
Fig 1.

Study area. (A) – against the selected ice-sheet limits (after Marks et al., 2018; Palacios et al., 2023). (B) – distribution of sites included in the dataset in the Łódź region.
Study area. (A) – against the selected ice-sheet limits (after Marks et al., 2018; Palacios et al., 2023). (B) – distribution of sites included in the dataset in the Łódź region.

Fig 2.

Synthetic lithological profiles.
Synthetic lithological profiles.

Fig 3.

Curves of PDF for 50–15 cal kBP: (A) – PDF for luminescence dates; in the upper part 68.3% probability ranges for each date are presented in the form of horizontally bars with dots representing medians. (B) – PDF for radiocarbon dates; in the upper part 68.3% probability ranges for each date are presented in the form of horizontally bars. (C) – PDFs for subgroups of radiocarbon dates correlated with interstadials and boundaries. The PDF distribution presented in (B). has been divided into distributions for date subgroups. The oldest three dates have large uncertainties and, when presented on the same vertical scale, are almost imperceptible. Therefore, their distributions have been added with an enlarged height of 10× to make it easier to assess where their maxima fall (peaks with green envelope, no fill) (D) – δ18O data from Greenland ice core (Rasmussen et al., 2014) with marked stadials (GS) and interstadials (GI). GI, Greenland interstadials; GS, Greenland stadials; PDF, probability density function.
Curves of PDF for 50–15 cal kBP: (A) – PDF for luminescence dates; in the upper part 68.3% probability ranges for each date are presented in the form of horizontally bars with dots representing medians. (B) – PDF for radiocarbon dates; in the upper part 68.3% probability ranges for each date are presented in the form of horizontally bars. (C) – PDFs for subgroups of radiocarbon dates correlated with interstadials and boundaries. The PDF distribution presented in (B). has been divided into distributions for date subgroups. The oldest three dates have large uncertainties and, when presented on the same vertical scale, are almost imperceptible. Therefore, their distributions have been added with an enlarged height of 10× to make it easier to assess where their maxima fall (peaks with green envelope, no fill) (D) – δ18O data from Greenland ice core (Rasmussen et al., 2014) with marked stadials (GS) and interstadials (GI). GI, Greenland interstadials; GS, Greenland stadials; PDF, probability density function.

Fig 4.

Curves of PDF for 15–9 cal kBP. Explanations to graphs (A–D) – the same as for Fig. 3. Distributions for date subgroups were divided into parts c.1 and c.2. Within each distribution, the number of dates constituting it is given. Figure c.1 shows the distributions for subgroups of dates correlated with warming: starting from the oldest ages, 5 dates form the peak for the GS-2a/GI-1e transition, 5 for the GI-1b/GI-1a transition, 4 for the GI-1a warming, and 5 for GS-1/Holocene transition. GI, Greenland interstadials; GS, Greenland stadials; PDF, probability density function. Figure c.2 shows the distributions for subgroups of dates related to cooling: starting from the oldest ages, 3 dates form a peak correlated with GI-1d, 3 with GI-1c2, 11 with GI-1b, 7 with the GI-1a/GS-1 transition. Within GS-1, there are also peaks created by 5, 14 and 7 dates. Shaded area comprises dates from the beginning of the Holocene added in order to obtain a methodically correct image of the end of Vistulian.
Curves of PDF for 15–9 cal kBP. Explanations to graphs (A–D) – the same as for Fig. 3. Distributions for date subgroups were divided into parts c.1 and c.2. Within each distribution, the number of dates constituting it is given. Figure c.1 shows the distributions for subgroups of dates correlated with warming: starting from the oldest ages, 5 dates form the peak for the GS-2a/GI-1e transition, 5 for the GI-1b/GI-1a transition, 4 for the GI-1a warming, and 5 for GS-1/Holocene transition. GI, Greenland interstadials; GS, Greenland stadials; PDF, probability density function. Figure c.2 shows the distributions for subgroups of dates related to cooling: starting from the oldest ages, 3 dates form a peak correlated with GI-1d, 3 with GI-1c2, 11 with GI-1b, 7 with the GI-1a/GS-1 transition. Within GS-1, there are also peaks created by 5, 14 and 7 dates. Shaded area comprises dates from the beginning of the Holocene added in order to obtain a methodically correct image of the end of Vistulian.

Fig 5.

Correlation of fluvial activity in selected river valleys from the Łódź region (after Dzieduszyńska et al., 2020, changed and supplemented) with PDF curves and the oxygen curve from the NGRIP core (after Rasmussen et al., 2014). PDF, probability density function.
Correlation of fluvial activity in selected river valleys from the Łódź region (after Dzieduszyńska et al., 2020, changed and supplemented) with PDF curves and the oxygen curve from the NGRIP core (after Rasmussen et al., 2014). PDF, probability density function.

No. Site name / Sample name Long E Lat N Alt. [m a.s.l.] Dated material Lab. Code Luminescence age [BP] Technique TL/OSL References
1 Chałupki k/Przedborza 51.07 19.88 no data sand (fluvial) PIG238 24000 ± 5000 OSL Wieczorek D, Stoiński A, Zabielski R, 2019. Objaśnienia do Szczegółowej mapy geologicznej Polski w skali 1:50 000, arkusz Przedbórz (775). (Explanations to the Detailed Geological Map of Poland in the scale 1:50,000, Przedbórz sheet (775)). (in Polish) NAG, PIG-PIB Warszawa (electronical version).
