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Patterns of the Distribution of the Demand of End-Consumers among Retailers in the Zone of their Residence


Andrii Galkin
O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv, Faculty of Transport System and TechnologiesKharkiv, UKRAINE
Vitaliy Zaytsev
Kharkiv, UKRAINE
Viktor Shyshkin
Zaporizhzhia National University, Department of Entrepreneurship, Organization Management and LogisticsZaporizhia, UKRAINE
Larysa Obolentseva
O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv, Department of Tourism and HospitalityKharkiv, UKRAINE
Yuliia Popova
State University of Infrastructure and Technologies, Department of Business Logistics and Transportation TechnologiesKyiv, UKRAINE