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Connecting college students with nature: An evaluation indicator system for the implementation of horticultural therapy programmes on university campuses


Figure 1.

College students engaged in horticultural planting activities.
College students engaged in horticultural planting activities.

Figure 2.

College students taking photos of the plants they have planted.
College students taking photos of the plants they have planted.

Figure 3.

Structure model of evaluation system.
Structure model of evaluation system.

Figure 4.

Evaluation system construction based on the Delphi method.
Evaluation system construction based on the Delphi method.

Quantitative criteria for expert familiarity.

Degree of expert familiarity Quantised value
Very familiar 1.0
Familiar 0.8
General familiar 0.6
Not familiar 0.4
Definitely not familiar 0.2

Importance level and quantised value.

Importance level Quantised value
Equally important 1
Slightly more important 3
Significantly more important 5
Strongly more important 7
Absolutely more important 9
Intermediate value between two adjacent judgements 2, 4, 6, and 8

Quantitative criteria for the basis of expert judgement.

Basis of judgement Quantitative values for different levels of impact on experts
Large impact General impact Little impact
Practical experience 0.5 0.4 0.3
Theoretical analysis 0.3 0.2 0.1
Understanding from peers 0.1 0.1 0.1
Intuition 0.1 0.1 0.1

Evaluation system for the implementation of horticultural therapy programmes on university campuses.

Target layer Criteria layer Indicator layer Interpretation of indicators
A. Evaluation system for implementation of horticultural therapy programmes on university campuses B1. Horticultural therapy team C1. Horticultural professional guidance team A team led by horticultural therapists, with the participation of experts in medicine, psychology and landscape architecture, to provide professional guidance on the conduct of horticultural therapy programmes
C2. Horticultural volunteer team The team, mainly composed of college students majoring in landscape architecture and other related disciplines, is responsible for the planning, publicity, organisation, operation and maintenance of the campus horticultural therapy programmes
B2. Horticultural therapy plan C3. Therapeutic schedule A therapeutic horticultural schedule determined by taking into account the programme participant’s spare time arrangement, health status, recovery goals and the healing techniques available on campus
C4. Horticultural activity Horticulture-related healing activities suitable for college campuses, including plant growing, landscaping, arts and crafts making, and other long-term and short-term activities
C5. Treatment effectiveness evaluation Evaluating the effectiveness of horticultural treatment through the recording of personal physical and psychological health information and the recording of the treatment process
B3. Natural healing environment C6. Horticultural space Establishment of sites on university campuses dedicated to the implementation of horticultural therapy programmes
C7. Healing landscape A green space landscape that emphasises human–nature interaction and promotes the therapeutic effects of horticultural therapy
C8. Horticultural facility Facilities that ensure the normal conduct of horticultural activities, such as raised planting beds, trellises, water supply and drainage facilities
B4. Post-maintenance management C9. Landscape maintenance Maintain the healing effect of the landscape by regularly cleaning the grounds, maintaining plants and updating facilities
C10. Horticultural resource management Regular management of horticultural resources ensures that horticultural therapy-related activities continue, such as managing pests and diseases, renovating soil and storing seeds
C11. Operation and maintenance team A team led by a relevant school function (e.g. university logistics department) that ensures the continuity of the horticultural therapy programme
C12. Project cost control Reasonable control of the costs of horticultural therapy programmes to facilitate sustainability

Experts’ demographic information.

Demographic variables Frequency Percentage
Age (years) 30–40 4 40
41–50 5 50
≥51 1 10
Female 6 60
Male 4 40
Research field
Landscape architecture 5 50
Medicine and psychology 3 30
Horticulture 2 20
Years of related experience
11–20 4 40
21–30 4 40
31–40 2 20
Professional title
Associate professor 8 80
Professor 2 20

Expert opinions’ authority degree.

Indicator Round 1 Round 2
Ca Cs Cr Ca Cs Cr
B1. Horticultural therapy team 0.770 0.820 0.795 0.830 0.880 0.855
B2. Horticultural therapy plan 0.770 0.820 0.795 0.880 0.840 0.860
B3. Natural healing environment 0.870 0.880 0.875 0.910 0.900 0.905
B4. Post-maintenance management 0.850 0.800 0.825 0.870 0.860 0.865

Expert opinions’ coordination degree.

Experts (n) Kendall’s W χ2 p-value
Round 1 10 0.228 20.488 <0.05
Round 2 10 0.442 48.583 <0.01

Results of consistency test.

Judgement matrix λmax CI RI CR Criteria for CR
B1.B2.B3.B4. 4.030 0.010 0.890 0.011 <0.1
C1.C2. 2.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 <0.1
C3.C4.C5. 3.018 0.009 0.520 0.017 <0.1
C6.C7.C8. 3.002 0.001 0.520 0.002 <0.1
C9.C10.C11.C12. 4.078 0.026 0.890 0.029 <0.1

The preliminary evaluation system for implementation of university horticultural therapy programmes.

First-level indicator Second-level indicator
B1. Horticultural therapy team C1. Horticultural professional guidance team
C2. Horticultural volunteer team
B2. Horticultural therapy plan C3. Therapeutic schedule
C4. Horticultural activity
C5. Treatment effectiveness evaluation
B3. Natural healing environment C6. Horticultural space
C7. Healing landscape
C8. Horticultural facility
B4. Post-maintenance management C9. Landscape maintenance
C10. Horticultural resource management

Evaluation system indicator weights.

Criteria layer Weight coefficient Rank Indicator layer Weight coefficient Rank Combination weights Rank
B1. Horticultural therapy team 0.190 3 C1. Horticultural professional guidance team 0.667 1 0.127 3
C2. Horticultural volunteer team 0.333 2 0.063 7
B2. Horticultural therapy plan 0.341 1 C3. Therapeutic schedule 0.387 2 0.132 2
C4. Horticultural activity 0.443 1 0.151 1
C5. Treatment effectiveness evaluation 0.170 3 0.058 9
B3. Natural healing environment 0.289 2 C6. Horticultural space 0.211 3 0.061 8
C7. Healing landscape 0.386 2 0.112 5
C8. Horticultural facility 0.403 1 0.116 4
B4. Post-maintenance management 0.180 4 C9. Landscape maintenance 0.155 4 0.028 12
C10. Horticultural resource management 0.242 2 0.043 10
C11. Operation and maintenance team 0.404 1 0.073 6
C12. Project cost control 0.199 3 0.036 11
Calendario de la edición:
2 veces al año
Temas de la revista:
Life Sciences, Plant Science, Zoology, Ecology, other