2 sand (fluvial) PIG237 24000 ± 6000 OSL
3 sand (fluvial) PIG239 26000 ± 5000 OSL
4 Koźmin 18.67 50.08 97 sand (fluvial) GdTL-1410 12780 ± 620 OSL Dzieduszyńska D., Petera-Zganiacz J., Twardy J., Kittel P., Moska P., Adamiec G., 2014b – Optical dating and sedimentary record from the terrace depositional profile of the Warta River (Central Poland). Geochronometria, 41(4); 361–368
5 sand (fluvial) GdTL-1412 13130 ± 730 OSL
6 sand (fluvial) GdTL-1413 13140 ± 920 OSL
7 sand (fluvial) GdTL-1516 13690 ± 680 OSL
8 52.09 sand (fluvial) GdTL 925 13900±640 OSL
9 50.08 sand (fluvial) GdTL-1515 14310 ± 660 OSL
10 sand (fluvial) GdTL-1517 14330 ± 740 OSL
11 52.09 sand (fluvial) GdTL 924 31000 ± 1600 OSL Petera-Zganiacz J, Adamiec G. 2010. The age of the Warta river valley deposits based on 14C, TL, OSL dating methods (Kotlina Kolska, Middle Poland). 10th International Conference “Methods of Absolute Chronology”. 22–25 April 2010, Gliwice, Poland: 112.
12 sand (fluvial) GdTL 923 31600 ± 1300 OSL
13 52.08 sand (fluvial) GdTL 987 33600 ± 1700 OSL
14 52.09 sand (fluvial) GdTL 922 37300 ± 1700 OSL
15 Kolonia Bechcice no data no data no data sand (fluvial) GW-1126 16000 ± 2400 TL Kittel P. 2012. Budowa i ewolucja doliny Neru w rejonie stanowiska Lutomiersk-Koziówki w świetle badań geoarcheologicznych. Acta Geographica Lodziensia 100:113–133. (in Polish, summary in English)
16 sand (fluvial) GW 1125 16100 ± 2400 TL
17 sand (fluvial) GW-1124 19400 ± 2900 TL
18 sand (fluvial) GW-0802 23600 ±3500 TL
19 sand (fluvial) GW-0801 26600 ± 4000 TL
20 Rozprza 19.67 51.3 183 sand (fluvial) UJK-OSL-72 24700 ± 3700 OSL Sikora J, Kittel P, Frączek M, Głąb Z, Golyeva A, Mueller-Bieniek A, Schneeweiß J, Tomczyńska Z, Wasylikowa K, Wiedner K. 2019. A palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of the rampart construction of the medieval ring-fort in Rozprza, Central Poland. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 11:4187–4219.
21 Szynkielew no data no data no data sand (fluvial) no data 19900±3000 TL Kittel P., 2016. Badania geoarcheologiczne pokrywy stokowej na stanowisku archeologicznym Szynkielew 11, gm. Pabianice. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Geographica Physica 15: 25–35. (in Polish, summary in English)
22 sand (fluvial) 20600±3100 TL
23 Warenka 18.62 52.04 105 sand (fluvial) GdTL-3440 17400 ± 1400 OSL unpublished
24 18.62 52.04 105 sand (fluvial) GdTL-3529 24100 ± 1600 OSL
25 18.62 52.04 105 sand (fluvial) GdTL-3530 24900 ± 1500 OSL
26 18.61 52.03 105 sand (fluvial) GdTL-3177 26700 ± 1500 OSL
27 18.62 52.04 105 sand (fluvial) GdTL-3531 26700 ± 1700 OSL
28 Warenka 18.62 52.04 105 sand (fluvial) GdTL-3532 29300 ± 2000 OSL unpublished
29 18.61 52.03 105 sand (fluvial) GdTL-3178 30300 ± 1700 OSL
30 Swędów 51.92 19.53 145 sand (fluvial) GdTL-3140 18900±1200 OSL Michczyńska D.J., Dzieduszyńska D.A., Petera-Zganiacz J., Wachecka-Kotkowska L., Krzyszkowski D., Wieczorek D., Ludwikowska-Kędzia M., Gębica P. Starkel L., 2022. Climatic oscillations during MIS 3-2 recorded in sets of 14C and OSL dates - a study based on data from Poland. Radiocarbon 64(6): 1373–1386.
31 sand (fluvial) GdTL-3141 20900±1200 OSL
32 no data no data no data sand (fluvial) GdTL-3142 13600±540 OSL
33 sand (fluvial) GdTL-3137 19800±1300 OSL
34 Lutomiersk Koziówki 19.22 51.75 152.5 sand (fluvial) KIE-603 22900 ± 3400 TL Kittel P. 2012. Budowa i ewolucja doliny Neru w rejonie stanowiska Lutomiersk-Koziówki w świetle badań geoarcheologicznych. Acta Geographica Lodziensia 100:113–133. (in Polish, summary in English)
35 sand (fluvial) KIE-601 23100 ± 3500 TL
36 sand (fluvial) KIE-604 23300 ± 3500 TL
37 Restarzew Środkowy no data no data no data sand (fluvial) PIG364 12400±2800 OSL Bieńko K., Cieślak A., Wieczorek D., 2022. Objaśnienia do Szczegółowej mapy geologicznej Polski w skali 1:50 000, arkusz Zelów (699) (Explanations to the Detailed Geological Map of Poland in the scale 1:50,000, Zelów sheet (699)). (in Polish) NAG, PIG-PIB Warszawa (electronical version).
