
Figure 1:

Benefits understanding by gender
Benefits understanding by gender

Figure 2:

Benefits understanding by employment type
Benefits understanding by employment type

Figure 3:

Benefits understanding by working location
Benefits understanding by working location

Descriptive Statistics

Variable Category Frequency Percentagea Mean SD Min Max
Understand benefits - - - 63.44 21.74 0 100
Know how to access benefits - 66.64 23.53 0 100
Gender Male 2143 42.2 - - - -
Female 2882 56.7 - - - -
Type of Employment Full- Time 4290 84.4 - - - -
Part- Time 662 13.0 - - - -
Casual 48 .9 - - - -
Other 38 .7 - - - -
Work Location Office/Branch 3320 65.3 - - - -
Home 354 7.0 - - - -
Combination 1355 26.7 - - - -

Independent samples t-tests

Male Female Full-time Part-time Office / branch Home
M SD M SD t-test M SD M SD t-test M SD M SD t-test
Understand benefits 64.38 21.26 62.88 21.99 2.45* 64.34 21.45 59.20 22.48 5.51*** 63.84 22.14 60.77 21.90 2.49*
Know how to access benefits 67.89 22.80 65.86 23.97 3.06** 67.83 23.16 60.70 24.41 7.04*** 67.31 23.90 61.81 23.68 4.12***