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Effect of ISO (9001) Certification and Article Type Produced on Lean Six Sigma Application Successes: a Case Study Within Textile Companies


Fig. 1

Main LSS tools and methods applied in the participating textile enterprises
Main LSS tools and methods applied in the participating textile enterprises

Fig. 2

Main çritical success factors for implementation of LSS
Main çritical success factors for implementation of LSS

Fig. 3

ISO 9001 standard improves the success of LSS implementation in textile companies
ISO 9001 standard improves the success of LSS implementation in textile companies

Fig. 4

Main improvements with ISO 9001 certification, LSS tools and methods
Main improvements with ISO 9001 certification, LSS tools and methods

Sample characterization

Variable Percent
Company size Small: 10 – 80 employeesMedium: 80 – 300 employeesTotal: 77 76,1 %23,9 %100 %
Company sector Technical article companiesKnitted article companiesDenim article companiesMixed article companiesTotal: 77 9,9 %14,1 %10,9 %64,9 %100 %
Certification standard ISO 9001Other 20,7 %10,3 %

Questionnaire items

Question Description
Company size Small: 10 – 80 employeesMedium: 80 – 300 employees
Company sector Technical article companiesKnitted article companiesDenim article companiesMixed article companies
Certification standard ISO 9001Other
LSS tools and methodologies implemented Installation of balancing production line; calculation of the cycle time; visual management; 5S; training; just in time; LSS Culture acceptance; Kanban; SMED (single minute exchange of die); VSM (Value Stream Mapping); TPM (total productive maintenance); Kaizen; VOC (voice of the customer); DMAIC (dene, measure, analyse, improve, control); FMEA (failure mode and effect analysis); PDCA (plan, do, check, act); Pareto; CTQ (critical to quality); Kano; Identification of bottlenecks.
Critical success factors The involvement and commitment of top managementPerformance measurementCommunicationOrganisational cultureAvailability of resourcesTraining and educationOrganisational infrastructureProject selection and periodisationLinking LSS to HR reward systemLinking LSS to customer
LSS tools improve ISO 9OO1? NoneMarginallySignificantlyA lot
Main improvements with ISO 9001 certification, LSS tools and methods Reduction of quality problemCost reductionWaiting reductionWaste reductionIncrease of productivityImprovement of problem solving

Comparison of the impact of the certification on the success of LSS project implementation in the different textile SMEs

Key metrics used A B C D
Before improvement After improvement Before improvement After improvement Before improvement After improvement Before improvement After improvement
Z-Sigma 2.9 4.15 2 4,68 1.35 2.2 0.7 2
Cp 0.69 1.38 1.47 1.56 0.45 0.96 0.2 1.47
DPMO 80762 4661 308770 967 581814 242071 780000 308538
Cycle time(min) 19.92 19.2 32.4 31 12.78 12.5 10.34 10
non-value added time(min) 18916 15900 17280 13440 16080 16000 10000 9980

List of textile SMEs

SME Workforce Sector Certification
A 35 Technical article (automotive articles) ISO 9001: 2008
B 75 Technical article (paramedical and orthopaedic articles) ISO 9001: 2008
C 200 Mixed articles None
D 201 Mixed article companies None