38 Dubie no data no data no data sand (fluvial) PIG363 14600±2500 OSL

No. Site name / Sample name Long E Lat N Alt. [m a.s.l.] Dated material Lab. Code 14C Age [BP] Dating technique AMS / LSC / GPC References
1 Aleksandrów (KWB Adamów) No data No data No data organic silt Lod 1045 23010±390 LSC Forysiak J. 2005. Rozwój doliny Warty między Burzeninem i Dobrowem po zlodowaceniu warty. Acta Geographica Lodziensia 90: 5–116. (in Polish, summary in English)
2 organic silt Lod 1084 24400±470 LSC
3 Bechcice No data No data No data peat IGSB 1381 11020±230 LSC Stachowicz-Rybka R, Obremska M, Kittel P, Pawłowski D, Cywa K, Forysiak J. 2011. Zapis zmian paleośrodowiskowych w kontekście archeologicznym w osadach wypełnienia paleokoryta w dolinie Neru na stanowisku Kolonia Bechcice (woj. Łódzkie, Polska Środkowa). V Konferencja Paleobotaniki Czwartorzędu, Górzno: 13–17. (in Polish)
4 organic silt MKL 285 11240±180 LSC Kittel P. 2012. Budowa i ewolucja doliny Neru w rejonie stanowiska Lutomiersk-Koziówki w świetle badań geoarcheologicznych. Acta Geographica Lodziensia 100:113–133. (in Polish, summary in English)
5 Byszewy No data No data No data peat Lod-467 8420±170 LSC Kamiński J. 1993. Późnoplejstoceńska i holoceńska transformacja doliny Moszczenicy jako rezultat zmian środowiska naturalnego oraz działalności człowieka. Acta Geographica Lodziensia 64. (in Polish, summary in English)
6 Gieczno No data No data No data organic silt Lod 437 30500±800 LSC
7 Głowy 18.67 52.1 96 peat MKL 1647 10360±70 LSC Majecka A, Okupny D, Borówka RK, Tomkowiak J, Fortuniak A, Forysiak J, Petera-Zganiacz J, Słowiński M, Krajewska I. 2014. Osady kopalnego starorzecza Warty z późnego vistulianu w odkrywce Koźmin-Głowy (Kotlina Kolska) w świetle wstępnych analiz paleoekologicznych [In:] XXI Konferencja Stratygrafia Plejstocenu Polski “Dynamika lądolodów plejstoceńskich na obszarze Sokólszczyzny i Równiny Augustowskiej”, Augustów: 68–69. (in Polish)
8 gyttja MKL 1649 11120±70 LSC
9 gyttja MKL 1648 11260±70 LSC
10 gyttja MKL 2311 11350±130 LSC
11 gyttja MKL 2312 12140±140 LSC
12 gyttja MKL 2313 12350±130 LSC
13 peat MKL 1646 9930±60 LSC
14 Janiszew Poduchowny 18.66 52.09 96.5 peat Lod 1284 25100±500 LSC Petera-Zganiacz J. 2007. Stratygrafia osadów vistuliańskich a młodoczwartorzędowa aktywność tektoniczna w okolicach Koźmina. Prace Instytutu Geografii Akademii Świętokrzyskiej w Kielcach 16: 103–116. (in Polish, summary in English)
15 18.65 52.09 96.8 peat Lod 1392 28330±740 LSC
16 Kamion No data No data No data organic silt + peat Lod 680 11250±170 LSC Kobojek E. 2000. Morfogeneza doliny Rawki. Acta Geographica Lodziensia 77. (in Polish, summary in English)
17 mud and clay enriched in humus horizon Gd-4344 13500±290 GPC Cichosz-Kostecka A, Mycielska-Dowgiałło E, Manikowska B. 1991. Late Glacial aeolian processes in the light of sediment analysis from Kamion profile near Wyszogród. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, Suppl.-Bd. 90: 45–50.
18 mud and clay enriched in humus horizon Gd-4343 14300±300 GPC
19 20.18 52.35 No data mud and clay enriched in humus horizon Lod 85 14590±270 LSC Manikowska B. 1985. O glebach kopalnych, stratygrafii i litologii wydm Polski środkowej. Acta Geographica Lodziensia 52. (in Polish, summary in English)
20 Kolonia Bechcice No data No data No data decomposed peat IGSB-1382 8250±150 LSC Kittel P., 2014. Slope deposits as an indicator of anthropopressure in the light of research in Central Poland. Quaternary International 324: 34–55.
