products at lower expenses and without the threat of being exploited or overtaken by the next fashion wave enchants its users and fans alike.This phenomenon of engaged consumers producing their own brands places them in the same position as other producers, which is both a challenge and an opportunity for commercial companies.