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Factors Influencing the Purchase of Energy-Efficient Appliances by Young Consumers in South Africa


Figure 1

Conceptual framework (Source: Author's own research)
Conceptual framework (Source: Author's own research)

The measurement model (Source: Author's own research)

ConstructMeasurement itemsItem loadingCronbach's alphaComposite reliabilityAVE
Attitude (A)A10.7820.7390.8750.636
Subjective norm (SN)SN 10.8270.7210.7920.655
SN3 deleted0.479
Perceived behavioral control (PBC)PBC10.8480.8140.8560.664
Moral norms (MN)MN 10.8990.7270.8810.737
MN 20.836
MN 30.795
Environmental concernEC10.8480.7920.8840.655
EC 30.769
Perceived benefitsPB 10.8260.8160.8820.651
PB 20.783
Informational publicityIB10.8360.7290.8570.667
Purchase intention (PI)PI10.8290.8010.8760.635
Purchase behavior (PBe)PBe10.8990.7250.8730.711

Discriminant validity (Source: Author's own research)



ConceptSurvey itemsResponse categoryAuthors

I consider the purchase of energy-efficient appliances (EEAs) unfavorable (1)/favorable (5)

I consider the purchase of EEA undesirable (1)/desirable (5)

I consider the purchase of EEA unpleasant (1)/pleasant (5)

I consider the purchase of EEA negative (1)/positive (5)

Semantic differential scaleHua and Wang (2019)Akroush, et al. (2019)
Subjective norms

Most people who are important to me think I should buy energy-efficient ones when it comes to the choice of household appliances

If I buy an EEA, this can influence other people to buy an EEA

People whose opinions I value would prefer that I purchase EEAs

Five-point Likert scale with 1 being “strongly disagree” and 5 being “strongly agree”Chen and Tung (2014)Tan, et al. (2017)
Perceived behavioral control

I can largely decide whether or not to buy an EEA

I will have the ability to buy an EEA in the future

I am confident that if I want to, I will definitely be able to choose an EEA in the near future

Five-point Likert scale with 1 being “strongly disagree” and 5 being “strongly agree”Tan, et al. (2017)
Moral norms

It is morally responsible to (other people and/or) the environment for me to conserve the natural resources

It is my moral obligation to (other people and/or) the environment for me to save natural resources because they are limited

It is my moral obligation to (other people and/or) the environment for me to reduce electricity usage

Five-point Likert scale with 1 being “strongly disagree” and 5 being “strongly agreeTan, et al. (2017)Shalender and Sharma (2019)
Environmental concern

I think the individuals and the society have the responsibility to protect the environment

I think the environmental issues are becoming more serious in recent years

I take into account environmental consequences while I buy an appliance

I think we should live in harmony with the environment for achieving sustainable development

Five-point Likert scale with 1 being “strongly disagree” and 5 being “strongly agreeLi, et al. (2019)Shalender and Sharma (2019)
Informational publicity

Related informational publicity about climate change and the environment promotes my energy-saving behavior

The information learned from newspapers, television, and other media influences my energy-saving behavior

Informational publicity has encouraged me to buy EEAs

Five-point Likert scale with 1 being “strongly disagree” and 5 being “strongly agreeWang, et al. (2014)
Perceived benefits

EEAs give me extra value (e.g. economic value, environmental value, and social value)

EEAs have high utility

EEAs can meet my product requirements

I believe EEAs will save costs

Five-point Likert scale with 1 being “strongly disagree” and 5 being “strongly agree”Wang, et al. (2017)Akroush, et al. (2019)
Intention to purchase

In the future, I am willing to buy EEAs if I need to have home appliances

In the future, I plan to buy appliances with better energy efficiency

In the future, I intend to buy appliances with better energy efficiency

Five-point Likert scale with 1 being “strongly disagree” and 5 being “strongly agree”Wang, et al. (2017)Akroush, et al. (2019)
Purchase behavior

I have purchased EEAs in the past

I currently use EEAs

Purchasing EEAs makes me feel that I have played a great part in helping the environment

Five-point Likert scale with 1 being “strongly disagree” and 5 being “strongly agree”Jaiswal and Kant (2018)Chaudhary and Bisai (2018)Bhutto, et al. (2018)

Path coefficient and T-statistics (Source: Author's own research)

Hypothesized pathStandardized BetaT-statisticsDecision
H1: A to P10.1363.042**Accepted
H2: SN to PI0.0291.129Rejected
H3: PBC to PI0.1883.886*Accepted
H4: MN to P10.1353.648**Accepted
H5: EC to PI0.1172.912**Accepted
H6: IP to PI0.1283.321*Accepted
H7: PB to P10.1482.991**Accepted
H8: PI to PBe0.2533.385**Accepted

Descriptive statistics (Source: Author's own research)

ConstructMeanStandard deviationKolmogorov–Smirnov
Subjective norms2.751.180.102
Perceived behavioral control3.801.030.127
Environmental concern4.101.050.133
Moral norms3.981.150.127
Perceived benefits4.151.090.121
Informational publicity4.021.020.125