21 organic mud Lod-1441 9020±80 LSC
22 Kolonia Bechcice 19.23 51.75 No data decomposed peat Poz-41755 9090±50 AMS Płóciennik M., Kittel P., Borówka R.K., CywaK., Okupny D., Obremska M., PawłowskiD., Stachowicz-Rybka R., SzpernaR., WitkowskiA., et al. 2016. Warunki paleoekologiczne subkopalnego koryta Kolonia Bechcice na tle hydrologii środkowego odcinka doliny Neru. Acta Geographica Lodziensia 105: 107–124. (inPolish, summary in English)
23 gyttja MKL-417 9520±90 LSC
24 No data No data No data organic silt IGSB-1384 9120±440 LSC unpublished
25 Koźmin JPII/I No data No data No data organic silt with charcoal MKL-1388 9240±80 LSC unpublished
26 Koźmin-KN 18.67 52.10 96.0 gyttja MKL-4276 8380±100 LSC unpublished
27 gyttja MKL-4277 8740±90 LSC
28 gyttja MKL-3336 9310±80 LSC
29 gyttja MKL-3373 8270±100 LSC
30 Koźmin-Las 18.67 52.08 97.5 organic matter in sandy silt MKL-1077 9780±110 LSC Dzieduszyńska D, Petera-Zganiacz J, TwardyJ, Kittel P, Moska P and Adamiec G, 2014a. Optical dating and sedimentary record from the terrace depositional profile of the Warta River (central Poland). Geochronometria 41(4): 361–368.
31 18.67 52.08 97.5 organic silt MKL-1076 9780±150 LSC
32 18.67 52.08 97.5 plant remains: Betula sect. Albae - 2 fruit scales Poz 50361 10000±80 AMS
33 18.67 52.08 97.5 plant remains: Betula sect. Albae - 2 fruit scales; Pinus Sylvestris - 1 shoot Poz 50360 10430±80 AMS
34 18.67 52.08 97.5 plant remains: Pinus sylvestris - shoots & fragment of needle Poz 50356 10850±60 AMS
35 Koźmin 18.67 52.08 97.5 charcoal in flood sediments GdA-6077 10480±50 AMS unpublished
36 18.65 52.08 97.5 organic silt Gd-9740 10200±430 GPC Petera-Zganiacz J, Dzieduszyńska D. 2007. Wymowa paleogeograficzna horyzontu pni kopalnych w osadach późnego vistulianu. Acta Geographica Lodziensia 93: 57–66. (in Polish, summary in English)
37 18.65 52.09 97 organic silt Lod 1389 10350±90 LSC
38 No data No data No data organic silt Lod-661 8250±120 LSC Petera J. 2002. Vistuliańskie osady dolinne w basenie uniejowskim i ich wymowa paleogeograficzna. Acta Geographica Lodziensia 83. (in Polish, summary in English)
39 No data No data No data peat Lod 974 11980±110 LSC MAiE archives
40 18.61 52.03 107 organic silt MKL 4275 12420±130 LSC unpubished
41 18.66 52.08 97.5 peat Lod 768 18480±230 LSC Petera J. 2002. Vistuliańskie osady dolinne w basenie uniejowskim i ich wymowa paleogeograficzna. Acta Geographica Lodziensia 83. (in Polish, summary in English)
42 18.65 52.08 97 organic silt Lod 659 24200±300 LSC
43 18.66 52.08 97.5 organic silt Lod 769 29950±900 LSC
44 18.67 52.09 97 organic silt Lod 1403 31280±1050 LSC Petera-Zganiacz J, Adamiec G. 2010. The age of the Warta river valley deposits based on 14C, TL, OSL dating methods (Kotlina Kolska, Middle Poland). 10th International Conference “Methods of Absolute Chronology”. 22–25 April 2010, Gliwice, Poland: 112.
45 Koźmin Północ 18.66 52.08 97 organic silt Lod 879 26290±560 LSC Petera J. 2002. Vistuliańskie osady dolinne w basenie uniejowskim i ich wymowa paleogeograficzna. Acta Geographica Lodziensia 83. (in Polish, summary in English)
46 organic silt Lod 878 31740±1100 LSC
47 organic silt Lod 881 36310±1860 LSC
48 Koźmin Środkowy 18.67 52.08 97.5 organic silt Lod 700 28600±260 LSC Petera J. 2002. Vistuliańskie osady dolinne w basenie uniejowskim i ich wymowa paleogeograficzna. Acta Geographica Lodziensia 83. (in Polish, summary in English)
25 Koźmin-Kwiatków No data No data No data organic silt GdS-4021 9980±100 LSC unpublished
49 18.68 52.10 96.5 organic silt GdS-4062 10600±90 LSC
51 18.68 52.10 96.3 organic silt GdS-4030 9990±90 LSC
52 organic silt GdS-4048 10380±260 LSC
53 Krzeczów No data No data No data peat Lod-365 9080±150 LSC Kanwiszer A, Trzeciak P. 1991. Lodz radiocarbon dates III. Radiocarbon 33(1): 115–130.
54 Kwiatków 18.68 52.1 96.5 organic silt MKL 1644 10940±100 LSC Petera-Zganiacz J, Piotrowska M, TwardyJ, Dzieduszyńska DA, Okupny D, Forysiak J, Rzepecki S. 2019a. Environmental conditions as a key factor in the functioning of wells at a settlement from the Roman period of the Iron Age. Quaternary International 501: 250–268.
55 organic silt MKL 1645 10960±100 LSC
56 Kwiatków DJ 18.68 52.1 96 organic silt MKL 3335 10720±100 LSC Dzieduszyńska DA, Petera-Zganiacz J. 2018. Small-scale geologic evidence for Vistulian decline cooling periods: case studies from the Łódź Region (Central Poland). Bulletin of the Geological Society of Finland 90(2): 209–222.
57 Lublinek No data No data No data organic silt Gd-9196 10220±170 LSC Turkowska K, Dzieduszyńska D. 2011. Local evidence of landform evolution vs. global changes – a case of Younger Dryas study in the upper Ner valley system, central Poland. Geographia Polonica 84, Special Issue 1: 147–162.
58 organic silt Gd-10027 10690±140 LSC
59 organic layer Lod 444 11320±160 LSC
60 organic mud Lod 479 12470±180 LSC Turkowska K. 1988. Rozwój dolin rzecznych na Wyżynie Łódzkiej w późnym czwartorzędzie. Acta Geographica Lodziensia 57. (in Polish, summary in English)
61 19.35 51.73 No data organic silt Lod 238 12950±390 LSC
62 19.35 51.73 No data organic silt in situ Lod 370 13800±200 LSC
63 No data No data No data organic mud Lod 445 16200±200 LSC Turkowska K, Dzieduszyńska D. 2011. Local evidence of landform evolution vs. global changes – a case of Younger Dryas study in the upper Ner valley system, central Poland. Geographia Polonica 84, Special Issue 1: 147–162.
64 organic mud Lod 478 17100±200 LSC
65 organic detritus Gd-1906 21720±220 GPC Turkowska K. 1988. Rozwój dolin rzecznych na Wyżynie Łódzkiej w późnym czwartorzędzie. Acta Geographica Lodziensia 57. (in Polish, summary in English)
66 19.35 51.73 No data organic silt Lod 275 9850±250 LSC
67 No data No data No data organic detritus Gd-7541 9470±40 LSC
68 organic detritus Lod 274 9380±250 LSC Turkowska K. 1988. Rozwój dolin rzecznych na Wyżynie Łódzkiej w późnym czwartorzędzie. Acta Geographica Lodziensia 57.
69 organic detritus Gd-10099 9200±90 GPC Turkowska K, Dzieduszyńska D. 2011. Local evidence of landform evolution vs. global changes – a case of Younger Dryas study in the upper Ner valley system, central Poland. Geographia Polonica 84, Special Issue 1: 147–162.
70 Lublinek No data No data No data poorly decomposed peat Gd-2410 8400±200 GPC Turkowska K. 1988. Rozwój dolin rzecznych na Wyżynie Łódzkiej w późnym czwartorzędzie. Acta Geographica Lodziensia 57. (in Polish, summary in English)
71 organic layer Lod 342 8350±160 LSC Turkowska K. 1988. Rozwój dolin rzecznych na Wyżynie Łódzkiej w późnym czwartorzędzie. Acta Geographica Lodziensia 57. (in Polish, summary in English)
72 organic layer Lod 373 8250±150 LSC
73 pine cone Gd-1839 8240±160 GPC Turkowska K. 1988. Rozwój dolin rzecznych na Wyżynie Łódzkiej w późnym czwartorzędzie. Acta Geographica Lodziensia 57. (in Polish, summary in English)
74 organic layer Lod 276 8180±220 GPC Turkowska K. 1990. Main fluvial episodes in the Ner Valley in the last 22 000years; a detailedin Lublinek near Łódź, Central Poland. Quaternary Studies in Poland 9: 85–89.
75 Lutomiersk-Koziówki No data No data No data organic silt with plant detritus MKL-286 9240±120 LSC Kittel P. 2012. Budowa i ewolucja doliny Neru w rejonie stanowiska Lutomiersk-Koziówki w świetle badań geoarcheologicznych. Acta Geographica Lodziensia 100: 113–133. (in Polish, summary in English)
76 peat MKL-287 8670±70 LSC
77 peat MKL-284 9030±160 LSC
78 organic silt with plant detritus MKL-283 9240±120 LSC
79 Łęg Ręczyński 19.22 51.23 No data peat Lod 328 10270±220 LSC Kanwiszer A, Trzeciak P. 1986. Lodz radiocarbon dates II. Radiocarbon 28(3): 1102–1109.
80 Łykowe 18.78 51.2 No data sandy peat Lod-150 8070±180 LSC Kanwiszer A, Trzeciak P. 1991. Lodz radiocarbon dates III. Radiocarbon 33(1): 115–130.
81 sandy peat Lod-149 9150±210 LSC
82 organic silt Lod 148 10380±220 LSC MAiE archives
83 peat Lod 358 11700±200 LSC
84 Majkowice No data No data No data peat Gd-2044 13030±200 GPC Szumański A. 1983. Palaeochannelsof large meandersin the river valley of the Polish Lowland. Quaternary Studies in Poland 4: 207–16.
85 Paskrzyn 19.87 51.23 182.5 choarcoal Lod 263 11600±300 LSC MAiE archives
86 19.87 51.23 No data organic silt Lod 244 12250±190 LSC
87 19.87 51.23 183 sandy silt with plant detritus Lod 262 13200±200 LSC
88 Polesie No data No data No data sand and silty sand Lod-1380 21990±350 LSC Twardy J. 2008. Transformacja rzeźby centralnej części Polski Środkowej w warunkach antropopresji. Łódź: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego. (in Polish)
89 Przedbórz 19 53 00 51 03 00 190 peat Gd-1468 8890±60 GPC Szumański A. 1983. Paleochannels of the large meanders in the river valleys of the Polish Lowland. Quaternary Studies in Poland 4: 207–216.
90 Rogóźno No data No data No data plant remains Lod-442 8950±180 LSC Kamiński J. 1993. Późnoplejstoceńska i holoceńska transformacja doliny Moszczenicy jako rezultat zmian środowiska naturalnego oraz działalności człowieka. Acta Geographica Lodziensia 64. (in Polish, summary in English)
91 plant remains Lod-443 8700±160 LSC
92 organic silt Lod 411 10400±200 LSC
93 Rozprza 19.67 51.3 183 macrofossils in organic mud; Pinus sylvestris - 22 shoots and 2 needles; Betula sect. albae - 1 fruit scale and 1 fruit; Betula nana - 3 fruits MKL-A4682 10069±27 AMS unpublished
94 gyttja MKL-2408 10200±120 LSC Kittel P, Sikora J, Woroniecki P. 2018. A Late Medieval motte-and-bailey settlement in a lowland river valley landscape of Central Poland. Geoarchaeology 33: 558–578.
95 clayey gyttja MKL-2818 10380±70 LSC
96 macrofossils in coarse detritus gyttja with sandy admixtures: Pinus sylvestris - 8 shoots and 5 bud scales; shrub buds undif. - 5; Betula sect. albae - 4 fruit scales MKL-A3933 10415±26 AMS
97 gyttja MKL-2959 10810±90 LSC
98 macrofossils in coarse detritus gyttja: Pinus sylvestris – fragments of needle MKL-A3566 10877±31 LSC
99 macrofossils in peaty organic mud: Pinus sylvestris - 20 shoots; Betula sect. albae - 2 fruit scales and 3 fruits; Betula nana - 4 fruit scales and 2 fruits; Filipendula ulmaria - 1 seed; Urtica dioica - 1 seed MKL-A4681 10889±35 AMS
100 gyttja MKL-2960 10930±100 LSC
101 peaty organic mud; Pinus sylvestris - 2 seeds and 20 shoots; Betula sect. albae - 2 fruit scales; Carex sp. trigonous - 1 fruit MKL-A3934 11029±26 LSC
102 clayey organic mud MKL-2819 11070±80 LSC
103 macrofossils in organic mud: Pinus sylvestris - 1 fragment of cone, 5 shoots and 2 fragments of needle; Betula sect. albae - 2 fruit scales and 5 fruits; Betula nana - 7 fruit scales and 6 fruits MKL-3503A 11126±82 AMS
104 macrofossils in organic mud: Pinus sylvestris - 4 fragments of cone and 3 bud scales; Betula sect. albae - 2 fruit scales MKL-A3935 11404±27 AMS
105 clayey organic mud MKL-2961 12010±120 LSC
106 laminated organic mud MKL-2820 12720±80 LSC
107 Swędów JK No data No data No data peat Lod-303 8740±110 LSC Kamiński J. 1989. Wpływ holoceńskich procesów eolicznych na kształtowanie dna doliny Moszczenicy. Acta Geographica Lodziensia 59:11–17.
108 peat Lod 339 32800±900 LSC Kamiński J. 1993. Późnoplejstoceńska i holoceńska transformacja doliny Moszczenicy jako rezultat zmian środowiska naturalnego oraz działalności człowieka. Acta Geographica Lodziensia 64.
109 146 organic silt Lod 286 10370±250 LSC
110 organic silt Lod 304 10850±180 LSC
111 Swędów 19.52 51.92 145 organic silt GdS 3963 11390±100 LSC Petera-Zganiacz J, Dzieduszyńska DA, Forysiak J, Twardy J, Milecka K, Czerwiński B. 2019b. The Late Vistulian record in deposits of the Moszczenica River valley at the Swędów site (Central Poland). [In:] Börner A. Hüneke H. Lorenz S. (Eds.) Field Symposium of the INQUA PeriBaltic Working Group “From Weichselian Ice-Sheet Dynamics to Holocene Land Use Development in Western Pomerania and Mecklenburg”. Abstract Volume. Scientific Technical Report STR 19/01, Potsdam: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences:74–76. DOI:
112 organic silt GdS 3970 11410±65 LSC
113 organic silt, rejuvenated date, not analysed GdS-3983 8980±95 LSC
114 Swędów II 19.52 51.92 146,25 organic silt GdA-6444 10660±60 AMS unpublished
115 Świerczyna No data No data No data wood Poz-52513 8060±90 AMS Pawłowski D, Płóciennik M, Brooks SJ, Luoto TP, Milecka K, Nevalainen L, Peyron O, Self A, Zieliński T. 2015. A multiproxy study of Younger Dryas and Early Holocene climatic conditions from the Grabia River paleo-oxbow lake (central Poland). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 438: 34–50.
116 stems of moss Poz-54910 9500±50 AMS
117 19.01 51.47 94 plant remains Poz 52514 10010±70 AMS
118 plant remains Poz 54911 10150±90 AMS
119 plant remains Poz 54915 10250±110 AMS
120 plant remains Poz 54914 10360±60 AMS
121 plant remains Poz 54913 10370±80 AMS
122 plant remains Poz 52516 10420±60 AMS
123 Troniny 18.75 51.1 No data organic silt Lod 357 10710±180 LSC MAiE archives
124 Tum No data No data No data peat Lod-1558 8650±80 LSC Marosik P, Forysiak J. 2014. Ukształtowanie terenu, budowa geologiczna i rozwój paleogeograficzny otoczenia grodziska w Tumie. [In:] Grygiel R, Jurek T (eds.), Początki Łęczycy. Archeologia środowiskowa średniowiecznej Łęczycy, t. I. MAiE, Łódź: 59–94. (in Polish)
125 peat Lod-1499 8790±80 LSC
126 organic silt Lod-1598 8950±80 LSC
127 peat Lod-1596 9010±80 LSC
128 organic silt Lod-1588 9190±80 LSC
129 organic silt Lod-1595 9250±80 LSC
130 peaty silt Lod-1590 9490±90 LSC
131 peaty gyttja Lod-1589 9770±90 LSC
132 gyttja Lod 1560 10190±90 LSC
133 organic silt Lod 1592 10210±90 LSC
134 peat Lod 1599 10390±90 LSC
135 peat Lod 1591 10870±100 LSC
136 gyttja Lod 1498 10880±100 LSC
137 gyttja Lod 1549 11270±100 LSC
138 gyttja Lod 1593 11280±100 LSC
139 gyttja Lod 1559 11290±100 LSC
140 Warenka 18.61 52.03 107 organic silt MKL 4280 19970±260 LSC unpublished
141 organic silt MKL 4278 22540±210 LSC
142 organic silt MKL 4279 23170±230 LSC
143 18.63 52.05 105 organic silt GdA-6445 22370±150 AMS
144 organic silt GdA-6446 19580±120 AMS
145 organic silt GdA-6447 25460±200 AMS
146 Warszyce No data No data No data peat Lod-469 8900±170 LSC Kamiński J. 1993. Późnoplejstoceńska i holoceńska transformacja doliny Moszczenicy jako rezultat zmian środowiska naturalnego oraz działalności człowieka. Acta Geographica Lodziensia 64. (in Polish, summary in English)
147 organic silt Lod 439 28900±700 LSC
148 Wierzbowa 19.08 51.97 112–116 organic mud Lod-1450 9270±80 LSC Kittel P., 2014. Slope deposits as an indicator of anthropopressure in the light of research in Central Poland. Quaternary International 324: 34–55.
149 Parchliny A (PARCH 3) 19.14 51.23 175.5 organic horizon in sandy-muddy deposits GdS-1128 43500 ± 2000 LSC Wachecka-Kotkowska L, Krzyszkowski D, Klaczak K, Król E, 2014. Middle Weichselian pleniglacial sedimentation in the Krasówka river palaeovalley, Central Poland. Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae 84(4): 323–340.
150 Parchliny A PARCH 2) 19.14 51.23 163.9 peat; middle part of organic horizon GdS-1127 47500 ± 3500 LSC
151 Parchliny B (PARCH 4) 19.15 51.23 164.4 organic horizon in sand-mud GdS-1366 33090 ± 580 LSC
152 Parchliny B (PARCH5) 19.15 51.23 165.7 organic horizon in sand-mud GdS-1371 24080 ± 250 LSC
153 Folwark 1; B/2691 192 humic acids GrN-18148 23370 ± 250 AMS Kasse C, Huijzer AS, Krzyszkowski D, Bohncke SJP and Coope GR. 1998. Weichselian Late Pleniglacial and Late-glacial depositional environments, Coleoptera and periglacial climatic records from central Poland (Betchatow). Journal of Quaternary Science 13(5): 455–469.
154 197 organic deposits GrN-18147 24630 ± 110 AMS Kasse C, Huijzer AS, Krzyszkowski D, Bohncke SJP and Coope GR. 1998. Weichselian Late Pleniglacial and Late-glacial depositional environments, Coleoptera and periglacial climatic records from central Poland (Betchatow). Journal of Quaternary Science 13(5): 455–469.
155 Folwark 1; B/2692 192 humic acids GrN-20387 22730 ± 250 AMS Kasse C, Huijzer AS, Krzyszkowski D, Bohncke SJP and Coope GR. 1998. Weichselian Late Pleniglacial and Late-glacial depositional environments, Coleoptera and periglacial climatic records from central Poland (Betchatow). Journal of Quaternary Science 13(5): 455–469.
156 humic acids GrN-18150 23400 ± 320 AMS
157 19.29 51.25 197 organic deposits GrN-18149 24590 ± 120 AMS Krzyszkowski D. 1998. Stratigraphy and sedimentology of Weichselian deposits at Folwark, Belchatów outcrop, central Poland. Quaternary Studies in Poland 15: 3–26.
158 Folwark 2; B/2695 197 organic deposits GrN-18155 25970 ± 220 AMS Kasse C, Huijzer AS, Krzyszkowski D, Bohncke SJP and Coope GR. 1998. Weichselian Late Pleniglacial and Late-glacial depositional environments, Coleoptera and periglacial climatic records from central Poland (Betchatow). Journal of Quaternary Science 13(5): 455–469.
159 organic deposits GrN-20388 26320 ± 270 AMS
160 organic deposits GrN-18156 27190 ± 200 AMS
161 organic deposits GrN-20529 27270 ± 750 AMS
162 Folwark 2; B/2696 organic deposits GrN-20528 21420 ± 350 AMS
163 organic deposits GrN-18158 26190 ± 270 AMS
164 organic deposits GrN-18157 26430 ± 240 AMS
165 organic deposits GrN-20389 26620 ± 360 AMS
166 Folwark 8; B/2742 19.27 51.22 199 plant macrofossils GrA-3016 22990 ± 120 AMS
167 Kuców C-I No data No data No data organic material in loam Lod-738 31860 ± 350 LSC Trzeciak P, Borowiec I. 2013. Oznaczanie chronologii bezwzględnej metodą radiowęglową w Pracowni Muzeum Archeologicznego i Etnograficznego w Łodzi. Prace i Materiały Muzeum Archeologicznego i Etnograficznego w Łodzi, Seria Numizmatyczno-Konserwatorska. (in Polish)
168 Kuców C-III No data No data No data organic material in silt/clay Lod-746 25620 ± 540 LSC MAiE archives
169 Stawek γ-96 No data No data No data organic material in silty sand Lod-737 20170 ± 250 LSC Trzeciak P, Borowiec I. 2013. Oznaczanie chronologii bezwzględnej metodą radiowęglową w Pracowni Muzeum Archeologicznego i Etnograficznego w Łodzi. Prace i Materiały Muzeum Archeologicznego i Etnograficznego w Łodzi, Seria Numizmatyczno-Konserwatorska. (in Polish)
170 No data No data No data No data unknow unknow 23700 ± 800 LSC Manikowska B. 1996. Dwucykliczność ewolucji środowiska peryglacjalnego w Polsce Środkowej podczas vistulianu. Biuletyn Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego 373: 97–106. (in Polish, summary in English)
171 Bełchatów No data No data No data organic mud Gd-2640 12440 ± 180 GPC Goździk, JS. 1995b. Vistulian sediments in the Bełchatów open cast mine, Central Poland. Qualernary Studies in Poland 13: 13–26.
172 organic mud Gd-4348 13670 ± 240 GPC
173 Bełchatów Piaski No data No data No data plant remains Lod 116 14350 ± 580 LSC Goździk J. 1980. Osady i struktury peryglacjalne z plejstocenu okolic Bełchatowa. Przewodnik LIII, Zjazdu Polskiego Towarzystwa Geologicznego. Wydawnictwa Geologiczne, Waszawa: 322–325. (in Polish)
174 Bełchatów JG/82 No data No data No data organic materials in silt Gd-2035 11630 ± 180 GPC French HM, Goździk JS 1988. Pleistocene epigenetic and syngenetic frost fissures, Bełchatów, Poland. Canadian Journal of Earth Science 25(12): 2017–2027.
175 Bełchatów profile B; kopalnia-D No data No data No data peat Lod-317 32700 ± 900 LSC Kanwiszer A, Trzeciak P. 1991. Lodz radiocarbon dates III. Radiocarbon 33(1): 115–130.
176 Bełchatów; I/83/JG 51.25 19.38 peat Gd-1707 11170 ± 110 GPC Michczyńska D.J., Dzieduszyńska D.A., Petera-Zganiacz J., Wachecka-Kotkowska L., Krzyszkowski D., Wieczorek D., Ludwikowska-Kędzia M., Gębica P. Starkel L., 2022. Climatic oscillations during MIS 3-2 recorded in sets of 14C and OSL dates - a study based on data from Poland. Radiocarbon 64(6): 1373–1386.
177 BełchatówII/83/JG 19.38 51.25 peat Gd-2189 10160 ± 140 GPC
178 Piaski 3 No data No data No data organic material in ooze formation Lod-118 25200 ± 740 LSC Goździk J. 1980. Osady i struktury peryglacjalne z plejstocenu okolic Bełchatowa. Przewodnik LIII, Zjazdu Polskiego Towarzystwa Geologicznego. Wydawnictwa Geologiczne, Waszawa: 322–325.
179 Piaski prof 1/061077 No data No data No data peat Gd-777 21970 ± 810 GPC Goździk J. 1986. Czwartorzęd w regionie kopalnie węgla brunatnego, Bełchatów. II Zjazd Geografów Polskich, Łódź, 11 – 13 września, 1986. Przewodnik wycieczek: 109–114. (in Polish)
180 Widawka valley No data No data No data organic layer Gd-5484 23600 ± 400 GPC Goździk, JS. 1995b. Vistulian sediments in the Bełchatów open cast mine, Central Poland. Qualernary Studies in Poland 13: 13–26.
181 organic layer Gd-6003 24200 ± 650 GPC
182 organic layer Gd-5485 26900 ± 500 GPC
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Volume Open
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Geosciences, other